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Everything posted by Rez

  1. This is like watching Baylor's spring game.
  2. You do realize I was speaking in reference to PNG fans who would harass a man at his home where his wife and children are? I'm not sure what is controversial about telling them to go to hell. It's the least of what they should be told, and there is nothing in the least that lacks "class" in telling it. As far as my "class" in defeat, you surely observed that I congratulated Nederland on their well-earned victory. What more do you want? I'll say it again: Congratulations to Nederland on a well-deserved victory.
  3. Certain lesser fans from lesser teams who have been whining all season could learn a lesson from you on how to lose gracefully.
  4. Good work and congratulations to Nederland! Tough to lose like that, but credit to Nederland for having a great game plan. PNG's defense has GOT to get better. This is a good game to have right before the playoffs. They only get tougher from here and PNG needed to face a team that actually presents a balanced attack. Also, if anyone puts "For Sale" signs in Faircloth's yard or does anything like unto it, they can go to hell.
  5. Haha ok - I was speaking more to the idea that Memorial is a generally strong team with a solid defense and a good offense. They have the tools and are good enough to make a deep run, at least on paper (setting aside for the moment the struggles with organization on offense, tendency toward penalties, inconsistent passing, and generally sub-par coaching, i.e., I'm not a fan of Coach Harrison). But I didn't even check who they would have to beat to get past the fourth round. I think PAM can make it to the fourth round -- Would they have to play Temple in the 3rd? Maybe they can't even get past the third. But they definitely can't beat Manvel. All of that being said, when a team has the pieces to be explosive, anything can happen. I'm thinking about 2011 when Ozen, who barely squeaked into the playoffs, made it to the fourth round, surprising all of us. So even though Manvel more than likely beats PAM every time, who knows?
  6. I also think PAM has a real chance of getting past the 4th round. Good luck to them.
  7. pakronos, you are a gem. Never change. Seriously, you keep things fun on this board by shifting loyalties and opinions constantly. Today you're a Nederland fan. Last year, you were a PNG fan against PORT ARTHUR, of all teams. It's fascinating. When the merry-go-round circles back around and you are cheering for PNG again, we will welcome you back with open arms. I'm looking forward to watching your online convulsions as you experience the opportunity to be served yet ANOTHER big fat helping of crow from the best team in the district.
  8. Too bad both teams can't win. I have so much respect for Nederland (despite a general hatred that lasts for seven days once a year). They'll be ready to make a game of it. I hope isn't a blow out (on either end). In the greatest rivalry in Texas (Who are we kidding, the greatest high school rivalry in the WORLD), I want to see a duel, not a massacre. That being said, there seems to be a general assumption that Nederland's defense is better than PNG's. They do have the 13 points given up against Memorial on their resume, but other than that the defensive performances have been similar. At this point we have played the same district opponents, and both teams have given up 112 and 113 points, respectively (don't remember which one is which). If anything, the defenses are equal. Nederland also has yet to defend a true passing offense in this district (though one could argue that Nederland's offensive attack is the second most consistent, so PNG also has its hands full). I have trouble accepting the idea that PNG's defense is objectively bad. We have played well in every game, stepping up respectably against Memorial, the second best team in the district. There are certainly better defenses out there, but when I look at scores across the state, a lot of really good teams give up comparable points. This defense has weaknesses, but they are consistent, they tend to tackle well, and they fly around. We are more than up to the task against Nederland. Now we just have to see how the ball bounces. Wishing both teams the absolute best of luck. And I hope Nederland appreciates the honor of being defeated by PNG Jk, but seriously.
  9. The people calling for his firing made me so mad. How disrespectful and stupid can people be? I heard they were putting moving signs in his yard. Idiots.
  10. I know this drum has been banged on before, but after the Deshaun Watson injury, I'm starting to join those who worry about Roschon's workload.
  11. Someone can correct me on this, but there has never been a season in PNG history, until now, where PNG has scored above 40 in seven straight games. This is an unprecedentedly efficient (relative to PNG) offense that Nederland has to stop. I won't say Nederland can't do it. They certainly held Memorial to a low-scoring contest, and they embrace the underdog role. I don't think Nederland can contain PNG for four quarters, and I don't think Nederland's offense is good enough to take every opportunity PNG's defense gives them. My prediction: PNG 50--Nederland 21. Looking at common opponents (which we all know is risky), I think Nederland has revealed some serious weaknesses in itself this season. The Bulldogs' defense is strong, but the offense doesn't offer enough to keep up in a shootout. Based on the past several years, you have to be ready for a shootout in MCM. Nederland has managed to win in years where I think PNG should have won, but this year, PNG's offense is more consistent and explosive than ... ever.
  12. So, theoretically, Central stays Div II in the next snapshot, but they'll be one of the bigger ones.
  13. It's my understanding that Central has been bigger than PNG for several years. Weren't they close to around 1600 a few years back? Do you think this number will go up in a few years, or is Central going to be permanently shrunk?
  14. If I haven't made a mistake, this is the first game since 1996 that PNG has scored above 60 points.
  15. I hope Central makes the playoffs. Sounds they belong there.
  16. Looking forward to a hard-fought game. Central is always a tough, worthy opponent. I think PNG is going to win this one, but New Caney was also supposed to blow Central out in the first round last year, and Central almost got away with a win. This is easily a trap game for PNG.
