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Posts posted by Rez

  1. 44 minutes ago, tvc184 said:

    BH hasn’t been playing bad. They played some decent to very goods teams. Toss in that PNG has very little defense. Add on BH was probably fired up at home after being humbled against Crosby. 

    Teams on occasion has a night where almost everything goes right  and at times other teams just have bad games. Sometimes they happen in the same night against each other. 

    ... or to simplify it, sometimes that’s the way the ball bounces. PNG might not be that bad, BH might not be that good but tonight... 

    exactly - still a lot to prove. BH proved a lot about themselves tonight. There were moments PNG looked solid as well. However, given the size advantage BH has on the lines, it’s hard to think they wouldn’t win again. Some of it was momentum too - opening the game with two big turnovers put PNG in a mental, as well as a points hole. And of course PNG having a nonexistent defensive line means we are going to be at a disadvantage against every even sort of good team we play. It’s been the story all season - PnG is playing with one hand tied behind its back. That we’ve had success at all is a testament to Bost + Co on offense. The defense is abysmal. No one should ever be able to run that consistently against us, but BHs runners chewed up yards 9 or 10 at a time. No open field tackling, no fundamentals, no wrapping up. After six games it’s fairly certain these problems won’t be fixed this season. So we’ll hopefully be the third seed, lose in the first round and march out another good offense next year, with a water polo team for a defense. It’s frustrating because the defensive players are playing tough and hard, but they are completely out of position. 

  2. 1 hour ago, BHFAN said:

    Yeah BH played tough teams early. Falling apart against Crosby had me thinking, but boy did they come back tonight! BH dominated both lines tonight and our JR QB just blew up! He defiantly had his best game tonight. I don’t think anyone expected this what a great team effort by the Eagles.

    Tough loss for the Indians tonight, but good luck and finish strong! Unfortunately though Crosby is going to be a handful 

    Yeah it’s tough to swallow. The combination of steady population growth plus improved coaching has BH on a strong upward trajectory. It was like watching a bigger version of PNG. The BH qb really impressed tonight with some tough runs - but that offensive line especially gets the game ball. 

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