Giving Thanks
Thursday is Thanksgiving. Amidst all the hooplah and anticipation of the upcoming games, don't forget to pause and give thanks for all our blessings. Friends, family, home, job, that kid who can't wait to get out on the field this weekend.
With all the things going on in our lives, we are truely blessed to be Americans and live in a country that, although it has its faults, is indeed the best country on the face of the Earth.
And while you are reflecting on the things for which you are thankful, don't forget our troops in harm's way that won't be home to celebrate Thanksgiving with their families, and the families who will be observing Thanksgiving with pride and sorrow, knowing their loved one paid the ulitmate making and keeping this and other countries free.
I thank God for his Son, for my family, my health, my freedom, and my friends who are as close as family.
Happy Thanksgiving to all who read this thread. And may God bless you and your family.