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Posts posted by Rez

  1. 7 hours ago, Stattrax said:

    Everyone has there own take on a game.... Mines usually the non rah rah version........


    Offensively, I thought PNG  showed moments of greatness, and moments of struggle....

    R.J. took over on a few drives, and struggled on a few... For a sophomore, hes a beast.... O Line needs a little work, Lumberton was in the backfield on several occasions.. But overall was above average.

    Defense played well, still giving a ton of cushion on the corners.. A lot of good hitting from the LBs and safety. They are not the biggest or fastest group, but seem to do a good job of keeping us in the game.

    Special teams are brutal.... That is the understatement of the week.. Missed FG. Muffed punt.. Missed XP. Kickoffs out of bounds.... WOW...

    We have a ton of room for improvement. So IMO the sky is the limit. R.J. took over in the 4th. Hes super quick. We could use some work on the zone read, but that will come with time.. For a game 3 we showed some good things.

    Everyone is knocking K.M... What people need to understand is that his presence is making everyone around him better.. Last year Sullivan looked better because safeties rolled on Giblin.. This year they are rolling to K.M. Lumberton was in a cover 2 all night, until the end when they dropped into a prevent.

    Play calling was good, my only beef was with the 4th and 3 field goal attempt.... With the special teams issues, R.J. might have been the better choice, but it was the right call...


    As for Lumberton.....

    I just cant see them beating PAM, Nederland, or Central for a playoff spot. I think someone posted they are a blue collar team that plays hard. I agree with that.. They did not kill themselves and did not have a ton of penalties and turnovers. Babin made a good adjustment after the half and it resulted in a TD because PNG had to adjust.. Babin made good adjustments after the half, but he knows his kids.. Hes just not working with a ton of D1 talent.. I did kinda wonder why he did not use his timeouts on the last PNG touchdown, but I am sure he knew what he was doing. On the plus, the field is nice and the upgrades sure make it a much nicer place to play.. Props to LISD for the halftime salute to the local first responders. I surely wont beat a dead horse anymore on the Raiders.. Good luck for the rest of the season...


    PN-G grades are easy for me...


    Offensive line... Solid C

    Offense... Solid B-

    Defense... Solid B

    Special Teams... Solid D

    Bye Week could not come at a better time IMO.... We can build off this win and try to get ourselves to eliminate some of the mistakes, and work on special teams every hour of the 2 weeks.......

    Definitely agree on the comments about K.M.. He is invaluable to the PNG team, no matter what he is doing. Grateful he's an Indian. 

  2. Not to dog on McZeal, because despite it all he is a very important part of the PNG team, but man, I wish he had a little more Jayce Nelson/Kaleb Sparks/Jeremiah Rose/Spencer Deron/Caisen Sullivan etc in him. Those guys would catch anything in their zip code and kill themselves to get it done. I wish McZeal showed a little more fire. Again, he is a fantastic player and athlete, but I wish he was more reliable as a receiver. I think I agree with Broschon that he might be more effective at TE. Open up the middle for us for sure. 

  3. Most people on this site don't use proper grammar. Let's not be too harsh on 99. Most of the ones criticizing his grammar are not exactly stellar examples of the King's English. This is the internet, where everyone sounds like they never went to school, so it shouldn't be a surprise that one person uses too many commas. The subject is football, not English. 

  4. 3 hours ago, L-Train11 said:

    Thanks for the history lesson.

    The "decent d" reference was because we have 9 returning starters, so basically the same defense that put a stop to Vidor's infamous run game last year, and we did the same thing that yall did to Calvin Tyler last year, except he played with a dual threat qb that was actually utilized. Everyone on this site knows that the play calling from Silsbee was horrible that night, if they would have let Jones run/throw more it may have been a much closer game.

    Now, you are 100% correct that we do not have Calvin Tyler running out of the back field. But when he puts 180 yards on yall with a line that has been labeled as "soft" by many people, then ill take our chances with a very physical offensive line... Or can I say that since we haven't played a game yet?

    I've seen both teams scrimmage, and ive been both teams against a very weak opponent. Do I believe that we can win? Certainly. Will it happen? Nobody knows till Friday night.

    Good observations. Lumberton has the pieces to make it a game, and there is certainly no predicting what will happen on a given night. Good luck to both teams. 

  5. On September 3, 2016 at 10:10 PM, L-Train11 said:

    HF looked much better than GCM, so I'm feeling a little confident lol


    On September 3, 2016 at 11:06 AM, L-Train11 said:

    He hasn't even faced a decent d yet, and they won't stop our run game.

    Where is the evidence that Lumberton has a "decent" D? Lumberton has played one full game against a school with less than 600 kids (and isn't WO-S), a school that is a perennial bottom feeder in its own classification. PNG already has shown the ability to make stops against good backs when it matters, so I don't know what indications exist that PNG won't stop Lumberton's run game. There isn't a Calvin Tyler playing for Lumberton, and even if there was, we would be okay. Lumberton may be better than recent years -- Maybe even better than last year. But Lumberton is unproven, and history is not on its side (Lumberton is 1-16 against PNG all time, and that one victory was in a year where PNG went 3-6).

