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Posts posted by Rez

  1. 18 minutes ago, chorizo said:

    Better athletes,,come on now,y’all have one better athlete!!You do have best athlete on field but not athletes!!!!

    That's how it is every year -- PNG will seem more flashy because of an explosive offense, while Nederland players (individually) fly under the radar. Then the game is played and we see that Nederland's players are just as good, if not better. I don't know if there are any soccer fans in the house, but if I had to compare Nederland and PNG to World Cup teams, Nederland is Germany -- They aren't necessarily flashy, but play consistent system-based football and will be extremely disciplined. PNG is Brazil. Flashy, competitive, and dangerous, but vulnerable on defense. All of that aside, Nederland looks like they have crazy good players. I'm not sure why anyone would say that we have the better players overall. We certainly have the best player, but PNG is going to have play its best game. 

  2. Having a bunch of starters come back after an iconic QB graduates doesn't always work out. In 2000 at Dustin Long left, I'm pretty sure PNG started the season ranked #1 -- Someone can correct me because I'm not 100% confident, but the team returned a lot of guys from the 1999 team, minus Dustin Long. Then we went 5-5. Not to say we'll do that next year. I think the future is very bright at PNG. We will definitely miss Roschon, but who wouldn't? He is a ridiculous athlete who has defined the last three years of football at PNG, and we'll be comparing players to him for the next 20 years and onward. 

  3. 4 minutes ago, PhatMack19 said:

    I’ll be sitting on the row to nowhere.  What kind of Native American designs a stadium with an exit row that doesn’t go anywhere??

    I don't remember that row -- I've sat on the visitors' side several times throughout my school years, but I don't remember that. Is there only one exit on the visitors' side? That doesn't sound safe. 

  4. 4 minutes ago, NHSBulldogFan said:

    Im being non sports here but you better read the Constitution again it makes no mention of the separation of church and state what it says is Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.

    Feel free to PM me -- I welcome the discussion and the disagreement. I don't want to get any further off the BH-PNG game than I already have. Or, better yet, we can start a new thread that I will join, because this is a sports-related subject and it is relevant to SETX sports. 

  5. 1 hour ago, BUDMAN said:

    But a facility member can teach evolution, and explain how we all was once from the planet of the apes! I must confess, I've looked at some of my families of pictures and.... well i think it is possible I'm related to the missing link or Bigfoot.

    The reason a student can lead a prayer but faculty cannot, while faculty can teach evolution, is that prayer led by faculty (or, for example, by a representative from local religion) violates the Establishment Clause of the Constitution, and a member of faculty teaching evolution does not. Evolution is not a religion, so teaching or promoting it does not result in the Government, through public schools, "establishing," or promoting one religion over another. I think it is a good thing. One of the essential protections afforded us by the Constitution is the separation of Church and State. Public schools are a part of the "State," so they are bound by limitations imposed on the State by the Constitution. It can seem like a small thing, because the vast majority of people in SETX are some variation on Christian, so the vast majority of people will not be offended if there is a prayer before a game, whether that prayer is offered by a student or by a member of faculty, or even by a representative from one of the local churches.

    But, here is a thought experiment: What if the majority of people in SETX suddenly joined a non-Christian religion, such that the majority of the school board, the local city councils, and the majority of the local churches espoused that religion? Would you want the kids who remain Christian and their families, to be forced to spend taxpayer dollars so that the local schools could promote that religion? Would you want your taxpayer dollars to go to paying faculty to pray to this non-Christian god at school functions? I think most people on this board would feel that this was something of an injustice, that it would be a violation of the 1st Amendment and the Free Exercise Clause of the Constitution.

    You would be right, and the Constitution would be on your side. The Constitution protects your children from exactly this kind of violation. So as a Christian (I attend church every week, pay a tithe, and have served as a volunteer missionary abroad), I am grateful for the Constitution's guarantees that all of our freedoms of religion (including Christian, non-Christians, and atheists) will be protected from the government preferring one religion or religious group over another. Just like freedom of speech, the 2nd amendment, or anything else in the Bill of Rights, freedom of religion is absolutely essential, and freedom of religion is incomplete without the separation of Church and State. 

  6. 40 minutes ago, ROSCHONSBIGBRO said:

    Yes as a DE but all of his best plays came on O. Lejeune was a great lead blocker as a rb because he loved to hit. My brother JJ (Rose) was just the most dynamic athlete on his squad.  Hughes played both ways. Shug in emergencies. But other than that, my knowledge is limited to 2016.

    Can ya'll imagine if Jeremiah was catching passes from Roschon? The offense would be terrifying. 

  7. 9 minutes ago, outanup said:

    You can tell the Injuns are nervous when they start spewing stats on a Ned vs Vidor thread..... Speaking of the trophy... And using invincible to describe us... 

    What does it say about Nederland fans who respond defensively to objective statistics about their team? You'd think I had burned down the last remaining blade of grass on the Nederland field, the way Nederland fans have had their feelings hurt over what is essentially a straightforward analysis. Further, Nederland fans are the ones who keep bringing up PNG -- I was just commenting on the Vidor-Nederland game. 

    Further, why is "spewing stats" such a problem? Doesn't it make the conversation more interesting when someone supports a position with something other than veiled threats, capital letters, and exclamation marks (which are all too common on this site)? 

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