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    Rez reacted to outanup in Nederland Spring Game?   
    Monday the 13th at 6 or 6:30......
  2. Thanks
    Rez reacted to navydawg31 in Nederland Spring Game?   
    6pm this Monday 13th. 5$ to get in. Bulldog stadium 
  3. Haha
    Rez reacted to BHFAN in La Porte Football stadium   
    I thought they were banned, or maybe that was just me banning them 😂
  4. Like
    Rez got a reaction from NHSBulldogFan in Nederland is open, Barrow Resigns   
    That will make a big difference by itself. 
  5. Haha
    Rez reacted to Mr. Buddy Garrity in Nederland is open, Barrow Resigns   
    They should hire him for the brand new 'Ambassador of All Things Nederland Football' position. 
  6. Haha
    Rez reacted to purpleeagle in Nederland is open, Barrow Resigns   
  7. Haha
    Rez reacted to Bigdog in Nederland is open, Barrow Resigns   
    He who shall not be named will never step
    foot in Nederland again. 🙄😀
  8. Thanks
    Rez reacted to Unbelievableee in Nederland is open, Barrow Resigns   
    Here is the facebook post for y'all
    I’m not going to put names or schools on this, but feel free to screen shot it to whoever you like. Yes yes, I’m a baseball guy. But I love football more than baseball. My son played all three sports in high school. So I’m not a baseball only guy. But if your high school football coach has your Varsity baseball son doing football drills in pads right now, that is wrong. At one certain school, the baseball team lost their starting third baseman (Gladiator kid) because he dislocated his elbow in a football drill. Two weeks before high school baseball playoffs, and now his season is done. Basically this coaches decision to make Varsity baseball players do football workouts on April 22nd, 5 months before Friday night lights, just sabotaged this kids season, and the teams season. And once again, I’m a huge football supporter, but this is wrong!! This is why kids stop playing football. Coaches preach they want kids playing all the sports, well how about respect baseball season, from Feb to May !  If the shoe was on the other foot, and a kid got injured playing baseball in October and he was a varsity football starter, what would that coach do? Be pissed off! And I would 100% agree with him! There is a reason I don’t have a fall baseball program with football guys. Because I respect football season. All I’m asking is football coaches to respect baseball season. Respect the High School baseball coaches that have worked their ass off to try to get their team in a playoff situation. Support them, don’t Sabotage them by taking their players out because of a “all important April 22nd” football workout. And I don’t want to hear this was bad luck, or any crap like that!!!A lot of these kids are Division One Baseball players, and just good high school football players. If you want to continue to have these kids play football, start doing the right thing. If not, I’m going to try to get those kids quit football and just focus on baseball. And let me say it again, I want all my Gladiator kids playing football!! I go support them watching their football games, and I love it!! But not at the cost of an injury in April playing football, not baseball . Bad miss……Do a better job! Be a better football coach, and remember, it’s not about you, but it’s about the kids who respect you and will do anything you ask them to do. Don’t punish them for being a good baseball or basketball player!!
  9. Haha
    Rez got a reaction from Mr. Buddy Garrity in Nederland is open, Barrow Resigns   
    So help me, we can pull him out of retirement and really give people something to gripe about.
  10. Like
    Rez reacted to navydawg31 in Nederland is open, Barrow Resigns   
    Naw people are mad the good ole boy system is getting broken. Didn’t think it would be this fast for the drama to be here. Honeymoon is over. 
  11. Thanks
    Rez reacted to Separation Scientist in Time and place for PNG vs BH April 26, 2024?   
    At BH.  6:30 Friday. 
  12. Thanks
    Rez reacted to pngfan316 in Nederland is open, Barrow Resigns   
    He was injured but has returned and he decided not to play baseball this year.
  13. Like
    Rez reacted to bullets13 in Nederland is open, Barrow Resigns   
    I don't know.  I seem to have read a lot of posts on these nederland threads about how the players aren't dedicated enough to football.  Seems this is exactly what some folks want.  I'm hoping it was the kid's decision to go out there and not the new coach pushing for it.
  14. Like
    Rez reacted to NHSBulldogFan in Nederland is open, Barrow Resigns   
    Got some info on this...this was a footwork drill when the injury happened and that this is a pre-existing condition (he injured the elbow before)  As if there wasn't drama in Nederland before now the new football coach is taking heat from the baseball people because of it...Coach Rich is trying to change the culture at Nederland it was inevitable that he ruffled a few feathers along the way 
  15. Like
    Rez reacted to Dawg22 in Nederland is open, Barrow Resigns   
    Accidents happen it doesn't matter if the player is in season or not. This is not on a coach or a player its just an unfortunate situation. Many athletes all across the state participate in multiple sports at the same time. Shoot Prime suited out for a professional baseball game and a professional football game in the same day.
  16. Like
    Rez reacted to PhatMack19 in Nederland is open, Barrow Resigns   
    The kid has a future playing D1 baseball.  Having baseball kids in pads in April during the district season and playoffs is a good way to get all those kids to quit football.  
  17. Like
    Rez got a reaction from CS. in Nederland is open, Barrow Resigns   
    I can’t see Nederland beating Huntsville. 
  18. Like
    Rez reacted to Mr. Buddy Garrity in Nederland is open, Barrow Resigns   
    Poster I guess forgot about 2022 Port Arthur Memorial as well. (3rd round lost was to Longview who won Region 2). And last year that 1st round game was against Forney who won Region 2 as well. 
  19. Like
    Rez got a reaction from Mr. Buddy Garrity in Nederland is open, Barrow Resigns   
    FBM made it to the 4th round in 22-23. If that’s “weak,” I don’t know what “strong” is. 
  20. Like
    Rez got a reaction from PN-G bamatex in Nederland is open, Barrow Resigns   
    FBM made it to the 4th round in 22-23. If that’s “weak,” I don’t know what “strong” is. 
  21. Like
    Rez reacted to A BUC 77 in Scott Rich named as new Nederland HC/AD   
    InWell he was vetted by some football savvy guys.  If they didn’t think he’s got what it takes he wouldn’t be there.  Nothing in sports is certain but so far so good in my opinion.  
  22. Like
    Rez reacted to Reagan in Nederland is open, Barrow Resigns   
    True!  The previous coach, with the same type athletes, for 12 years could NOT get to the big dance.  New coach comes in and makes 2 State appearances and wins one.  AGAIN -- with the same type athletes.  At Nederland, the last coach took Ned to the toilet with the same type athletes Neumann had.  It all starts with the coaching!
  23. Haha
    Rez reacted to pine curtain in Scott Rich named as new Nederland HC/AD   
    So was coach Izzy..........
  24. Like
    Rez reacted to navydawg31 in Scott Rich named as new Nederland HC/AD   
    Well Nederland with Neumann, PNG with Joesph or faircloth all of them that was their first head coaching gig and they turned out alright. Gotta take a chance sometimes 
  25. Haha
    Rez reacted to CardinalBacker in State Champion and Finalist from the area.   
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