Glad to hear you never had a problem with eligibility, however some students do. I have three awesome children but they where all different students. I have two whom never had a problems with eligibility but our oldest always did just enough to get by...hate to say it but he was motivated by sports being taken away...along with his cell phone and car! Playing sports, cheering, and showing animals is a privilege. That's right I said showing animals! LOL My daughter shows lambs through AG! These students put a lot of money and time into feeding and raising these their animals. However, if they are failing when it is time to show they do not get to! How would you like to have 5 grand in a steer and not be able to show and sale because of grades?!? It happens! Believe me it is an incentive for these young adults! We are parents that have always put education first but there are many different types of people and they are motivated in different ways. Sports is an extra in school. My daughter plays volleyball and cheers but schoolwork comes first! This is your opinion and I respect it however this mother disagrees that is "an irresponsible and expedient regulation to accommodate modern parenting, or the lack thereof, and education standards." p.s. I can tell you that I am motivated by incentives. It is part of life. Please this is just one parents opinion...I do completely respect yours.