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Rez last won the day on March 7 2023

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  1. Got mine in the mail this morning. I subscribed a couple weeks ago, maybe three. Pretty fast turnaround, if you ask me.
  2. It’s a tough district with only four spots for what could be six playoff-level teams.
  3. I subscribed. Still haven’t gotten mine. I only subscribed a couple weeks ago. I suspect that affects where I fall in the orders. Someone that subscribed six months ago might be ahead of me.
  4. Montgomery Lake creek and Lovejoy are a couple unranked ones I think will make a big splash as the season and playoffs go on.
  5. I liked how Coach Rich framed it in his short interview with one of the news outlets - Getting fundamental football basics down. Not trying to razzle dazzle anyone. Starting where he needs to and moving from there. Nederland is in good hands.
  6. Is there a livestream of this one?
  7. Apologies if this has been noted elsewhere: Is Nederland having a spring game. If so, when?
  8. That will make a big difference by itself.
  9. So help me, we can pull him out of retirement and really give people something to gripe about.
  10. I don’t normally follow baseball, so forgive me if I’m missing this and it’s been posted somewhere else. Anyone have the start time and location for PNG vs BH on Friday, April 26, 2024? I think it’s in BH but I don’t know anything else.
  11. Wait, is the PNG quarterback hurt too? I haven’t gotten any news on that.
  12. Exactly. Of course changing realignment to make matchups more fair helps, but fairness always helps, and that shouldn’t be a knock against PNG. But, they created the fixed divisions in what, 2018? How did PnG do in that setup before Joseph showed up? Elite coaching mixed with good players and good luck, and a level playing field, yeah that helps a lot. But for anyone trying to say PNG had it easy, why don’t the other 120-ish teams in 5aD2 do just as well?
  13. FBM made it to the 4th round in 22-23. If that’s “weak,” I don’t know what “strong” is.
  14. I can’t see Nederland beating Huntsville.
  15. Nederland has had more or as many as PNG for several years at a time prior to the current swing. I don’t know about every year. We were practically equal in the 2017 count, but I could be remembering it wrong. It’s only recently PNG has trended up enrollment-wise.
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