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Posts posted by Rez

  1. I'm commenting too much, but I'll try to be quiet later : ). I'm not going to make a prediction as far as who wins, because I'm always wrong anyway, but I have some predictions about how the game will play out. I think Nederland's defensive line is going to live in PNG's backfield. Roschon is going to be running for his life. Nederland's receivers are going to have a lot of success tonight -- I think they have been underrated this season. That being said, PNG will be creative and explosive on offense and will put up big numbers. I also think PNG's defense will have a statement night, win or lose, as they continue to show their late-season development. 

  2. 4 minutes ago, navydawg31 said:

    This is the first year in recent memory that Nederland has mutilple games where they blew people out. We just ground and pound the football, and finish games. We have been very very succeful at finishing games something I give the coaches a lot of credit on for and the kids staying focus and do there job. Just take the WOS, BH game we grind out and come out on top

    I had not noticed that -- This is a fairly unique year for Nederland offensively.  Nederland was also dominant on offense in 2012, I think. 

  3. 9 minutes ago, navydawg31 said:

    That’s not with just PNG games tho Nederland doesn’t blow people out very often. Nederland is clock grinding, pound the ball, and play hard nose defense which is dying breed in HS football. Nederland lives in close games. 

    To add to my previous comment -- If you take Nederland out of the picture, PNG has a pretty good record in one-score games. We've won three this season already. Just since 2013 (including the 2013 season), PNG is 11-3 in one-score games that don't include Nederland. Against Nederland in the same time period, we are 0-4 in one-score games. 

  4. 4 minutes ago, navydawg31 said:

    That’s not with just PNG games tho Nederland doesn’t blow people out very often. Nederland is clock grinding, pound the ball, and play hard nose defense which is dying breed in HS football. Nederland lives in close games. 

    I wish PNG would. We've won close games against other schools, even this season against Crosby and Vidor (ignoring the forfeit and looking just at the game). And we've had some close wins in the playoffs. But against Nederland, we simply do not win close games. It's crazy. 

  5. 15 minutes ago, BUDMAN said:

    You put way too much thought in my slapstick comment.... But very well said! Thanks

    I like those kinds of thoughts -- It may be nerdy on my part, and I'm sure my posts are too long, but I like to write, so I usually put too much thought into what I'm writing. Thanks for the feedback and good luck to BH tonight! My brother's kids go there (they started at PNG so they still cheer for both schools). 

  6. 43 minutes ago, navydawg31 said:

    Stepp has a close relationship with BF that’s probably why he will choose them. 

    It's not like it's totally unreasonable to pick PNG. Though I think Stepp is wrong -- If PNG wins, it won't be in a close game.

    In fact, there is a statistic in this rivalry I've never noticed before, and that is Nederland's absolute dominance against PNG in one-score games in the past two decades. Since 1990, PNG and Nederland have played in 14 games that were decided by one score. PNG has only beaten Nederland in one game that was decided by one score in the past 28 years (1996). Most importantly, Nederland has won every single one-score game against PNG in this century. Since 2000, Nederland is 14-4 against PNG, but in one-score games in that same time, Nederland is 11-0 against PNG. 

    I think PNG will have to win decisively to win at all, unless we do something we haven't done in 22 years. Go Indians. 


  7. 9 hours ago, Alpha Wolf said:

    Where is he going?  Beaumont United...

    I think he could do great things at Beaumont United. In any case, I don't think he will be fired. One bad season won't bury him. Though he might be thrilled to leave of his own accord, given all the behind-the-scenes issues Crosby has. 

  8. 23 minutes ago, NHSBulldogFan said:

    Hasn’t PNG played its best defensively the last two weeks than it has all year?

    This is true. Our defense has given up 21 points in the last two weeks. But Nederland is the real test. BH was missing their starting QB.  Whether or not the defense has made permanent progress remains to be seen.

    That being said, PNG is definitely the underdog in this game. I don't understand the Nederland fans trying to present themselves as the underdog. Nederland is undefeated with a dynamic offense and a smothering defense, ranked #9 in the state. There is no universe where Nederland gets to call itself the underdog. Nederland has recent history on its side, the confidence that comes from having won most of last 20 years, and a more complete team to put on the field. PNG has the best player, but Roschon by himself doesn't make Nederland somehow not the favorite. 


  9. 31 minutes ago, NDNation said:

    They don't pay enough to be a small town HS Football coach. 

    I'd take a head coach salary at a big school -- Seems a nice lifestyle with low cost of living and a fulfilling career. But you're right that these coaches have to put up with everyone crawling down their throats and criticizing them. 

  10. 23 minutes ago, NDNation said:

    Nederland has "hatgate" going on now..lol 

    A coach forgot to take his hat off during the National Anthem Friday, now they're  calling for his head. 


    That's ridiculous. Our society needs to calm down. We define everyone by their individual faults and ignore everything else. That's why our country is eating itself right now. 

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