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    Rez reacted to BMTSoulja1 in Vidor vs Silsbee   
    I was just going to say that.  Silsbee graduated a lot.  The two big guns Taylor and Martin are gone.  And I believe the FB/linebacker is gone too.  They will be hurting leading up to district.  Of course they still have Arline and Foster, but I don’t know how fast that duo will click.  And I don’t know if there will be any receivers like Turk, White, or Cartwright will be on the outside.  
    I got Vidor wining by two scores...
  2. Like
    Rez got a reaction from WOSgrad in Vidor vs Silsbee   
    Silsbee will win. Vidor will do well this season, but Silsbee has some key starters coming back. They’ll be a well-oiled machine, favored to make a very deep playoff run.  
  3. Like
    Rez got a reaction from Hagar in Vidor vs Silsbee   
    Silsbee will win. Vidor will do well this season, but Silsbee has some key starters coming back. They’ll be a well-oiled machine, favored to make a very deep playoff run.  
  4. Like
    Rez reacted to tvc184 in Ahmaud Arbery Shooting   
    That is something that I questioned. At the very least, sit him upright.
     I have been involved in thousands of arrests including some very violent incidents. I agree with you, go straight to a car. On occasion we leave them outside but never restraining them to the ground. If they continue to be violent, off to the car they go. 
  5. Like
    Rez reacted to pdawg119 in 5AD2 Region 3 Favorite   
    FB Marshall losing their top players to graduation and Manvel going D1 have really blown this region wide open.
  6. Haha
    Rez got a reaction from SmashMouth in Nederland Turf   
    Aren’t you just describing the current bathrooms? 
  7. Like
    Rez reacted to Bigdog in Nederland Turf   
    Junior high football can practice on the turf.  One of the big advantages of turf is it can be used quite a bit without wear and the weather doesn’t affect it.  The PE clashes can use the rest of that field or the one by the tennis courts.
  8. Like
    Rez reacted to Bigdog in Nederland Turf   
    You do realize that there are several months before the next game.  Barring weather it should not take that long.   
  9. Like
    Rez reacted to Realville in Nederland Turf   
    Agreed, when your spending some else’s money  ( taxpayers) and don’t have to produce a profit Efficiency is not a Top Priority. The multiple number of taxes that we pay in this country is nothing short of legalized theft. With that being said I am sure the field will be nice and I know the kids will love it. I know the Vidor kids have enjoyed there new turf field. Hopefully we get to sit in the stands this season to watch our teams play.
  10. Like
    Rez reacted to SmashMouth in Nederland Turf   
    How do you know that? Are they doing EVERYTHING possible? I doubt it. Are you on the school board? A special planning commission? Do I not have a right to convey my opinion on this and any other subject? I do not live in Nederland, but I have 3 properties in Nederland and pay my fair share of taxes there. I am also in the construction industry and have a vast knowledge of how long it takes to build anything from a dog house, to a home to a refinery... I have worked on many municipal projects and understand theIr ineptness of doing anything in a timely fashion. They are allowed to go at a snail’s pace, because they have no one to answer to - no customer, if you will. “No need to rush it...” That’s a direct quote from the superintendent. So, I will continue to pose my opinion based on lots of experience while standing on my well constructed soap box which is the one thing in this conversation that is being delivered  right on time. 
  11. Like
    Rez reacted to tvc184 in Minneapolis   
    I watched him tell obvious lies on national television.  His conclusion was, it can’t be determined. Well... yes it can and was.   Baden said that from the angle of the bullets it could have happened 3 direct ways. That is true.... if you ignore the rest of the scene. To not tell the entire story in order to stir up controversy is a lie.  Baden lied. 
  12. Haha
    Rez reacted to Go-rilla in SETX Sleeping Giants?   
    I love how typical this site is. “Sleeping Giants” and people say Newton, silsbee, WOS. When did those guys go to sleep?
  13. Like
    Rez reacted to tvc184 in Minneapolis   
    Here is my pondering about the incident.
    A man is killed and within 24 hours of it happening, Before any investigations is anywhere  near complete, the chief apparently has fired officers that were even standing there. They might have had no involvement in the death but they didn’t step in. The president called for a stepped up FBI investigation and the one officer will likely be indicted for murder.
     Exactly what do the rioters want? This has been the quickest action that I ever recall for any officer involved death and it was sweeping with every officer being terminated immediately.
     What would the protesters think should have been a better response? 
  14. Like
    Rez got a reaction from lil brother in Ahmaud Arbery Shooting   
    I don't give cops any leeway. The Constitution always trumps their feelings. In any official interaction between law enforcement and a citizen, the cop has a gun to your head, whether the gun is drawn or not. They don't get to abuse my rights simply because they get nervous or angry. We, as citizens, trade a little bit of our freedom to law enforcement in the name of safety and protection. In exchange, law enforcement is permitted to use force to secure its objectives, including and especially deadly force. I can't use deadly force against cops, and it would be extremely hard to prove to a jury that a person was using deadly force against a cop in self-defense. So cops have all the power in relation to the person they are stopping. In a routine traffic stop, you might find yourself billy clubbed , or killed, over a cop's misunderstanding. There are plenty of video-recorded examples of citizens being gunned down for absolutely no reason, simply because the cop got scared. I don't care if they get scared, at least as far as my attitude toward them not murdering people goes. So I don't give them any leeway at all, and none of us should. They are to be held to a far higher standard than the rest of us, because their failure to rise to that standard is often deadly. If that is too stressful or too difficult, or too Constitutionally limited, they need to choose a different career. That being said, I am a strong supporter of law enforcement in general, and fully respect many of those who choose to pursue it -- It is an honorable profession. However, I reject any tendency to treat them as if they are above the law because their job is hard. A lot of jobs are hard, but that doesn't mean they get to be trigger-happy over it. 