    Think about that-- At Lumberton's best (2008), they managed to beat one of PNG's worst by a mere seven points. 

    Statistics don't win games, but they are at least an interesting indicator of potential future outcomes. In the series, PNG has outscored Lumberton 656-238. PNG averages 38.6 ppg against Lumberton. Lumberton averages 14. Last year, when Lumberton finally looked like it might be turning a corner, PNG scored easily and often. 

    Lumberton will have to stop PNG's QB, running back, receivers, and o-line, all of whom have demonstrable ability to produce. Lumberton also has to somehow overpower a PNG defensive line that has been fairly successful against much faster backs than what Lumberton has waiting in the stables. I'll admit, I haven't seen Lumberton play, but I did get a chance to see PNG against WO-S in August (scrimmage) -- PNG can hang with the run. 

    It may be a good game -- It might also be incredibly boring. 


  6. I think the defensive backs are the biggest concern. I am not sure it is a major red flag yet, but we are not showing the speed to compensate for our lack of height. At this point, I think that any team with the ability to go over the top is going to score a lot of points on us. I expect PAM and Central to definitely do so. Not that being tall is a requirement to be a good defensive back (historically, PNG's DBs have never been super tall). West Orange went deep a few times in the scrimmage and scored rather effortlessly. We will be 6-0 when we play PAM, and that might lull us right to sleep. Big, fast receivers are going to be a massive wake up call. 

  7. This result illustrates the difference a coach can make. Barber's Hill may not be anything special this year, and I don't think anyone will argue that Vidor did much to show BH's weaknesses, but when you have a new coach with new ideas and solid teaching skill, the kids respond powerfully. In that regard, the game also illustrates what a weakness Coach Matthews is for the Vidor team. I hate to fire shots at Coach Matthews, but he holds the Vidor team back. His 1950s offense is not a strength, it is an excuse. He needs to learn how to coach the pass and put a defense together that can defend that pass, or Vidor will continue to live well below its potential. It is frankly kind of pathetic to see the interviews with him, so proud of his horse-and-buggy offense, as if there is something creative and original about using a system that everyone else has abandoned and that continues to fail, even for him. Don't tell us you "like the run" and expect that to be a sufficient explanation for your inability to teach your players a huge part of the game. I like landline telephones, but I still use a cellphone, because it is more effective. Vidor can like the run all day, but Matthews needs to pursue the most effective option, not what is most comfortable for himself. 

  8. I think Silsbee has a lot to be excited about. They will win a lot of games this season. They just don't tend to win against PNG (something we understand with Nederland and WO-S). Even in 2012, when PNG was terrible, we managed to beat a state quarterfinal Silsbee team. We pulled off a one-point win, from which Silsbee went on to win about six straight and we went on to win only once more. Proud of the Indians for playing tough against a dominant running back. I do find it strange that Silsbee threw the ball so little. The air raid should be the Tigers' bread and butter, given their obvious talent at wide receiver. The run defense from PNG did a good job, but Silsbee certainly made the guessing game easy. I was afraid of this when I learned that Cy Ranch had been such a run-heavy team under this new coach. Silsbee is not a "run over you" team, and I don't think they should be. They are tough, but they also blow you up with finesse and precision, not unlike the Indians. I was not at the game, but I think Silsbee could have thrown the ball a little more, with some success (for a moment, they were moving the ball just by drawing pass interference, which moves the chains just fine). I don't know if PNG's cornerbacks were doing anything special to make passing too difficult, but from what I saw in the scrimmage against West Orange, PNG's CB's are a little undersized, something Silsbee should have been able to exploit, at least for a few more first downs. It will be interesting to see how the season progresses for the Tigers. Go Indians. 

  9. Don't count Nederland out. This happens just about every year (though not with such a lopsided score): Nederland loses a game, or two, or three, and PNG fans start licking their chops. It's stupid. Coach Neumann uses these games to be instructive experiences. I am no fan of Nederland, but it takes a great coach to know how to put his team in a humble-pie situation and then turn it into a learning experience that translates into district championships. Maybe Nederland will be good this year. Maybe they won't. But a lopsided PNG win against Silsbee on the same night that Nederland got ripped into by a great WO-S team means absolutely nothing when Mid-County Madness comes. We all remember 2014 when PNG had all the pieces in place, while Nederland started the season 0-3. It was supposed to be our year. And we all remember losing a heartbreaker to what I believe was an inferior team, overall. None of it mattered when it came time to play the game. Nederland will be fine. I wouldn't be surprised if they beat PNG again this year. In any case, nothing that happened tonight will have any bearing whatsoever. Go Indians, but let's keep things in a proper perspective. That being said, I am very excited for what Roschon Johnson, his offense, and that Land Shark defense were able to do tonight. Hope they keep it up. 

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