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Posts posted by Rez

  1. 2 hours ago, Coach_Izzy said:

    Guess you missed that question mark at the end of the sentence huh?

    Also I didn’t  speak on any of my credentials until you started trying to discredit them. I actually was only giving my opinion on why I felt talent matters more than coaching. Of course you continue to make up nonsense cause you have nothing factual to base your knowledge or me nor your stance on why coaching matters around. But it’s a free country continue to speak on things you’re clueless about lol 

    And to answer your question how many bad coaches you know won 3 state titles at the 6A D1 level? 

    So, just to be clear : You ARE saying you’re a good coach. You pretended you weren’t, but now you admit that you are. Which brings us full circle : You don’t want to make actual arguments. You just want to say, “I was a coach! Therefore, I’m right! Did I mention that I was a coach? Did ya’ll HEAR me that I was a coach?” It doesn’t change the fact that you’re wrong. 

    Also, I hate to break it to you: You didn’t win 3 state titles. You road the coattails of a guy who did, and, by your own admission, the talent at North Shore had more to do with winning than the coaches. So, congratulations, I guess. 


  2. 2 minutes ago, Coach_Izzy said:

    Answer mine…



    You didn’t ask a question, and I placed none of my credentials into the discussion, so they’re irrelevant. You are the one trying to establish yourself as an authority because you were the “slap balls together” guy at North Shore. So, are you a good coach or not? It seems like this should be an easy question to answer, since you bring it up so much. 

  3. 31 minutes ago, Coach_Izzy said:

    You made up me saying how great of a coach I was…which is something I’ve never said once on this site. I posted the videos for a very specific reason that I already clarified. Yet you continue to ignore that, just like you continue to ignore the fact that I never said coaching that don’t matter. 

    Only on SETX Sports Forum does state championship rings not validate coaches.

    And let me guess takes a from a guy who never played or coach this game is more credible than someone that’s actually done & experienced everything that you pretend to be knowledgable about huh? L O L

    So, for the rest of the class : Are you a great coach? Or are you not a great coach? 

  4. 38 minutes ago, Coach_Izzy said:

    I actually posted that to prove that I was indeed a varsity coach contrary to what some on here believe…never came on here & said how good of a coach I was. No need to do that I have 3 state championship rings to validate me. So yeah you did indeed make that up, just like you made up me saying coaching doesn’t matter lol

    So, you did post those videos? What did I make up then?

    And, no, you get no validation from those rings. Coaching doesn’t matter at all. Especially not from freshman coaches. It was all about talent. 

    Further, you’ve been bragging about your coaching experience from day 1, and you’ve made yourself a laughingstock. Newsflash: If you have to tell us you’re important, you aren’t. And, it’s obvious you need a few more years as a coach to learn something about football because every single take you have had on this site isn’t just wrong, but laughably so. It’s been great to witness. So, I think I do agree with you - Talent is the most important thing for a team, because if YOU were a coach, talent is the only explanation for North Shore’s success. They had to overcome you AND the other team. I guess we’re in agreement then. 

  5. 32 minutes ago, Coach_Izzy said:

    How can you create talent as a coach? I’m really interested to know…

    & please show me where I said any of this? Either you can’t read or you just making up things as you go

    In defense of your coaching credentials months ago, you posted a video of an underclassmen kid mentioning you as one of his coaches, and a video of you helping warmups as a north shore assistant coach. Why would I make that up? You should be proud of your career as the “ball slap together guy.” You’re the reason North Shore was so good. Except for the fact that coaching doesn’t matter, so I guess you had nothing to do with it. 

  6. 21 minutes ago, Coach_Izzy said:

    Re-read this & tell me what’s the common denominator. Lol

    I’m saying the best coaches bring in and generate more talent, and get more talent out of their players. I’m not saying they just happen to have more talent. They create talent. 

    And, seriously, what is your implication here? You brag about being a super good coach because a freshman cited your name on a radio broadcast and because you were the official “ball slapper together guy” in North Shore’s warmups. Are you simultaneously bragging about being a coach while saying coaching isn’t even all that important?

  7. 21 minutes ago, Coach_Izzy said:

    I watched the game & it came down to Jimmy’s & Joes…only adjustment SOC made was to start getting the ball to their “talented” WR’s on the outside which PNG had no answer for. SOC is where it is today cause Jason Todd took the job & immediately recruited “talent” there. It ain’t rocket science, look at DV before Samples showed up they were terrible. Once he got there he brought in “talent” now they’ve been to 5/6 state title games. I guess you think DV just start having some magical coaching when Samples showed up huh? 

    That’s not the only adjustment. It’s a little shocking that you’re a coach and you only noticed one adjustment. Seriously. They also moved a guy over in the interior to take away the run, thus forcing us to throw. And, PNG could have responded to their passing game sooner by putting Shea Adams in the secondary to take away their height advantage (we eventually did, but it was too late by then). And, png could have modified its offensive play calling to drag out drives longer, move the chains and keep themselves out of trouble. By no means did SOC’s talent (which was far superior to PNGs) put that game out of reach. PNG was outcoached and outplayed in the second half. 

    I’m not disagreeing that talent matters. I’m disagreeing with drawing a hard line. Coaches develop talent, bring in talent, use talent, and train talent. It’s no mystery that the best coaches seem to also have a lot of talent. A good coach gets more talent out of average players, and helps players discover abilities they didn’t even know they have. I’d rather face a super talented team with a terrible coach than a more “normal” team with a top tier coach. Napoleon is credited with saying something along the lines of “I’d fear a thousand sheep lead by a lion more than a thousand lions led by a sheep.” 


