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Posts posted by Rez

  1. 29 minutes ago, Stattrax said:

    I would not sleep on LH. This is going to be a game. The deception in the offense will score points. We will need to play our game and stay turnover free. No punks left in the semi round. These guys know what we do, and we know what they do. I expect a tight game, unlike last year. Watch the game film. Expect them to load the box, and crash the end like everyone else is doing. We will have to adjust to win this one. However I expect “Red” to have  a good plan for us, as he always does. If we can throw the ball enough, and keep them off balance, we can win. I do think we are the better matchup against SOC. But that’s another story for another week. 

    You’ve been quiet. Nice to see your take on things. 

  2. 3 minutes ago, LibertyHillBilly said:

    Liberty Hill has the advantage of getting hot at the right time. Their young violent defense has merged together and found them selves. Due to consistent injuries early on, Liberty Hill has developed a deep roster from their backups playing lights out and now that we are back to health from starters, we have many duel threat weapons in our arsenal.


    That Nose tackle 44 has had a whole off season and summer of living in the weight room as well as playing Forward in Rugby. He hungry. I’ve had the honor and privilege of watching this particular young man grow up. He is a young General ready to go to war.


    I was thoroughly impressed by PNG last year against LH. From their aggressive old school football to their Gladiator arena crowd. A team being led by the son of a Legendary head coach has lived up to the bill

    I have no doubt LH is going to come out swinging. I think the question we need to ask ourselves re: Liberty Hill is what do they have that we aren’t seeing. I don’t see a lot in camera to make me worry, but they’re where they are for a reason. That speaks to immeasurables like character, grit, toughness, and mental discipline. They can win this game, and if we’re looking to At&T, they will.  

  3. 2 minutes ago, LibertyHillBilly said:

    Liberty Hill has the advantage of getting hot at the right time. Their young violent defense has merged together and found them selves. Due to consistent injuries early on, Liberty Hill has developed a deep roster from their backups playing lights out and now that we are back to health from starters, we have many duel threat weapons in our arsenal.


    That Nose tackle 44 has had a whole off season and summer of living in the weight room as well as playing Forward in Rugby. He hungry. I’ve had the honor and privilege of watching this particular young man grow up. He is a young General ready to go to war.


    I was thoroughly impressed by PNG last year against LH. From their aggressive old school football to their Gladiator arena crowd. A team being led by the son of a Legendary head coach has lived up to the bill

    You win best username 

  4. 15 minutes ago, Lamar1996 said:

    By unique, you must mean youth football.  That is all LH knows what to do.  Their offense is so boring.  Well big boy football is what LH will witness come Friday night.  The only reason LH is even playing in this game is because how weak that Region is and someone had to win it.  

    I agree that Region 4 seems a little weaker this year (it cycles), but when Liberty Hill has some size and speed (see 2020 and 2021) they’re one of the craziest things to watch in Texas. They won me over in their loss to Crosby in 2020. 

  5. 51 minutes ago, Zugadad said:

    But if we played at Legacy stadium then it would still be the same issue, that’s why I recommend taking average or even the largest crowd for the season and the stadium needs to hold the largest crowd on their side. Then this never has to be about stadium sizes again, just about football. 

    Legacy is significantly larger (the Berry Center is, if my numbers are right, smaller than PNG’s stadium, while Legacy Stadium holds about 3,000 more than PNG at 16,000). So, if the concern is people being left out, we can benefit, as a whole, many more individuals at Legscy. Last year, Legacy Stadium didn’t start selling to PNG fans until PNG had sold out and, I presume, LH fans had already bought what they were going to buy. Even with PNG fans on their side, they all at least got to see the game. This week, a lot of PNG fans, and some LH fans won’t get to see the game, and that is certainly not through the choice of PNG fans. If we had our way, everyone from LH who wanted a ticket would have one, with room to spare. The LH coach thinks differently, apparently. 

    I agree that holding the largest crowd on the home side makes sense (not for nothing, at Legacy both sides are equal). 