  17. Definitely -- I appreciate the frank back and forth. Go Pirates!
  18. This forum confuses me sometimes: I see people get ridiculed on this site when they use poor grammar or spelling. Now you're making fun of me for using proper grammar and spelling. So...thanks for the compliment? I'm sorry my writing style and use of examples from recent history to support my opinions seems to have offended you. Blame my teachers at PNG if it bothers you.
  19. This is too long, so I apologize in advance. Going to make a bold, probably-not-true (but I'm sticking to it), stir-the-pot prediction: PNG (at least) 45-Vidor 14. This isn't at all to take something away from Vidor. I know they are going to make a game of it and this is one of their better teams in a while. I don't think it matters for one second that Vidor has "another Quirante". The Quirante boys are great players, but it's not like PNG hasn't played some great players before. When they had two Quirante's last year, we still won. In the years (either two or three) Vidor had Montana Quirante, Vidor won ONCE, in 2012 when PNG had one of its worst teams ever. It's got to drive the other players from Vidor nuts to hear people talk about how "We've got a Quirante" as if there aren't a bunch of other good players on the field, as if having another kid from the same gene pool as your last good star is somehow a magic spell. I understand that having a good player is huge (I'm certainly grateful to have Roschon Johnson wearing purple and white), but Roschon isn't the only player on the team and he is the first, from what I've seen, to point the finger at his supporting cast as the people who make it all possible. Here's where I'll sound a little disrespectful: Vidor's offense is a garbage system. I know everyone in Vidor talks about it like its the greatest thing ever (and they definitely catch people off guard with it -- Gave PNG all we could handle last year and pulled the upset off at PAM), but it is an intentionally self-limiting playbook, which is infuriating when you consider the great athletes in Vidor. Why not throw the ball? Don't tell me "It works for them" -- If running works so well, imagine what a competent passing game would do for them? I honestly think Coach Matthews acts like his players are stupid or something, as if he, or the players, are incapable of learning a skill that 99% of other teams learn pretty well. It's a disservice to the players to not teach them a huge portion of the game. And just because it works sometimes doesn't mean there isn't a more efficient way of doing things. An upset over PAM last year does not validate a system that usually moves too slowly and inefficiently to match pace with speedy, balanced teams, especially in the playoffs. (Imagine if Vidor had a slightly better passing game against Crosby last year). So on Friday, PNG is going to walk into Vidor and the Vidor players are going to run right into a buzzsaw. They'll get their points, certainly, but they won't be able to keep PNG out of the end zone. If the starting QB has almost no experience passing, how can they simulate a passing offense in practice -- How do you simulate Preston Riggs and Preston Hughes if even your best receivers have (by the choice of the coach) almost no experience catching the ball under game pressure (at least very little experience compared to most starting receivers in Texas)? Look at the interception Vidor threw in the last play against Nederland this season. Maybe if Vidor threw more in games, they would be a little more able to throw when it matters? (Not to take anything away from Nederland for making a play, but I do blame Coach Matthews for not having his team ready to make a big pass when it mattered). My point is, Vidor's stubborn insistence on running a 1950's offense makes a difference in their ability to have success. If you compare Vidor and PNG, they have practically the same size schools, practically the same demographics, just as many athletes, etc., but look at the results over the years. Even when PNG is not that good, we beat Vidor most of the time. Results that consistent are not on the players, they are on the coaches. Given the comparable size and athleticism, you would think Vidor would win more than 4 times in the past 25 years (heck, maybe more than twice in the last decade at least?). I think the PNG defense will be more than up to the task of stopping Vidor. After Elijah Hines and Keitha Jones, we'll be ready for Vidor. Reading over this, I know this sounds cocky. I'll be the first to come on here and eat a big spoonful of crow if Vidor comes out and surprises PNG. Heck, I'll admit I underestimated Vidor if PNG wins by one point. I support ya'll in every game, for the most part (I think Vidor was the better team against Nederland). But for the sake of predictions, I'll go ahead and say it won't even be close.
  20. I wouldn't be so quick to put PNG and PAM above anyone in another district. I think we can safely say that PNG and PAM are good, but we haven't really played anyone yet. PAM had a close game with Nederland, and Nederland seems to be quite good (at least not measurably worse than PNG, PAM, or Vidor, and they did lay down a beating on Dayton). I think we'll know a lot more about Nederland on Saturday, for sure. I would expect PNG and PAM to beat anyone in 21-5a right now, but that is just a gut feeling. Nederland and Vidor would give Crosby all it can handle for four quarters.
  21. Central has a new coach, hurricane aftermath, displacement. I know all of the schools are dealing with hurricane issues (and PAM certainly is), but starting with a brand new (to Central) coach AND with that other stuff is just plain unfair. I think they will be better as the season goes on.
  22. I agree. They are caught in an unfortunate spot right on the wrong side of the border between classifications. They would fit in perfectly in 4A Division 1. I know they aren't the only ones that have to deal with this kind of thing, but it's stupid for them to have to play schools with 500-1000 kids more than them. I'm not saying Lumberton would win state in 4A, but the games would be much more interesting and the matchups would be exciting. I'm hoping the redistricting and the application of the division system to 5A will lead to Lumberton being in a district with the bigger 4As. Silsbee, LCM, Bridge City, and Lumberton belong in the same district.
  23. Will there be radio broadcast of PNG-Lumberton?
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