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Posts posted by Rez

  1. 9 hours ago, BMTSoulja1 said:

    True, He did bulk up from his junior year (at Ozen) to his senior year (at Silsbee) put in about 15 lbs of muscle, but he was far from a bruiser.  When they played PN-G 2 years ago, Tyler's  if plays were made making players miss and running past them.  Now he did stiffarm some small players... Here's his senior highlights, including vs. PN-G

    This is the hidden content, please

    Great video. I didn't realize how elusive he was. 

  2. 7 minutes ago, BMTSoulja1 said:

    Lol.  Calvin Tyler didn't run over anyone.  He runs by you with a move and outruns you...lol

    Haha -- ok, you have better seats than me. I have to watch highlights and listen to radio broadcasts. My memory from video is that he runs like a bruiser. 

  3. I am a PNG fan, but I grew up with a bunch of Silsbee kids so I have been following and cheering for Sislbee for years. I say that to underscore that while I am biased in favor of PNG, Silsbee has a place in my heart and always will. That being said, my prediction is that PNG wins this one by at least three scores. 

    PNG has Silsbee's number. Call it a matchup problem, call it "atmosphere," call it what you want -- Even when PNG is not that good, Sislbee tends to be a win for us. Silsbee will be good this year, but so will PNG. We don't have the same team we had when we last played Sislbee, but Silsbee doesn't have Calvin Tyler or Kalon Barnes anymore either. PNG will score early and get stops early. Silsbee will get its ground game going in the second half and put up some points, but just like in 2016 (where Calvin Tyler had something like four or five touchdowns against us), it won't be enough. 

    Sidenote: The idea that pops into my head when I read "physical speed" is that Calvin Tyler had physical speed, while Kalon Barnes has "speed". One will run over you, the other will leave you in the dust. Both are fast, but I imagine it hurts a lot more to tackle Calvin Tyler. 


  4. On 4/5/2018 at 11:51 AM, jayhawk said:

    The well isn't completely dry now - we have some athletes that will compete with anybody in this district with the addition of the new OC I like our chances. The QB for PNG is the only 5 star athlete in town - everybody else is on a  pretty much level playing field.

    Dayton scares me no matter what year it is. I guess last year is the only year we could say there were weak. They'll be dangerous next year. 

  5. On 3/23/2018 at 3:48 PM, Austin1985 said:

    He's at Summer Creek now.  Time to move on.....

    PAISD's hire is their business.  I played for a white guy btw but if he *bleeps* up, we will give him the business.

    Also, why is it important to project on me some upset emotion about the hire

    And finally, why do you, who probably hate the mere existence of Melaneted people in america, care?

    Yeah Thompson is white and he failed the 2nd time around.....

    Anyway, nah sayers, why do y'all care

    And yes, Bubble Schools(plural).....

    This comment (in bold) should not be allowed to pass without some comment. I'm not a moderator, but how many times has blood gotten boiling about race on this site? (Remember a few months ago when two guys were banned permanently for spouting racial and racist rhetoric?) -- It has no place on a sports thread -- We aren't going to solve the country's problems (and yes, I agree that there are serious problems) on this site, so let's focus on what brings us together.

    We all love football, and I am going to assume that all of us are basically good, decent people who want the best for these kids and coaches. The accusation made here, that anyone who is white probably hates anyone who isn't white, is simply wrong, and represents the very bigotry we are trying to move forward from in this country. It's frankly shocking to read such an ignorant, bigoted, and irresponsible statement.  You destroy your credibility, particularly the credibility you want to have in critiquing a white coach, when you reveal so brazenly your disdain for white people.

    Further, it is silly to suggest that people of one race should not be concerned or have opinions about thing that concern people of another race; what you are proposing is a bizarre form of "intellectual segregation" that would make Martin Luther King Jr roll over in his grave. Maybe, just maybe, people have opinions about the coaching hire because they genuinely care for, know, are friends with, etc., kids in Port Arthur? And it isn't that novel of an idea to understand that many of the people so interested are white.

    We can all be better than this. 

  6. West Orange is getting lucky on these turnovers the refs keep calling back in their favor. I'm not saying they unambiguously should have gone in Salado's favor, but if I was from Salado I would feel robbed. In any case, WOS better get better in the next seven days. Worst offense we've seen out of them in years (this week, not the rest of the season). 

    Both of these defenses are a pleasure to watch. Old school. 

    If I was the Salado coach I would have already been ejected. 

  7. 12 minutes ago, AggiesAreWe said:

    Because pak walked out on his team, he can no longer be a Titan fan on this site.

    Anything he posts about PA Memorial football from now on will be deleted.

    Not to beat a dead horse, but he cheered AGAINST PAM when PNG played them in 2016. I don't understand it. Constant loyalty change. It's like reading Donald Trump's Twitter feed. 

  8. 6 hours ago, Uncle Pig said:

    My sources tell me you have absolutely zero football background, and that most of your interest lies in the band. I honestly have no clue how someone with credentials such as yourself could even post on a football board. You probably couldn't even draw up how to "tighten up the D line or get in man coverage." I bet not one coach has ever come to your place of employment and suggested how you could better yourself as an employee. 

    "my sources" = "I have no sources" 

  9. 23 hours ago, Uncle Pig said:

    Seems like you have the answers to ALL the problems chief. Have you ever considered getting into coaching?? You can go right over there to Lamar, get you a 4 year degree, then you can become a coach...keep the D line in tight, play man coverage, etc. Hell Coach Faircloth may even hire you. I mean it's quite obvious that Coach Faircloth has no clue what he's doing...2nd year in a row he has led PNG to the 3rd round of the playoffs; good Lord knows he could certainly use a football genius of your caliber as his right hand man. Have you thought that maybe the PNG band director could use a little help as well? A 4 year degree from Lamar will also allow you to lead the woodwind section. You seem to know it all my man..As a matter of fact I believe there's a forum on here for piccollo and oboe tooting. FYI

    The whole point of this forum is for people to share opinions. Whining about the fact that people are sharing opinions on a forum dedicated to sharing opinions is like showing up to a football game and griping that people are playing football. These opinions aren't intended to influence the coaches. No one thinks they are. Lighten up. 

  10. I think PNG's defense has improved slightly. If the offense is clicking, we can stay in this game. Last year, College Station was able to take advantage of some serious miscues on PNG's part. Even so, I can't see us winning this game without scoring at least 50 points. College Station looks big, and their defense has been consistent and solid all season. We've got our hands full.

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