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Everything posted by Rez

  1. Texas City has some big kids. Their RB #22 is enormous. Really hard to solo tackle. And they have a safety that must be 6’2”. Qb is fast too. Good game so far.
  2. To save his job, Barrow needs to get to the playoffs. I don’t think he’s here next year without that. He might need to throw in a Mid-County Madness win to seal the deal. My guess is he walked into this season knowing the axe was over his head. It’s a shame - He was an integral part of the longest run of consistently good Nederland performance in their history. But something is missing.
  3. One of the most interesting games this week. I’ll go with Hampshire Fannett.
  4. FB Marshall is still in it. They’re going to win a lot of games. I think as the season goes on our performance against them will look more and more impressive.
  5. I never thought we’d see a day when PNG receivers are dropping so much. The passes are there. Bailey has a good arm. We’ve got to clean that up.
  6. Let’s get it started. I don’t know how to add a poll, or if I am able to as a non-moderator. Someone please add a poll. I’ll take PNG but it’s all going to depend on our defense. Offense needs to improve, and we need to get better with play clock management on that side of the ball. There were times we looked utterly confused. I don’t know anything about Texas City, but the vibe I’m getting is they seem better than last year. They were pretty dang good last year. We beat them by a touchdown, I think. They’ll be ready, and it’s a home game for them. PNG needs to not fall victim to a post-FBM trap game. We just need to keep getting better every week, and certainly can’t get a big head over beating FBM.
  7. That’s ridiculous. I don’t know why stadiums don’t prioritize seating more, especially with a price tag like that. Where is the money going?
  8. Quick, someone make sure Ryan Brauninger issues a correction that PNG’s win had nothing to do with PNG
  9. Good work, Nederland! Undefeated in district . The whole season is still in front of the Bulldogs. Who’s to say they can’t keep improving and dominate? I’m not going to write them off.
  10. It’s actually considerably better, based on that alone
  11. You’re bragging because a 15 year-old said your name, Uncle Rico. That’s like the NASA janitor taking credit for the moon landing.
  12. No problem answering your questions. Your sports career is utterly irrelevant. My experience coaching is also irrelevant. I don’t have any. But, I’m not the one who made my identity the basis of my arguments - You did. As I said previously, your experience, whatever it is, doesn’t fix your ideas. To make it more clear (I’ll stop short of calling you stupid) since you have failed to understand : It doesn’t matter. Your coaching experience doesn’t matter at all for whether your arguments are valid. You keep making arguments so dumb a baboon can spot them from a tree on the moon, and when people contradict you, you just say, “I was a coach! I was on a staff working for people smarter than me so that means ya’ll have to listen. Also, look at my medal! Do ya’ll see the medal I get to wear because a better coach hired me?” The words, “I was a coach” aren’t magic words. You’re still just wrong. Condolences re: your dad.
  13. Don’t play that - You directly mentioned PNG when you tried to take credit for victory away from them. And, it’s time to put up or shut up about your illustrious coaching experience - You keep hinting at it without specificity. What school? What coach? What years? Why, with your vast knowledge, did the school allow you to leave without bags of gold and a coaching contract? The fact you remain intentionally vague after weeks of crowing tells us either (1) you’re lying, (2) you’re embarrassed by the level of your true coaching experience, or (3) you’re an alien who kidnapped a real human and is trying to learn how football people talk. I think it’s the second one. Regardless, it doesn’t for one second matter who, where, or what you coached, no matter how many times you appeal to your own authority. I don’t care if you’re the flesh-in-blood Bill Belichik with Nick Saban looking over your shoulder. It does nothing to cure how incredibly weak your arguments are.
  14. Maybe he’s a FBM coach. That would give him inside knowledge on how bad at least one of the FBM coaches is.
  15. Any word on PNG’s new starting qb? How does he look in practice?
  16. Someone please correct me if I’m wrong, but I think Silsbee won at WOS in 2009.
  17. There’s funnel cake/corn dog stand at the intersection of 62 and 96 that is surprisingly good. Might shorten your life with a heart attack, but it’s pretty tasty.
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