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Everything posted by KFDM COOP

  1. I had the chance to cover a game at Kirby Stadium one time years ago, i liked it.
  2. I've had several PM's sent to me asking when the Coaches Only Forum would be put back up. Should be back up by the end of the week, Since we've changed boards we're still getting things back in order. Thanks
  3. Word is it's on the books within the next couple of years.
  4. Wonder which City they'll pick Wednesday for the first go a round? I would guess San Antonio.
  5. As i've said before i would love to see Lumberton have a great year.
  6. Bigdog..Why the Extras?
  7. The Cheerleaders won!!
  8. Oh, Oh I get it now.
  9. But he has a point. If the media didn't talk about HS games and promote them, then what? I'm done with this dicussion.
  10. I still think Kicker said it best earlier.
  11. Got your dip and chips ready??
  12. You and me both. If they lose the tag titles tonight maybe they'll spilt up.
  13. YOU AIN"T KIDDING! I hate that Spirit Squad crap.
  14. We'll see how well this turns out.
  15. Coach Matthews always has them ready, there's no doubt about that.
  16. ANYTHING to help the Stros. Even if they want you Champ i'm all for it!
  17. Well you have Coach Thompson now so how do you think ya'll will do with him? He's a great Coach.
  18. The spirit squad defends their belts tonight against the Highlanders.
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