  8. 35 minutes ago, Coach_Izzy said:

    I think y’all are changing the narrative…of course coaching matters but we’re talking about the MAIN ingredient it takes to win. Why do yall think college football programs spend the most money on recruiting?


    Let’s look at all the teams who made the state title game in 6A…what do they all have in common? Plenty of Division 1 talent…again 90% of having a successful football program is TALENT! Jimmy & Joes> X&O’s

    Barber’s Hill hired the coach from Allen who won multiple state champions & what happened? Did he forget how to coach when he got there? Katy lost in the second round for the first time in forever…did Gary Joseph forget how to coach? I can go on & on, again only people who’ve never coached will tell you coaching matters over talent lol 


    At NS we ran a 4-3 Cover 0 scheme…which allowed us to put 7 in the box and sit our DB’s on an island with no help over the top! Being a secondary coach it helped that I had 5 Division 1 players in the secondary including guys like 5 star Denver Harris & 5 Star Devin Sanchez at corner. 

    Do yall think NS would be able to run defense like that without talent? Now imagine if we had a bunch of slow a** average joes out there at DB.

    No one has changed the narrative. You’re saying the most important element is the players, others are saying the most important element is the coaching. 

  9. 16 hours ago, Coach_Izzy said:

    Well we’ll see if coaching matters over talent this weekend.

    Did you watch the game last year? SOC outcoached PNG in the second half. That game was more than winnable by the players. SOC adjusted earlier than we did, and that made the difference. 

  10. 2 hours ago, 89Falcon said:

    Talent > Coaching. There could be several reasons for WOS struggles but talent is the overwhelming greatest factor for ever

    Why then, did PnG get obliterated in the 3rd round in 2021 (we could barely make a tackle), bring back most of the same key players, and go straight to state the next year? And then, with a new crop of guys, we go straight back? Conventional wisdom said the Mid County schools had no hope to recreate the success of the 70s. Look at us now.

    The main variable that changed was the coaching. PNG went from a team that couldn’t even sort of hang with the best, to a team that could beat the best. Coaching is the most important factor, most of the time.

    I refuse to believe that West Orange suddenly doesn’t have good players. What - was there a chemical leak in the hospital nursery exactly sixteen years ago? Did the gene pool change? What about Hampshire Fannet? They went from bottom-dwelling nobodies to a disciplined, smart, tough, athletic unit - They just happen to have good players now?

  11. 1 hour ago, Mr. Buddy Garrity said:

    Gotta love practicing in December 💪🏾 those extra weeks means alot to a program. Good luck again to Png. 

    An understated benefit of deep runs, and one of the reasons deep runs tend to come in bunches. After this season, PnG will have a full 12 more weeks extra of practices and game experience , over the past two years, than most teams in the state. South Oak Cliff will have 18 extra (over the last 3 seasons) - That’s nearly 2 full regular seasons extra! That experience can really build if underclassmen are taking advantage. 

  12. 1 minute ago, LHpantherpride said:

    I heard that LH offered up a few college stadiums: one wasn’t available and the other was denied by PNG so it seems that it wasn’t about LH not agreeing to a bigger stadium but rather location of stadiums. Also, several people have made it sound as if LH chose because they were the home team but according to UIL rules location is chosen prior to coin toss.

    Were the college stadiums in Houston? Or was it something closer to Austin? 

  13. 1 hour ago, NHSBulldogFan said:

    What was false about it did PN-G fans not buy tickets on the Liberty Hill side because the PN-G side was sold out

    They said PNG fans did it for the purpose of preventing LH fans from being able to attend the game. It’s two very different connotations. One is simply fans wanting to see a game. The other is fans maliciously trying to block others from attending the game (ie, buying tickets they have no intention of using just to keep them out). 

  14. 7 minutes ago, NHSBulldogFan said:

    The only problem is you're missing a few steps between one and two...I may have to go into witness protection for my comments😄 but PN-G fans had an entire day to purchase tickets I remember the days we had to camp out in bitter cold to get tickets..if the fans didn't get tickets that's a THEM problem the players and coaches would play the game in a mudhole in Munday as long as the field was 100 yards had two endzones and two goalposts...I've never seen part of a fan base bitterly complain about a coach based solely on rumor and innuendo. I think CardinalBacker is on to something the new slogan for PN-G should be Honor, Pride, Tradition, and Petty😺

    It’s not petty to defend yourself when news outlets across the state are spreading falsehoods about you. You can’t see that? 

  15. This lie is still spreading. It’s an astonishing sequence: (1) PNG fans want to see the game; (2) LH selects a small stadium; (3) Both sides have the same opportunity to buy tickets; (4) PNG fans buy available tickets because they want to watch the game; (5) LH fans don’t buy enough tickets; (6) PNG fans are still desperately trying to locate tickets because there aren’t nearly enough; (7) LH fans claim PnG fans are trying to limit THEM from going to the game.

    The ability to simultaneously be the cause of their own problems AND to be so especially aggrieved by PNg’s reasonable actions taken in response is incredible. If PNG had its way, every single fan from both sides would attend. Someone might say, “Well, you should have won the coin toss.” Why is it that when we win the coin toss, we make sure MORE fans from the other side can come, but when we lose it the other team tries to leave our fans out?  And, given that truth, how are we the bad guys?


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