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Posts posted by Rez

  1. 4 hours ago, D.C.BULLDOGS said:

    Hold on did Al Pacino just show up in this thread? Yep found it... I knew I heard this quote before without team names in it 😂
    You find out life's this game of inches, so is football. Because in either game - life or football - the margin for error is so small. I mean, one half a step too late or too early and you don't quite make it. One half second too slow, too fast and you don't quite catch it. The inches we need are everywhere around us. They're in every break of the game, every minute, every second. On this team we fight for that inch. On this team we tear ourselves and everyone else around us to pieces for that inch. We claw with our fingernails for that inch. Because we know when add up all those inches, that's gonna make the difference between winning and losing! Between living and dying!



    That's a good quote. I think I've miscommunicated my point: I didn't say PNG got any moral victory out of its loss. My point is that when we try to evaluate the strength of a team, the WAY a team loses can be indicative of future wins. For example: Nederland has often started out the season 0-3, only to go on to go undefeated in district. Their losses were still losses, but they don't tell the whole story. Nederland was playing good competition and at a point in its timeline where the X's and O's weren't working right, but used that to put things together down the stretch. See also: Silsbee the last two years. So while football wins are determined based on inches, per Mr. Pacino, I'd argue that PREDICTING future wins is based on a whole lot more. 

  2. Any word as to what Texan live is doing to make sure the website can handle the increased traffic they are going to get this week? I bet they set a record this week. No one has ever tried to stream PNG v NED before. There could be a LOT. Or, is anyone aware of anyone else who will be streaming, say, on YouTube? 

  3. 2 hours ago, Bigdog said:

    It’s not Nederland’s fault that other games were cancelled.  We will see what United will be. PNG is  not exactly setting the world on fire. Transitive games don’t work well when comparing unless both teams have played the same opponent.  If PNG come in cocky they might get a nasty surprise Friday night.

    I think we agree, then. I’m not trying to insinuate that Nederland has AVOIDED having a tough preseason. I’m also not saying PNG is clearly better (I may be guilty of ragging the most on PNG’s defense, of all the PNG fans). My point is only that there is no evidence, based on the sample of games that both teams have played, to assume Nederland has the upper hand, or vice verse. 

  4. 36 minutes ago, Bigdog said:

    Keep thinking that... 😂

    Do you argue that Nederland has been tested this season? By having exactly one game against a team that it turns out isn’t even that good? And one game against a team that barely qualifies as a team? Even if we assume Nederland is a good team, it’s hard to argue they’ve had to prove it yet. 

  5. PNG has been in every single game. The more I think about it, Nederland is the untested one -- the Bulldogs have played a struggling Lufkin team (Nederland is their sole win) and a horrible Jacksonville team. PNG is the one coming into this game having proved it can play in tough situations -- One fumble away from beating PAM, one pass break up away from beating Tomball. Beaumont United is also showing itself not be a scrub. If Nederland comes in cocky they are in for a wake up call, because PNG is battle tested, and Nederland is barely tested at all. 

  6. 4 hours ago, Blockdownandkickout! said:

    So is it better to schedule two tough games like BH did and be 0-2 heading into district (but ideally they learned and grew from these close games) or is it better to schedule two easy games and be 2-0 headed into district (but realistically haven’t been challenged, but you have momentum) ? ??? I can see both sides. 

    My attitude is that scheduling tough pre-district games helps a lot if your team is fundamentally strong. In such case, you get a taste of really good competition, you get sort of a playoff atmosphere, and the team gets a sense of what it takes to play against better teams, and you end up being more prepared for district. I don't think this strategy helps much if you're just not a good team. In other words, I don't think a tough preseason makes a bad team good, but it can make a good team better. So for BH, Crosby, and PNG (and Nederland to a lesser extent, since they were able to have only one really tough preseason opponent in Lufkin), the preseason seems to have been the right kind of preseason. 12-5a II is a true toss-up. 