  15. Haha
    Rez got a reaction from CS. in Nederland Turf   
    It will be a picture of a mud puddle, in a stirring reminder of and honor to the stadium's deeply rooted traditions. In the center will be placed a commemorative golden sprinkler, which will ceremonially water the turf before every game. 
  16. Thanks
    Rez reacted to tvc184 in Ahmaud Arbery Shooting   
    Some of these side bar arguments and questions are mostly a diversion to prove one way or the other. 
     It didn’t matter if there is a video showing Arbery arguing with the cops two years earlier. It doesn’t matter if he wasn’t completely stable mentally, it doesn’t matter about race relations and who has the most violent community,  it doesn’t matter if he was jogging and so on. 
     What matters is GA law on citizen arrest (CA), what the required knowledge is to justify such an arrest and what force or threats can be used. 
    These are the questions that in my opinion matter. 
     Was Arbery committing a crime that GA law allows for a CA? 
     If that existed, did the men have the required direct knowledge of the crime?
    What force does GA law allow for a CA and is displaying a firearm lawful without provocation of deadly force by the suspect?
    If the men unlawfully displayed a weapon to apprehend Arbery for a non-violent, did Arbery have the right of self defense and stand your ground against the men?
     Short of knowing these answers...... 
  17. Like
    Rez reacted to baddog in Ahmaud Arbery Shooting   
    Didn’t I say, “that’s just me”?
  18. Like
    Rez got a reaction from WOSdrummer99 in Ahmaud Arbery Shooting   
    I agree with your sentiment that we should look for solid evidence of a person's background an intentions before drawing conclusions about their motivations.
    My disagreement is in the highlighted portion above.
    I can't think of a single scenario where a person's skin color, all other things being equal, is sufficient indication that a person is up to no good. The example you provide applies equally to any skin color. If you see anyone slow rolling in an area known to be a place to replenish one's supply of drugs and prostitutes, it is reasonable to assume they might be there for such things, but they might also be lost, or particularly interested in the scenery, or having a heart attack, or a million other things that might cause someone to drive slowly. I know I'm splitting hairs, but your statement requires hair-splitting. The fact that would make you think someone is looking for illegal activities by slow rolling is that they are slow rolling in that specific place, not the skin color of the person slow rolling. Unless Simmons Dr in Orange is closed to non-whites? 
  19. Like
    Rez reacted to NHSBulldogFan in Did They Cancel the Ned Spring Game   
    You think a pandemic would get in the way of our super secret Spring game...not a chance
  20. Like
    Rez reacted to tvc184 in Ahmaud Arbery Shooting   
    I agree completely on video. I have intervened when I have seen officers trying to drop someone from making a video. The only issue is if the person gets too far into a scene. When a person is so close as to interfere with an officer, that isn’t legal but not because of the video. 
     I think it was earlier in this thread or maybe even another forum but I said that the video guy was reported to have take post in the attempted apprehension of Arbery. It was not from taking video. The three men were reported to have been all together in trying to arrest Arbery. Of course that is just from reports that I read which isn’t evidence 
    In what GA calls immediate knowledge, I think Texas calls “in his presence”. Texas law says an arrest can be made if within his presence or view. Obviously within view is to actually witness the crime but I think in his presence means close enough to know it is happening right now. Like a person hears glass break and turns a corner and sees a man standing next to a broken window and a hammer is on the ground. The crime wasn’t within view but it was within the person’s “presence”. I think that the GA law is similar. Immediate knowledge means you are close enough to know that a crime has been committed. If aneighbor calls you 5 minutes later about a possible crime, is that immediate? I think not but I don’t feel like looking up GA case law. 
  21. Like
    Rez reacted to tvc184 in Ahmaud Arbery Shooting   
    From what I read about stop and frisk, it was completely legal. Officers can detain someone for reasonable suspicion. It has to be linked to a specific crime. That came from SCOTUS in Terry v. Ohio. Detectives McFadden saw what he thought was 4 guys casing a store in order to rob it. They took turns walking back and forth, looked into the store to see how many customers, etc. When they all started walking toward the store together, McFadden moved in thinking it was about to happen. He pushed the guys against the wall and patted them down and I think 3 had guns. 
    Now such a contract is called a Terry stop or a Terry frisk 
    it is still the standard to justify a detention by law enforcement. All that NYPD did was tell the patrol officers to get off their butts, out of their patrol cars and start stopping suspicious people. They did. 
     The problem with this and such programs is the belief by some police administrations to use traffic stops and Terry stops as a measure of success or performance. That is a folly in my opinion. When you start rewarding officers for contacts, they may start stretching the reason for the contact. 
    Stop and frisk is what cops get paid to do. I don’t think there should be any reward at al for doing your job however. The laziest cop who stops no one, might all of a sudden find hundreds of “criminals” in his midst if he thinks it might get him that job in detectives and off of patrol. 
     Officers should be commended for the quality of their cases, not quantity. 

    in my opinion 
  22. Haha
    Rez reacted to Hagar in Nederland Turf   
    Odds are it won’t be an Indian....   😂😂😂
  23. Like
    Rez reacted to Bigdog in Nederland Turf   
    I am seeing some drone pics on FB.  I will ask if I can post them.
  24. Haha
    Rez reacted to Bigdog in Nederland Turf   
    Lol especially for games against Silsbee, United and WOS! And PAM of course 😂
  25. Haha
    Rez got a reaction from Hagar in Nederland Turf   
    It will be a picture of a mud puddle, in a stirring reminder of and honor to the stadium's deeply rooted traditions. In the center will be placed a commemorative golden sprinkler, which will ceremonially water the turf before every game. 
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