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  1. Good luck to all the kids.  I know ya'll will enjoy.  I would also like to tell my son Matt Lowe  good luck with college and you have made me so very proud.  You have showed a lot of heart,leadership and turned out to be a very good football player and a great young man
  2. Who picked the kids?  I am confused.  There was some kids that deserved it more than others.Before everyone starts thinking and typing crazy stuff.....I am just asking.  All the kids are good or they would not have been nominated
  3. I agree that 1 person does not make the team. But i know keith very well he is my nephew. And he does make up a major part of that team just like scotty (bul) did. And i believe him not playing for 4 weeks is going to hurt ya'll. I am not being rude just stating the facts. Have a good season
  4. warren may suprise some of you folks. Our line is gettin better everyday and our defence is awesome, our two quarter backs don't freak out under pressure. We may not go to the play offs but they will bust there butts trying. And one more thing would you H D people find something new to talk about. Ya'll need to worry about your own games. With out Keith ya' ll ain't got a chance. So go talk all your crap some other place Cindy Gilmore #12 GO WARRIORS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. For the record I am matt lowe's mom he was one of the ones cramping up...all the kid ever drinks is water! He has not drank a soda in about 2 years. Reece and the rest of the line did a great job blocking for the QB to make that 95 yard touch down. If it was not for the line Sam Or Matt could not move the ball. GO WARRIORS!!!!!!
  6. Warren looks better than they did last year. I know this because i am at every practice. To all you H-D people #12 the qb is keith gilmore's cousin. Matt is not affraid of getting hit or DOING some hitting. Back to the game we are talking about.....I see warren beatin west hardin. I think it will be a good game. We have two very good qb's and our D is awsome. the boys are ready!!!!!!!!!!!!! GO WARRIORS
  7. Matt was not the best player, he was good, but not the best. Your right mr. burnett he was not the best...but if i recall he had a dang good season and brought it to everyone that got infront of him. He is a good athlete and a darn good kid. I think what some of the people are saying in the posts is that out of the returning players he was the best choice for what the lions were shooting for this year. And he was there best all around player ...I was at practice every day watching those kids..matthew was always up against the biggest person on the other team. He practiced hard everyday and pulled it off. He played his positions and was a leader on that field. GO WARRIORS!!!!!!!!! I agree completely with you and I hope it wasnt soundling like I was trying to downgrade him, Matt is a great player and will be the best on the Warren team most likely..... Cant wait to watch the Lions come to Warren and handle the warriors:) I cant wait to watch this match up should be a good one. I aint going to start talking smack...never have. But i do have faith in my son and the Warriors. Good luck to all the teams in this district. GO WARRIORS!!!!!!! love matt lowe's mom
  8. Matt was not the best player, he was good, but not the best. Your right mr. burnett he was not the best...but if i recall he had a dang good season and brought it to everyone that got infront of him. He is a good athlete and a darn good kid. I think what some of the people are saying in the posts is that out of the returning players he was the best choice for what the lions were shooting for this year. And he was there best all around player ...I was at practice every day watching those kids..matthew was always up against the biggest person on the other team. He practiced hard everyday and pulled it off. He played his positions and was a leader on that field. GO WARRIORS!!!!!!!!!
  9. Well, there is more changes for Kountze. Matt lowe #32 is moving to warren. So I hope that all teams have a good season. Good luck to the lions and thank ya'll for everything
  10. If I learned anything this past season it is: Never make predictions !!! BUT, I am still going to say my lions will do good this year. They are loosing a lot of players...but to me all that means is new kids get to show people what they can do.GOOD LUCK TO ALL THE TEAMS!!!!! GO LIONS!!!!! Love ya'll #32 mom
  11. Good luck seniors!!! My lions made us proud we love ya'll. Matt lowe (#32) you played hard and we are very proud of you. Cant wait til next season. WE LOVE YOU BOYS!!!! Love Brian and Cindy Gilmore
  12. Thank you all. From The Gilmore Family
  13. GOOD LUCK ANTHONY!!!! hope it all goes good. we love you!!!Love,Brian and Cindy(and of course Matt Lowe)
  14. To the parents of the Warriors: Ya'll have some great kids. We watched the Hardin and Warren game, they play hard and never give up. Good luck!! Lions mom #32
  15. No neither one of them are in the playoffs. This season sure ain't gone the way I thought it would. But, I am proud of my lions and I hope next year is better for ya'll. Keep your heads up!!!!! GOOD LUCK SENIORS!!!!!!!!! Love Cindy (#32's mom)
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