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Everything posted by Rez

  1. With no data, my assumption is participation is down. This is based on anecdotes from Nederland people who at least claim to be aware of kids who might otherwise be playing who are walking the halls instead. And, it seems to follow that if a program isn’t doing well there’s at least a few who walk away. Participation goes up with success. PNG had at least one key player come back between Joseph’s first and second years. That might just be a coincidence (unrelated to the success in Year 1). Also, just given Nederland’s history of having good players, I assume those people still exist even if they aren’t on the team. The only other explanation would be that Nederland just doesn’t have good players right now, which I refuse to believe, and I strongly suspect a new coach will prove me right.
  2. [Hidden Content] a good one just became available
  3. Right. It certainly served to emphasize the difference in where the programs were. It’s one thing to have a down era; it’s another thing entirely to have your rival win state while you’re struggling. Like, if PNG and Nederland had both been 2-8 the last two seasons, they’re both probably eventually looking for new coaches, but it doesn’t become such a focus on one school’s success or failure. Regardless, I have trouble believing Nederland doesn’t right the ship sooner than anyone thinks.
  4. I think PNg’s success was mostly symbolic in its effect on Nederland’s choices. The Nederland coaching staff failed on their own - If you changed nothing about PnG over the last two years and Nederland was posting strong 9 to 10 win seasons, they would still have their coach.
  5. My guess (hope) is Barrow and the Super have been talking about this for a few weeks. Everyone sees the writing on the wall, most of all those two. If so, it could mean steps were quietly being taken in the background to identify solid candidates, beginning before the announcement.
  6. I wish PNG would schedule like this. It’s not a golden bullet, and it only really helps you go deep in the playoffs if your team is already good enough to build from the butt-whoopings. But if we could schedule something like Summer Creek/PAM, North Shore, and Astascosita, we’d really help ourselves out. We’d likely start 0-3, or 1-2, but who cares? It’s about getting ready for the playoffs. And if we could make the travel work, I’d love a matchup with College Station or Aledo.
  7. Coach suggestion, assuming he’d even be available, for Nederland: SOC’s defensive coordinator.
  8. This outlines how incredibly stupid the grievance was. DISD didn’t file grievances about the Dallas-resident referees that reffed 4 of their 5 playoff games on the way to state. But suddenly they get a ref that isn’t from Dallas and it’s the end of the world. And, it makes clear what a lot of us already assumed, which was that South Oak Cliff had all the information needed provided to them in advance. This was just a pitiful attempt to gripe about losing.
  9. PNG hasn’t lost to Jasper or Silsbee in years. DeSoto, Carthage, and Aledo are a different story. But I’m confident we would have beaten Carthage last year.
  10. Three appearances and one victory in 48 years, after taking massive steps forward in training, condition, and coaching, and only following years of getting donkey stomped by better teams , and we finally become one of those better teams and now it’s “waltzing”?
  11. Westerberg would be good, regardless, except we’ve already seen his ceiling at a school like Nederland. He improved BH, but that meant bringing them from first round exits to third round. Prieto would be much better, I think.
  12. If we’re talking Westerberg, he only beat PNG twice (he was 2-2 all time against us). We beat BH in 2021 (Westerberg wasn’t there). BH won by 5 in 2019. The only decisive win was in 2020 (54-28).
  13. I guarantee you wouldn’t see any more missed tackles
  14. No - It‘s only a guess though, as to his mindset. But I agree with those who would prefer a defensive minded coach, regardless.
  15. Faircloth could do great things at Nederland. My guess is he wants to put Mid County in his rear view mirror for good though
  16. That seems late. Not for nothing, but there’s a certain former 2x state champion coach from West Orange who Nederland might consider.
  17. Wait, so we lost an effective coach because of over-celebration? That sounds like something that should be more of a, “Hey, don’t do that anymore,” situation. Unless there’s more to it than is public.
  18. So, this wasn’t “retirement.” It was “resignation.” I wonder if he’ll put his name in the hat for coaching jobs elsewhere?
  19. Now, the question becomes, what process will NISD follow to select the new coach? Will they follow PNG’s and try to get a handpicked young guy with pedigree? Will they simply open it up statewide see who shows up? Or will they go in-house again?
  20. Congratulations to him on a long and effective career, all at the same school. He was a part of the most consistent era of success against PNG, as well as several good playoff runs. Good luck to Coach Barrow in whatever he does after.
  21. I’m not sure what you mean by “perception is reality.” Are you trying to be profound, or simply be rude in some way? It doesn’t land as hard as you seem to think it does.
  22. The question still hinges on what the coaches knew. Because if the coaches had access to the full information and still agreed to the contest, under the rules you shared above, the coaches have agreed to and therefore waived the restrictions. I have a hard time thinking the coaches didn’t get the refs’ bios.
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