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Posts posted by Rez

  1. 35 minutes ago, Indians93 said:

    PNG would need to pull out all the stops and go full Danny Malone on them to even have a prayer.  The defense just isn't there to stop this team.  My suggestion?  Go for it on every fourth down.  Onside kick every single time.  install a triple option play and 15 other trick plays and pray for a miracle.  What do you have to lose?  Go Indians. 

    Agreed. Nothing to lose. You can't play a normal game against a team where your normal game isn't going to cut it. So go full Harlem Globetrotters. Onside kicks, fake punts, 4th down attempts, you name it. 

  2. 2 hours ago, Bigdog9 said:

    It really is unstoppable when you have an athlete under center. Nobody besides Nederland could stop vidor when Montana quirante was there

    Only his senior year - Vidor had him for three years, I think, and both PNG and Nederland handled him fine. His senior year also coincided with PNG having one of its worst teams in the past 20 years. Vidor's offense is only truly effective against a team that never faces that kind of offense (like Vidor beating PAM in 2016). 

  3. 1 hour ago, dme1111 said:

    I have a hard time imagining that PNG could win 1 in a 1000 times against this team.  This will be a bloodbath.  The only thing that will keep FBM from scoring 70+ points is the restraint of their coaches.  

    In PNGs defense, I think FBM would hang 60-70 on every team in our district.  

    Good luck PNG!!  I hope you guys pull off the miracle!!  

    Right - It's an important note. No one in this district is beating FBM, so our district race was just a contest to see who gets beaten by them sooner. That being said, good luck to all in our district who might face them. 

  4. 1 hour ago, Bigdog9 said:

    Now I will say Nederland has done the same with much less talent. 

    I don't know if I buy into what seems to be the general consensus that Nederland has had less talent than PNG over the last decade or so. Nederland has been good, and, at times, very good (the only 5a team in the area apart from Crosby to see the 4th round of the playoffs in the last 15 years or so, and maybe longer - Though I admit ignorance as to whether Texas City has been that far in that time). PNG really only has had Roschon Johnson as far as true next-level players, with Jeremiah Rose, Brennan Doty, Adam Morse, Jayce Nelson, Keynel Mczeal, and another receiver whose name I forgot being far inferior standouts. The rest of the disparity, if any, between PNG and Nederland players either comes down to coaching (which I think most would argue is at-best even or at-worst favors Nederland) and marginal and hard-to-prove differences in talent (which, based on the records, still favored Nederland). Nederland has had a dominant offensive line for most of the last ten years, a consistently competent offense, one of the best secondaries in the area, and consistently strong runningback play. And, Nederland can usually find a kicker who can hit a field goal from more than 20 yards, which seems to have been a problem for PNG over the last decade. Not to mention Nederland had Sage Seay and a bunch of others that I couldn't name since I don't follow Nederland as closely -- the point being the cupboard hasn't been bare for Nederland, especially if PNG is the comparison. Both teams have enjoyed a very consistent decade, with a mostly low ceiling, but moments of high performance and win-loss records that most coaches and teams would certainly envy. I think just the fact that there are so few blowouts in the rivalry, especially as of late, shows a pretty even talent distribution. 

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