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Everything posted by PAT

  1. I have yet to see a post where anyone has talked crap on Shug. At least I know I never have. In fact I have spoken very highly of the kid. I agree with most of what you and Strat are stating. What I disagree with is making the statement that the better team won. Pn was the better team that night. If they play PAM 10 times, PAM would win 7-8 times. The better team lost that night. Happens often.
  2. I can guarantee if PN happens to lose that Roschonsbigbro will be doing the turkeyleg
  3. Nederland will be the team to bring you folks down to reality. I don’t think Central will.
  4. “Almost” only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades lil buddy
  5. And by the way, I wasn’t speaking about the game. I was making the statement that there is way more talent at PAM than there is at PN. Period
  6. Hey moderator, if I respond like I want to am I gonna get the same treatment as these douche bags? Or will I get reprimanded for talkin crap only cause I’m from PA?
  7. Better yet and even worse to hide behind a keyboard. Been doing that since y’all were the Port Neches Pilgrims. And that would be “you’re AN idiot not you’re a idiot” since y’all brag about the PN great education
  8. Just like a PN fan! Resort to name calling when you realize the truth
  9. So are you really about to try and argue that PN has more TALENT than PAM?
  10. I’m use to watching PAM’s talent. I would only say 3 players have talent at Pn. None are on the defensive side
  11. I swear some people need a stamp on their forehead that says do not reproduce
  12. That was Port Neches Pilgrims not the Indians
  13. My bad. The refs that came out of retirement last week were from 2009. Makes sense to me now. Booster club paid Big $$ for em to come back
  14. Just in district play. Lol
  15. If my memory serves me well NEVER
  16. Good lord! Now you sound like Greg Richard saying Port Arthur got flooded from Mid County’s water
  17. Look around and ask their own fans as last week they dogged their own defense more than anyone
  18. Here goes the biggest fair weather fans in the business talking smack.
  19. That’s the only way the can stop anyone! Did it all night against PAM and refs never called it
  20. Sometimes I can still hear THE BUZZ OF THE SWARM
  21. Thomas Jefferson still 12 wins ahead of PN and has not existed for 15 years. Interesting!
  22. Joey Price is Right? Isn’t that the field goal extraordinaire that missed wide Right in MCM that year as time expired and tears were rolling down the cheeks of the almighty fair weather fans?
  23. I truly think shes in fear of her son losing his starting position on the so called defense by an offensive player.
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