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Posts posted by Rez

  1. State trooper finds a rare blue eagle lying on the side of Interstate 10 near the 800 exit, shot full of arrows and missing its scalp. The only comment from the officer, while unceremoniously throwing the carcass in the trash, was,“That’s the dumbest-looking animal I’ve ever seen in my life, and not just because it’s so ugly. Last week I watched it try to fight a cougar, and it must have made at least six or seven costly mistakes — even the cougar seemed confused by how terribly the eagle fumbled away its chances. Thank goodness someone finally put it out of its misery.”

  2. I agree WOS benefits from a cupcake district (minus Silsbee), but 55 still says something. The problem is the district is so small they only get four district games a season, right? Or five? So it will take them 7 or 8 more years to get to 90 and by then we might even know who the next president is. 

  3. 34 minutes ago, BHFAN said:

    I would love to say your wrong and smack talk this one till game time, but I think your spot on. This years BH team just cannot seem to get in sync with each other and not sure why. I have thought for years that this may be BH’s best team because of what the SR and JR class has accomplished athletically in their past. Plus we returned a ton from last years team that played so well. If BH wants to get back on track this is the game to make it happen. Hoping BH finds their stride and starts playing like the can.

    We might both be wrong. But it's been known to happen for a team that looks like it should be good to not meet expectations. It's not like PNG hasn't been frustrating to watch at times, though I think they've mostly played well despite a swiss-cheese run defense. In 1999 PNG went to state. In 2000 PNG returned a substantial portion of the starters from that team (minus the QB) and was ranked in the top ten (they may have been ranked #1 for all I know) and went 5-5. BH IS missing key pieces from last year - A lineman the size of Texas who is now at USC and the highly competent and accurate QB from last year. That doesn't mean they won't put it together. I just hope they don't put it together until next week :) 

  4. 16 hours ago, pakronos said:

    i haven't been as active this year...however i will say this about tomorrows game... PAM defense is obviously one of if not the best in the area. PERIOD. BU defense isn't as good. PAM offense IMO is too predictable, have no killer instinct, POOR KICKING GAME, with POOR COACHING . BU offense is no better. i can't call a score, but it will be close. if BU wins, it won't surprise me. PAM wins big, that will surprise me.


    I agree PAM offense is predictable - it is the biggest thing (other than PAM turnovers and mistakes) that allowed PNG to stay in the game. 

  5. 2 hours ago, Phisical Atmosphere said:

    The big question is will groves brush each others hair on the sideline or will the barbers take care of it for them

    PNG expects the hosts to provide hair brushes (it's the only gentlemanly thing to do), but they can brush their own hair. 

  6. 1 hour ago, Rez Ipsa said:

    I feel confident for PNG. BH strikes me as kind of soft, and not particularly fast. PNG’s one major Achilles heal has been handling a fast running QB, and BH doesn’t seem to have that. And their passing game has not been especially dangerous, at least as compared to PNG. Even setting aside the Crosby game, BH doesn’t strike me as being definitely better than PNG. One area BH looked really strong in against PAM was its defensive line, and that was clear against Crosby as well. I’d definitely say that BH has a better defense than PNG, but not so much better that PNG won’t be able to move the ball. Also, BH’s offense seems to be the kind that PNG defense can deal with (no shifty, unpredictable QB with game-breaking speed like PAM, Beaumont United, and Nederland). PNG seems to have more weapons on offense too, and a clearly better, faster QB. The best comparison to BH on PNG’s schedule is Tomball - bigger school, not clearly better than PNG in any one area. PNG had that game in the bag, but for one or two significant mistakes, which have not repeated since. So if PNG avoids mistakes, it can look forward to a win. We also can’t ignore the BH implosion against Crosby - whatever problems led to that don’t just disappear overnight. I could be wrong, but I’m comfortable putting PNG as a one-score winner. 

    I should clarify what I mean by “BH seems kind of soft.” I don’t mean BH is a weak team, or that they don’t play with toughness. Their performance against PAM was plenty tough. I DO mean they don’t appear as big, athletic, fast, or in sync with one another as last year. They very well might be much better than I’m predicting, but after Crosby, they have to show it against PNG. 

  7. I feel confident for PNG. BH strikes me as kind of soft, and not particularly fast. PNG’s one major Achilles heal has been handling a fast running QB, and BH doesn’t seem to have that. And their passing game has not been especially dangerous, at least as compared to PNG. Even setting aside the Crosby game, BH doesn’t strike me as being definitely better than PNG. One area BH looked really strong in against PAM was its defensive line, and that was clear against Crosby as well. I’d definitely say that BH has a better defense than PNG, but not so much better that PNG won’t be able to move the ball. Also, BH’s offense seems to be the kind that PNG defense can deal with (no shifty, unpredictable QB with game-breaking speed like PAM, Beaumont United, and Nederland). PNG seems to have more weapons on offense too, and a clearly better, faster QB. The best comparison to BH on PNG’s schedule is Tomball - bigger school, not clearly better than PNG in any one area. PNG had that game in the bag, but for one or two significant mistakes, which have not repeated since. So if PNG avoids mistakes, it can look forward to a win. We also can’t ignore the BH implosion against Crosby - whatever problems led to that don’t just disappear overnight. I could be wrong, but I’m comfortable putting PNG as a one-score winner. 

  8. 55 minutes ago, BHFAN said:

    At this point I couldn’t tell ya😩 I would like to think BH has dropped their turd this year, wiped and ready to move forward😂. This is a very important game for both teams, if PNG wins they are pretty much garunteed a 1 or 2 seed going into the playoffs. If BH wins their hope is still alive to try for the 2 seed ,but have to get by Nederland . Good news for BH is that we have PNG and NED at home his year, so the home crowd will be behind you. Should be a good game, but If PNG comes to town with what Crosby threw at us on defense then were in trouble.

    If I’m able to go to this game, I’ll actually be on the home side too 😂. I’ll be sitting with my relatives who have kids at Barbers Hill. 

  9. 46 minutes ago, CCRed said:

    Give the QB a break, he was running for his life all night. 

    I give him a huge break. His team overall did not help him play anything close to a normal game. He had maybe 2 seconds before the pocket collapsed on most plays. Not to mention the receivers getting absolutely outplayed by the Crosby DBs. 

  10. 4 minutes ago, BHFAN said:

    Yep no reason for what BH returned this year to be playing like that.  The QB and receivers have not been in sync all season. The o-line is getting eaten alive too. A lot to fix on this team. Maybe PNG will spot us 21 next week then the lights go out.

    Biggest thing for me is the O-line. QB has no time in the pocket, and can't really scramble since he isn't that fast, so he makes dangerous throws and loses the ball. That O-line was abysmal tonight. 

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