    I sincerely hope you and your fellow LH fans have a blast on Friday, win or lose. It’s going to be a close game, certainly one to remember. 

  6. 6 minutes ago, Zugadad said:

    “They”…Liberty Hill parents, family, friends, community did not pick the venue. We were not consulted or asked or anything, until the decision was made. I love the support and passion your community has. It should also be allowed to have any team buyh there side tickets without concern of the other side buying there side. I am not saying all PNG fans, but some did in fact post even before tickets went on sale, to buy on LH side. Again I am all for people watching their teams and made there needs to be UIL rules that take into account the average attendance and the playoff venues must support that on each side. I look forward to the game it will be a good one! May there be no injuries, fair calls, and all travelers be safe.

    I would like a rule that says if two stadiums are proposed that are both available and within the same basic distance, the larger one must be selected. That would avoid a lot of this. 

  7. 34 minutes ago, LHpantherpride said:

    They plan to reopen Thursday or Friday morning. Just wanting to make sure our fans that want to attend are able to get tickets. 

    Not to belabor the point, but they wouldn’t have to do it at all if they had picked a bigger stadium. They didn’t care when it meant fewer PnG fans would be able to attend. When some LH fans might not get to go, suddenly they have to take measures. They could have just made it where far more fans could get tickets by picking a bigger venue, which is always better for football and more fun for both sides. 

    And, it’s not just about the competition. PNG fans LIKE Liberty Hill. We want to see Liberty Hill play. Seeing Liberty Hill is one of the unique experiences in high school sports. I hope if we play next year we pick a bigger venue because this could be a special rivalry and a fun time between the fans, instead of fighting each other for spaces in a small stadium. 

  8. 58 minutes ago, LHFan80 said:

    What makes you so sure ?  My understanding is it how it was stated that the home and home never happened because PNG didn't want to risk it . Also I don't know who chose last year but if it was PNG I'm thinking a rematch would be chosen by LH this yr. Tickets are tickets get in to watch  , sit on Lh side you might make some new friends . 

    I kind of want to. Liberty Hill people seem cool. 

  9. 9 minutes ago, NHSBulldogFan said:

    There's nothing nefarious going on... if liberty hill wanted to they could have played the game in Austin. Coach Walker has coached as an assistant and won at Cy Fair FCU Stadium before other coaches would do the same. I understand you're upset with the stadium coach but Liberty Hill won the coin toss and selected the site Coach Walker is not purposefully trying to do anything he is a respectable coach as others have mentioned on this board and to suggest any wrongdoing on his part is just wrong

    I’m not suggesting any wrongdoing. I made no allegations of bad behavior, illegal or otherwise. I understand that there were bigger stadiums proposed and he absolutely refused to select a larger one. That’s a deliberate choice - He’s still an honorable man, a good citizen, etc, and I’ve said nothing to challenge that. But, he still chose to purposely exclude fans from the game, and that’s a deliberate and unnecessary action that defies the point and purpose of high school sports, and I disagree with it as petty gamesmanship. It’s not an attack on his character. 

  10. 2 hours ago, NDNmom91 said:

    Well, a part of me feels bad cause a lot of LH fans very likely won’t get tickets BUT that’s on THEIR COACH for not agreeing to a bigger stadium!  

    Exactly - I don’t feel bad. We have to send a message to nip this petty behavior in the bud. If I was rich, I’d buy up the entire allotment of LH tickets so none of them can come. Their coach is trying to purposely turn our fans away from the game, it’s only fair to do the same. Nothing against any of their fans. I like LH, a lot. But, next time, maybe they’d just agree to the bigger stadium instead of playing stupid games. Huntsville wasn’t afraid of our crowd. South Oak Cliff wasn’t and won’t be afraid of our crowd. LH shouldn’t be afraid of our crowd. 

