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Everything posted by Rez

  1. [Hidden Content] I thought this was a particularly insightful PA News column about Coach Faircloth. I've been grateful to have him at the Reservation since he arrived. And, this may make me a heretic, but as happy as I am when PNG beats Nederland, I think the criticism over his 2-6 record against Nederland is idiotic. Stupid. Immature. Short-sighted. Foolish. It's one game. Sometime you win, sometimes you lose. His overall influence on the program has been very positive, and his absence will be felt when/if he leaves. PNG has never had such a good offensive coach, we have never had such a good mind for teaching fundamentals, and we have never even come close to having such a good QB coach as he is. I hope he stays forever, and if he never beats Nederland again, it won't diminish him even a little bit in my mind. PNG fans are amazing, but we whine too much.
  2. Good luck tomorrow to the Titans!
  3. Heart goes out to Crosby. Sorry about the loss. Congratulations on a good season.
  4. I agree. And honestly, it's been that "little" DB who has been an absolute hero in so many situations, including tonight. He is tough, smart, and fast. What else can we ask for? I almost feel like the complaining hasn't gone down one bit from year to year, no matter what our record is.
  5. No. The defensive staff has been plenty good, especially in terms of making adjustments and putting personal in position to succeed.
  6. Will the video replay be available online at any point?
  7. Exactly -- a loss is good prep for the playoffs.
  8. wow. I think we can all agree that Vidor deserves serious respect. I don't think anyone expected this outcome. Way to go Vidor. No disrespect to Memorial. Still an excellent team.
  9. Austin Bost and Roschon Johnson are coming up huge
  10. ah , you may be right. I understand that -- I always die on the first gumba
  11. That's the tough part. It may have been. (I am not at the game, just following online). Refs don't get everything right. You can still count on Hines' legs, unless the score gets in his head. That's the problem PNG has. It kills me.
  12. I think he means chill out. I'm noticing that when people start talking about games being rigged the admins step in. Fine with me. If Memorial loses they have no one to blame but themselves.
  13. Is this where the updates are supposed to be? Let's have some updates!
  14. JV scores do show where the talent is, but it doesn't always translate to the varsity level. When I was in high school, PNG's freshman and JV teams would always dominate, but that didn't mean we dominated in varsity. That being said, I'm not arguing that doing well at the JV level absolutely does not mean you won't do well on varsity, only that it is not a guarantee. As we all know, different variables come into play for JV and Varsity. One good example, I remember soundly defeated WO-S my freshman year, then again at JV, but we lost at the varsity level the following year.
  15. How is PAM's line play (offense and defense)? If RJ is forced into mistakes and pressure situations, I could see a few interceptions making a difference in PAM's favor. I think defensively PNG will be up to the task, at least in the fact that the Indians tackle better than any team the Titans have played so far. Which isn't to say that Memorial hasn't played anyone, just that PNG has some really decent, hard-hitting guys who wrap up. PNG will really need the offensive line to protect and open up some holes to extend drives. It seems to me that PAM makes a lot of mistakes. That could be key.
  16. Playoffs start next week for PNG-- PAM will show us our weaknesses. Go Indians.
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