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Posts posted by Rez

  1. 23 minutes ago, pine curtain said:

    11k capacity......let the crying begin

    There should be crying - It’s horse crap to arbitrarily deny fans the ability to watch the game. The whole point of high school football is community involvement. It’s not our fault our playoff opponents don’t have communities (including our friends from the surrounding SETX community who show up for each other) that care about their team enough to get on the road and watch. The gamesmanship of trying to find smaller stadiums to leave PNG fans out is pathetic and cowardly. If they can leave us out, how about just have no fans at all? If PNG has to turn 2,000-3,000 fans away, Liberty Hill should have to turn that many away as well , but everyone knows they would have no fans at all if they had to do that. The fact is you could hold this game on the moon and we’d still show up, and most other teams struggle to fill up their home stadiums. And, it’s going to backfire - Now Liberty Hill will be utterly surrounded by PNG in a more confined space. They’re going to have PTSD from hearing Cherokee. 

  2. 1 hour ago, PN-G bamatex said:

    I want to share a story from last year.

    After the game, my folks and I went to the Whiskey Cake in Katy for a very late dinner. I had driven in from Leander that afternoon and they had left PN-G late due to work. Nobody’d had the time to eat beforehand.

    There was a family in the restaurant from Liberty Hill sitting a few tables down from us. They had a little girl with them, maybe seven or eight years old, and an older boy who appeared to be late middle school or early high school age. I figured he was a player on the freshman team.

    That little girl realized we were from PN-G and gave us the evil eye for the entire dinner. I’m talking a full hour of this girl glaring at us from across the dining area, non-stop. You could feel the heat coming off this girl’s gaze. I had to fight not to crack up all night because every time I’d look over to my left, I had the possessed girl’s hellish stare from the exorcism movie looking straight back at me. You could tell the PN-G crowd, the War Chant and Cherokee had driven this poor girl insane that night.

    Her parents picked up on what was going on and came over to talk to us after they finished their meal. Couldn’t have been nicer folks. Wished us luck in the championship, complimented the fan base - just nice, small town people. I told them I lived just down the road in Leander and drove in for the game. Even for a fan base like Liberty Hill’s that generally travels well, you could tell they were shocked that out-of-town alumni would make a drive like that to see the Indians play.

    This is the game where our fan base earned the “rabid” label online last year. Every time I think about that, I think about that ferocious glare from that little girl. I have a feeling I’m gonna feel it coming across the field at me again this year. Scalp ‘em!

    Liberty Hill should put her on a shirt 

  3. 11 minutes ago, Mr. Buddy Garrity said:

    Westfield would beat Duncanville if they had a great QB IMO. Was still tempted to pick em.......


    DeSoto and CH is a totally different animal, that's a true rivalry. Only thing that would surprise me in that one is if no one got ejected. 



    Sorry for the hijack folks, just responding to a post. 

    Specific to this game, you’re right that it’s not really accurate to call a Huntsville win an upset. They’re where they are for a reason, ranking and records don’t matter. Huntsville doesn’t have to be the best 6 weeks ago to beat us. They have to be the best this week. 

  4. I’ve been watching some Huntsville film. I’m predicting a grinding, slobberknocker game similar to the one PNG had against West Orange. Huntsville is big on the defensive line, and they don’t give up big plays. They’re also fast on the D line, with quick hands. Number 55 has multiple long runs after fumbles or interceptions. And they’re capable of closing off the run game similarly to Lake Creek. In the playoffs, their defense is a mirror to PNG’s (though we played the best offense in the region in Lake Creek). Looking only at their playoff performance, they’ve given up an average of 16 points a game, identical to PNG over the same period. That being said, PNG’s offense has been better than Huntsville’s, and I think that will make the difference. 

    I see two likely scenarios:

    One, PNG plays stiff defense and is able to move the ball relatively consistently, slowly inching up the score board for a final score around 21/28 to 7/14.

    Two, Huntsville keeps it to a close, one-score game and whoever wins does it by the skin of their teeth. Huntsville wants a low-scoring game, of course.

    I think we have the advantage in a shootout. The later the game goes with a 14-7 or 7-0 score, the more I start to see a Huntsville upset. Richmond and Texas City showed that if you let Huntsville hang around they can take advantage of it. We just have to come out clean, get up by a couple scores, and hang on. As improved as Huntsville’s defense has been, they haven’t shown the same leap on offense. If they have to play catchup, we control the game. 

  5. 1 hour ago, jayhawk said:

    I don't know  its hard to adjust to SOC giant WR'S running over PNG small secondary last year, hopefully PNG has beefed up in the secondary. PNG  great team with a great coach! 

    We didn’t necessarily need to adjust on defense. We needed to keep drives going so that SOC would run out of time for a comeback. When they moved a guy over on the d line, they largely took away the run and we started having quick three and outs. They basically said, “We’ll stack up on the line and force PNG to win through the air against our D1 secondary.” PNG couldn’t throw a fast enough ball on a good day against that secondary, our receivers weren’t quick enough to get open, and the qb was under pressure, so we weren’t going to keep drives open by throwing out of the pocket OR by running in the second half. The only thing I think might have worked would have been to take a Crippen out and put Shae in at QB - Shae could roll out, show pass, and run for a quick four out five yards. And, he might have been able to get a few passes completed as the secondary bit on the qb run. We could have chewed up a couple more yards a run and extended more drives, and just slowed them down a lot. We basically did that offense after crippen got hurt anyway, and Shae got some good runs at the end (and completed a few passes to set up a score) - I think if we had implemented that earlier, they would have had to adjust to the outside, possibly giving us back the inside run lanes. In other words, we could have adjusted to their adjustment and kept them guessing more. 

  6. 3 hours ago, NHSBulldogFan said:

    No HE did not win 8 playoff games in less than two years PN-G has won 8 playoff games in less two years...watch the 2nd half of last week's game and tell me if you think the offense worked...all I'm saying is mix it up a bit PN-G would be hard to beat if they did

    I share the concern. Not that we’re not hard to beat - PNg’s been pretty dang hard to beat. But, I share the concern that we’ll come up against a team we can’t move the ball running against, and won’t make adjustments. Which is exactly what happened against SOC last season. SOC adjusted in the second half. PNG didn’t .  

  7. 6 minutes ago, Mr. Buddy Garrity said:

    Great schedule! 💪🏾


    now look at SOC schedule. 

    Two losses are to the favorites to win 6ad1 and 6aD2. Still counts for good experience - they’ve played both teams that are at least in the top three in the state (counting north shore, assuming qb is healthy). No other 5ad2 team has that experience, even if it’s in losses. And, they’ve beaten Midlothian Heritage, Lancaster (still in 5ad1 playoffs), and Melissa. Not bad at all. 

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