  11. 30 minutes ago, FrodoNDN said:

    I'm with you. The top two running backs are healthy and tough to bring down. Noah Long can and probably will hurt us. I think we will have to get used to the slot T early on but eventually will. Discipline is key on D. It'll be the toughest running game we've faced I believe. I wasn't impressed with Pieper QB as far as his throwing. I think he was hurt in that game. So was the primary receiver because he had a cast on his hand. The kid still produced good catches though. Bailey could have a good night if they are able to slow down the run.

    Pieper’s qb was hurt. It affected his accuracy all night. He could barely move, and I imagine planting his feet to throw was agony. For all Liberty Hill fans have tried to put an asterisk on our win last year because of injuries, there’s been no mention of Pieper’s injuries on offense when they cite their performance in that game as proof that their defense has improved from earlier in the season. 

  12. 2 hours ago, LHFan80 said:

    You very well could be right . I hope your not but it is plausible . 

    I don’t think it will be a blowout like Leander. LH isn’t going to be caught by surprise like last year. They know who we are now. And, I think they have made some adjustments on offense that make them a little more versatile. I wish PNG ran some of their run plays along with our passing game - We’d be that much harder to stop. So I think LH will move the ball on us, but I don’t think they’ll be able to do it as consistently as they need to. I’m thinking they score between 21-28 points. If we overperform we hold them to 7-14. The biggest problem will be that PNG will move the ball more consistently than them because I think we’ll have a fairly reliable 4-5 yards before contact on a lot of our run plays. It looks like LH has a pretty competent secondary, and they’re hunting interceptions. PNG won’t make the mistake Pieper made and throw it around a bunch. We’ll dare you to stop the run, but where we see opportunities, we have a capable passing game. Huntsville let us get them into single-man coverage with the safety up in the box once and it led to a 55-yard touchdown pass. It’s going to be a tough, good game. I predict something closer than last year, maybe in the 35/28-14/21 range. I’m having trouble gauging how good LH’s defense is, but I don’t see them as being as big or as physical as Huntsville’s defense. So, I don’t think LH will keep us from scoring at least 28, and I’d be comfortable betting we score at least 30. Can LH find 31 points? We’ll see. Good luck to ya’ll, in any case. 

  13. 18 minutes ago, FearTheSpear said:

    Yea I watched on nfhsnetwork.  SOC’s quarterback has horrible mechanics.  Danny Green is tough but no better than the Bears kid from Lake Creek.  They’re not sexy, they just lean on you kinda like what PNG does.  They’ll definitely beat Emerson but I highly doubt it’s as bad as the game today.  I quit watching at the end of the 3rd to go watch my daughter in the parade in Groves 

    SOC and PNG are mirrors of each other, though SoC is more talented. I think there’s some coaching tree overlap, I just don’t know how much. Coach Joseph and the defensive coordinator at SOC coached together at Southlake Carroll, at least. 

  14. 1 hour ago, FearTheSpear said:

    I watched it, Lovejoy shot themselves in the foot all game long.  Questionable coaching, super aggressive and he bit them.  Their D line was a little undersized and SOC made them pay.  SOC wasn’t flashy, I think they were better last year but still extremely tough.  Emerson is gonna score on them, no question about that.  

    Where did you watch the game? (I’m assuming you watched online) 

  15. 17 minutes ago, LHFan80 said:

    Howdy from Liberty Hill !  Come over to talk to you fine people from the East of our great state of Texas .  Enjoyed the talks last yr . Reading on here this year looks like y'all done kicked the scat out of us before the young men have evern taken the field . I understand what LH is up against but the boys like to play football and win or lose that doesn't change from year to year .  It's been a tuff yr for the Panthers injury wise but they got some players back just in time to run the table over here in region 4 .   Yeah the defense is had to grow up a lot this yr . They getting better but having said that it's going to be a tuff row to hoe this week .  But here's to a gd game for both teams with no injuries . For sure the winner of this game it's going to need all hands on deck for the big game and for sure I'll be pulling for the winner either way our game turns out .     Sorry for the long post , I'll try to keep future post shorter .... LHFan80


    Long posts are welcome. I’d especially like to hear what folks over there are thinking about this game 

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