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Posts posted by Rez

  1. 1 hour ago, GCMNation5 said:

    Skip right to Crosby huh. Galena park challenged Lee in the 1st Half. Gashed the Lee defense on the ground and air. Lee couldn't tackle and GP didn't have great athletes with the ball. The GP Qb went down and no more scoring.  Now GP couldn't stop Lee in the 2nd half either but I expect the District to have much better and deeper defenses then GP had. 

    Splendora defense was way over matched. Westbury was well Westbury.  

    I am rooting for a bunch of boys on that Lee team so hopefully they pull it off and make playoffs.

    I think it is good prep for Crosby for Lee as well. I’m not skipping to anything — Do I think PNG will win? Yes. But I think Lee is going to be a force this season, so may the best team win. 

  2. 5 hours ago, AggiesAreWe said:

    Correct. Can't play one without all of them.

    How does that work? Is that a rule, or are you referring just to the mismatch it causes by two teams missing out on the round robin? 


    Edit: Never mind, I just saw WO-S Grad's answer.

  3. Baytown Lee looks solid and scary. The one thing I will say is they don't seem to have been challenged yet. PNG will be a good test. PNG needs to play solid defense. If we get in a shootout, who knows what will happen. This will be good prep for Crosby either way. The best part is we have fancy new invisible ipads. No more getting caught. Everyone in the crowd gets one, even the little kids. 

  4. 2 hours ago, Hagar said:

    If the Pirates team is decimated by this flood, it won’t be much of a game.  Crosby subs may see a lot of action.   Durn shame after all the work the kids put into it.  

    Maybe it will be a motivator. Any idea what percentage of the team has been displaced? Did Coach Matthews flood again? 

  5. 4 hours ago, Cougar14.2 said:

    I guess you would have to say PNG doesn't have any "O" either this year? Crosby has played two games against two 5A opponents and scored 35 total points. PNG has played two games against two 5A opponents and scored exactly a field goal more. You can't possibly be talking about putting up points against Silsbee who gave up 52 to Newton the very next week and over 42ppg on average for the season so far?

    PNG's O has a lot of work to do.  I think they will make the right changes. What we're missing is it seems like we are missing a dominant receiver presence. The last few years we've had players like Keynel McZeal, Preston Riggs -- guys who demand attention and can always get open. Someone still needs to step up. How is Crosby's O-line? 

  6. 11 hours ago, Cougar14.2 said:

    Question I would ask here is, “Who has the best win, and who has the worst loss?”

    Lee has looked good so far but Dayton beat Lee’s toughest opponent to date worse than they did. PNG best Silsbee in a good game, Newton destroyed them the next week. They beat Tomball by 3 tds but Tomball Memorial already beat them by 5 tds I’m the opener. BH lost by 4 scores to Magnolia who was beat 49-0 the vey next week by Shadow Creek, but they probably have the best win in the district against KP. KP has already lost to Angleton by 30+ though. Crosby could beat WOS by a couple tds Friday and probably be the favorite next week. There’s still a lot of fluidity. 

    Couple of predictions that I’ll make about Crosby; I expect them to have the best statistical defense in their 7 district games and I also expect them to rush for over 2,000 combined yards in those contest. Still need to figure something out in the passing game though.


    Good observations. For both Crosby and Nederland, I think a lot of us will be surprised. We know Crosby can score against good teams. I think it is premature for people to write them off. I have them as on the playoff bubble as of today, but I will not at all be surprised if they prove us all wrong over the next few weeks. The only thing that makes them look weak (both Crosby and Nederland) is that they usually play better against the slate of competition they've faced in the preseason. But they definitely have the pieces to put together very good teams. Also, BH and Baytown Lee seem weak on defense. Add to this the fact that both Crosby and Nederland have had to play in grittier, uglier, more difficult games against more difficult competition (I don't know anything about Kingwood Park), and have, overall, faced more diversity. That makes you strong. Add that strength to the talent we know is on the field and we're looking at dangerous teams. I still think PNG is a playoff team, but any four out of Baytown Lee, BH, Crosby, Nederland, and PNG is a safe bet. 

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