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Posts posted by Rez

  1. 3 hours ago, jake94 said:

    Whose QB and WRs aren’t good?

    I don’t think BH has a good qb or good receivers. It’s also possible the play calling was conservative since they didn’t need to do much with what lee was giving them. If you’re question is meant to get at PNG’s qb (I’m just guessing, since the question has no context), the weaknesses and struggles on that end have been discussed at length, including by me, and will continue to be discussed, probably by me as well. PNG having some struggles doesn’t mean BH has a good qb or good receivers. BH has a good team, but not necessarily in every component. I’ll be happy to be proven wrong. It’s not like I’m an expert. Someone who knows more can certainly prove me wrong. 

  2. After seeing Bh last week, I think they are a balanced, complete team with a good defense and a huge runningback. Caveats: (1) I don’t know that they’ve been challenged much since week 1, which allows you to hide weaknesses and, even if the weaknesses aren’t there, can affect you mentally. Vidor can shock Bh out of their normal system just by making the game difficult, like they did against PNG. Nederland is good at that kind of disruption. We’ve all seen it before. (2) I don’t think the QB or the receivers are very good. I’m not an expert, by any stretch, but there were passes he should have made that he didn’t, and the receivers, if I remember right, only caught the easy passes and didn’t catch even all of them. Wind may have been a factor, like it was for everyone. I think BH takes it, unless they are not as strong as they have looked. All of my criticism aside, Bh dominated Lee at every level. Also, Bh has the best home side in the area, with nice fold out seats (I know the game is in Vidor, just saying the Bh stadium was a good place to visit), and the BH band sounds amazing. Good luck to both sides. Is this Vidor homecoming? 

  3. Never thought I’d see the day where png has a solid defense and a struggling offense. People might point at the qb play, and there are weaknesses there, but I’d say a big difference from previous years is we don’t have a dominant sure-handed receiver like Jayce Nelson, Keynel Mczeal, Preston Riggs, Amir Jalali, Kaleb Sparks, Preston Hughes, etc. We don’t seem to have at least one guy who can climb the ladder and come up with the difficult catches. That reduces our options. 

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