    For an example of using a preseason right, Silsbee has done a good job the last several seasons -- They schedule teams that are much better than them, and everyone writes them off when they start the season at 1-5, but then it turns out they picked up a lot of good experience and end up making a deep playoff run.

  7. 15 hours ago, Stangfan#1 said:

    This is going to be a real good game but I'm going to have to go with Nederland they have a pretty Good squad this year it's going to be a low scoring game 

    Nederland 17

    PNG 14

    I think the game MIGHT start out slow, but it's hard to see this game not getting above thirty for both teams. 

  8. 4 hours ago, Yeoj said:

    So 42 isn't enough? Smh...

    I'd only mention that Jacksonville made it really, really easy. Vidor might have a better throwing QB than Jacksonville, and that's saying something given how little gametime practice throwing he gets. But this thread isn't about Jacksonville, so I'll concede you're correct that Nederland beat the snot out of them. I think it means Nederland is a good team. Maybe not a great team, maybe not even that good of a team. PNG has had years and years of absolutely decimating weak teams (2014 comes to mind) with record-setting performances only to get a wake-up call against Nederland. I will say PNG has faced three weeks in a row of playing only bigger and faster competition (all either 5a2 or 6a) in close games with a lot of adversity (a lot of it self-inflicted). Nederland has had one tough game against a good team, and a tune up game against an awful team. In that way, PNG is "older" in the season, which may provide an advantage. The key will come down to the defenses. It isn't clear to me that we should say that Nederland definitely has a better defense than PNG -- Against their only good competition they gave up a whole bucket of points about as quickly as a team can give them up. So they may be in the same boat as PNG, defense-wise. It's looking like it will be another one-score game. Also, if ya'll see an adult-looking kid step in at QB or RB with a strong resemblance to Roschon Johnson, pay no attention. That's our new freshman, Joshcon Rohnson. Just moved in. 

  9. Both teams have shown signs of solid development. I'm more familiar with PNG's strengths and weaknesses. Nederland looks tall and fast. It's hard to gauge how good they really are from that Jacksonville performance - Jacksonville looked pretty terrible overall. PNG has only played teams from bigger schools, which I think should give them some really good experience heading into the game. PNG's problems dealing with a running QB are going to be tough to deal with. Nederland showed a lot of strength nearly coming back to win against Lufkin, and of course PNG has had to play from behind in every game. Nederland QB appears talented, competent, and not prone to mistakes. Nederland RB is fast and strong. PNG has probably the best QB in the area, and a stable of receivers with (mostly) good hands and smart route running. PNG also has two solid RBs. PNG has struggled on defense, but so did Nederland against Lufkin. PNG has played more games, and all three of the teams they played were tougher than Jacksonville. So PNG might have an experience edge, but with PNG's defensive problems that might not make much of a difference. For the first time in several years I genuinely think it's a 50-50 split. 

  10. Whelp. I was wrong on this one. I thought PNG would win by at least three scores, and clean up the defensive problems. Third game in a row that PNG plays in an extremely close one. There are some rays of light. PNG wasn't playing scrubs these last few weeks, so the experience and toughness that come from that could prove valuable down the stretch. They've essentially been in a playoff-like scenario three weeks in a row. The 4th quarter offense is still stellar, though something more creative than a bomb to the endzone is what I was expecting on that 4th and 17. Those two kickoff turnovers made all the difference -- Otherwise this was PNG's game to lose. Hopefully they'll clean up the mental errors on kickoff and be ready for Nederland. I'm not confident that we will get much better against the run on defense. We've had three games now and the opposing teams' offenses have been able to more or less run the same plays successfully. I'm no expert, so I don't know what I would do to fix the problem, but we are just getting absolutely gashed on QB runs. Bost wasn't as precise as he normally is tonight. Nobody is perfect. A couple key dropped passes that would have been for six. So going into the bye there are still huge question marks and a lot to be worried about, but there are also some things to be optimistic about. Namely, PNG hasn't been blown out by anyone. A team that is able to stay in three close games, coming from behind in all of them, is a team that might be able to put it together later on. 

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