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Everything posted by CougarFan

  1. Glad to hear you never had a problem with eligibility, however some students do. I have three awesome children but they where all different students. I have two whom never had a problems with eligibility but our oldest always did just enough to get by...hate to say it but he was motivated by sports being taken away...along with his cell phone and car! Playing sports, cheering, and showing animals is a privilege. That's right I said showing animals! LOL My daughter shows lambs through AG! These students put a lot of money and time into feeding and raising these their animals. However, if they are failing when it is time to show they do not get to! How would you like to have 5 grand in a steer and not be able to show and sale because of grades?!? It happens! Believe me it is an incentive for these young adults! We are parents that have always put education first but there are many different types of people and they are motivated in different ways. Sports is an extra in school. My daughter plays volleyball and cheers but schoolwork comes first! This is your opinion and I respect it however this mother disagrees that is "an irresponsible and expedient regulation to accommodate modern parenting, or the lack thereof, and education standards." p.s. I can tell you that I am motivated by incentives. It is part of life. Please this is just one parents opinion...I do completely respect yours.
  2. Completely agree!!! We'll have to see what happens on the injuried list as we play week to week. Hopefully everyone will keep safe and we will play this district out with everyone up and running from all teams til the bitter end! ~GO COUGARS~
  3. I completely agree...we are from Buna and have only 2 courts...that are in sad conditon. My daughter plays doubles here and her and her partner are as dedicated as can be in between volleyball and cheering. We did private lessons at Lamar this summer but you know it makes a BIG difference when you have those kind of facilities and country clubs "just around the corner". I must say our girls doubles held their on against 2 awesome doubles teams from EC. Even the parents of the EC teams complimented on our girls and couldn't believe how young our varsity teams were. Last year, our girls where just a freshman and sophmore playing 2 hard senior teams from EC. I look forward to district this year for our Buna girls double teams. By the way the EC varsity teams took 1st & 2nd place and our 2 Buna varsity teams took 3rd & 4th in district! I cannot say enough about how nice and sportsmanlike EC was at district. (parents and players)
  4. Best of Luck and Prayers to the High Island from all of Buna...saw your football players on the news helping out their community....now that's what I call teamwork! God Bless you all.
  5. Well then I will go that far and say it....Buna definitely has a chance at beating EC this year! ~GO COUGARS!~
  6. Good Luck to the Raiders! Stay focused on this Friday! We'll deal with next week next week! ~Go Buna~
  7. GOOD LUCK TO THE TIGERS! If you know me you know I am a big fan! B. M. C. this friday night guys! Shout out to #'s 55 & 63! Silsbee 21 Newton 14 ~Go Buna~
  8. [move]Buna 49~HD 07[/move]
  9. Congratulations Raiders on a great win! Keep up the hard work! You have a lot of talent this years! I've been cheering for you for years and will continue! Wish I could watch you play but have my on daughter to watch on Friday nights now! Raider Varsity Cheerleader Class of 83 ~Go Buna~
  10. Well Rooster...this GIRL hit the nail on the head! Buna 42 Tarkington 7 What's next...a game of Scrabble! Can you spell GO COUGARS! p.s. By the way...win'em is incorrect. Your first sentence is very tacky...however we all know wut u mean so lighten up! lol
  11. fact... Posts: 446 Re: **Buna 62 Burkeville 6 FINAL/COMMENTS** « Reply #16 on: Today at 08:51:53 AM » Quote -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Quote from: SteelerCzy Ain't no one in 24-AA shakin in their boots after Buna beats a 1-A school 62-6, every team in this District will beat you if you don't show up ready to play. « Last Edit: Today at 08:58:05 AM by SteelerCzy »
  12. SILSBEE 28 PNG 21
  13. Apparently there are those that do not understand just good ol' school spirt and pride!!! GO SCRUBS!!!! RESPECT AND HONOR OWWU OWWU OWWU
  14. If Buna gets way ahead you can always just watch their mascot...she's amazing and Buna's #1 fan! She really gets the crowd going! Couldn't have a better Cougar Mascot than this one! You go girl! Buna 42 Tarkington 7
  15. Buna did a great job....last week and this week! Stay focused boys...I believe this is your year! Remember we do this one game at a time. Great job Coach Morgan & staff!!! p.s. must have been the watermelon
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