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Everything posted by southern-thunder

  1. Got to take Silsbee in this one by at least 3 touchdowns.
  2. There is a saying I have heard coaches say. "When you are winning you have great kids and when you are losing it is the coaches fault!!" Meaning it never occurs to the fans that maybe the talent level may drop off.
  3. You left out 3 of the teams. It will be WO-S, Kiryville and Jasper!!!
  4. Thats the rumor but who knows what the uil will do.
  5. I dont know about their defense being better but I have to give the edge to WOS
  6. Use the extra time to prepare for their next opponent
  7. ok no ifs ands or but and no excuses yall whipped jasper!!!
  8. LOL well I know a lot of coaches and my dad was a coach and your figures are a little off the average salary is not 50,000 unles you be come a head coach and most distrcts pay less than half the total health insurance the rest comes from your check and the districts pay an even smaller percentage of life and dental and vision and you get no monetary compensation for sick leave i am not sure what you mean of a pension of 15 % of salary but teachers get a multiplier of .225 of their 5 best years and health insurance comes out of that also. and if you break down a coaches salary to an hourly rate you would be hard pressed to get it over a dollar an hour. and for the 6-7 weeks off in the summer must be for programs that dont win most good staffs spend a day or two a week at the field house.
  9. Thanks to Grizz and Kvillballa for manning up and saying you will admit it IF Jasper wins and I will be here if Kirbyville wins to do the same. To Band Nerd I know that it is just a sliver of a chance that Jasper might win all i am asking is if you will admit it if they do?
  10. I dont think anyone in this district can take any games lightly. If you do it could back to haunt you!!
  11. Ok I understand, then no crow I will settle for admitting that the better team won with out excuses. I will do the same Deal??
  12. You never know!! ;D
  13. Not worried about the playoffs have to take one game at a time. And I know it is a long shot for Jasper to win I just wanted to know if you will be here to eat some crow if they do. Like I said I will be here saturday ready to admit that Kirbyville is the better team if they win.
  14. Jasper over Kirbyville!!!
  15. Ok Grizz and KvillCheer IF just IF Jasper wins will t be an upset?? And IF it does happen will yall admit yall got beat by a better team or will the normal lame excuse be used like well the wildkats played bad or Jasper is a bigger school and we shouldnt be in the same district? I will tell you this if Kirbyville wins I will be here Saturday to admit that the better team won. If Jasper wins will yall?
  16. Will it be considered an upset??
  17. Newton by 21 or more!!
  18. 1.WOS 2. Jasper 3. Silsbee 4. Kirbyville ;D
  19. they never won a state championship with him as the coach thier first was last year.
  20. hey as long as they pass
  21. Actually out of 150 or so seniors there was less than 15 who didnt pass. But nice try.
  22. Silsbee by 2 or 3 touchdowns.
  23. The last decision a parent has is whether or not to allow their child to participate.
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