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Everything posted by KFDM COOP

  1. WOW what a shock! : :
  2. Feb 10 is the hiring. The AG could say Release it anyday now. They have 45 days from last Friday to tell them to release it but Petitions were signed yesterday and sent to the AG today, so anyday now.
  3. coop,are you kidding me.theres like 50 topics on the png coach.help a brotha out? Now like i said earlier, not sure if this Coach has applied or not. As of last week, no. [Hidden Content]
  4. 20 ish, then another 20'ish that other people have talked to
  5. See earlier posts on one of the several PNG threads.
  6. I have talked to ALOT of people that live in the Port Neches area and they are very angry the list hasn't been released yet, i feel if they want to see it they should.
  7. Na, i know who their trying to get. 8)
  8. Not just to me, to ALOT of people! ALOT! Hundreds signed a Petition that was sent to the AG today.
  9. Na, but they will have to release the list by the way.
  10. The media will let it known how they feel Thursday Night.
  11. Could happen, there will be alot of teams playing each other this Spring here locally.
  12. Not yet, a little early. I'll post them once they send them to me.
  13. Teams will start playing local games in March..Listed below are a few of the SQT's for this Spring..MORE WILL BE ADDED THOUGH! From Matthew of texasprepinsider.com Some Houston SQT Dates May 16 Manvel SQT May 23 Texans SQT (hosted by Chavez) (not sure if they'll still have the 2nd day on May 24 yet) May 30 Texas City SQT June 6 Katy Cinco Ranch SQT June 13 College Station A&M Consolidated SQT June 20 Sugar Land Dulles SQT (guess they will host!) Will post more as I find em
  14. I'm telling you they want a Coach real bad! Now do i know if this Coach will/or accept i have no clue.
  15. He may have changed his mind. We'll know soon enough.
  16. Bob West said last night on his show why they weren't releasing it. They are wanting a Coach that has not yet applied or doesn't want to apply. The list will be released soon enough.
  17. Not sure, i'm sure it may be put up on their site to view afterwards.
  18. I don't work for Fox but boy will i be watching!
  19. They are waiting to hear back from the AG, which they have 45 days from last Friday to give the answer. Now as stated yesterday Petitions were signed from alot of people yesterday and were sent in today to the AG so i would expect the answer anyday.
  20. 10 days is up. First time letters were sent for the list was the 9th.
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