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Everything posted by BearBryant

  1. That is funny. Politically incorrect, but funny. While you are there watch "Hitler finds out Michael Jackson has died". yeah, i thought that was funny, but a little too profane to put a link on here. there are dozens of these parodies on there, and most of them are pretty funny. i also like the aTm football rant. Those were hilarious. I watched the Sarah Palin, then the MJ, and then found one where Hitler reacts to Obama speaking in Berlin. Great stuff.
  2. Obama thought we had 57 states! Obama said Cuotro de Cinco on May 4th! Its Cuotro de Mayo Enough said!! 8) Who cares! He's still the President Evidently you guys do because you get all wadded up anytime someone mentions him! The B.O. defense crew rushes into action I guess I rush to his defense more out of spite because one reason is that I know a lot of you people couldn't stand it when he won. No, I didn't vote for him that is true. Did I lay awake and gnash my teeth about it though? Not hardly. Life goes on. I'm finding now that its fun watching you guys run around trying to take up for him. Here is is what the thread will look like if we don't defend him somewhat: Bear; Obama sucks Hippy: Yeah, he does Bandkid: I agree TVC: He really sucks Bear: Glad we all agree Thread over. ;D Defend him somewhat???? You guys break your necks tripping over each other to defend him. And if we didnt' keep you guys honest here is what it would look like Westend: I get a tingle up my leg when Obama speaks Bluedove: Yeah he is the greatest person ever born Dick: Black power! Obama's the man! SFA: Republicans suck Westend: Yes they do and Democrats are the greatest but I'm an independent Stang: Ditto everything Thats some funny stuff!!!! ;D ;D ;D ;D It really is...I mean, ditto...that's really funny stuff. Thanks for thinking of me bearbaby... but, you're just a tad bit off. I don't agree with everything that everyone who is a liberal/non-conservative/of differing opinion than you...so, I can't ditto everything. But, you definitely get an "A" for effort and cuteness. Well I didn't want to leave you out. Wanted you to feel included in the fun.
  3. Obama thought we had 57 states! Obama said Cuotro de Cinco on May 4th! Its Cuotro de Mayo Enough said!! 8) Who cares! He's still the President Evidently you guys do because you get all wadded up anytime someone mentions him! The B.O. defense crew rushes into action I guess I rush to his defense more out of spite because one reason is that I know a lot of you people couldn't stand it when he won. No, I didn't vote for him that is true. Did I lay awake and gnash my teeth about it though? Not hardly. Life goes on. I'm finding now that its fun watching you guys run around trying to take up for him. Here is is what the thread will look like if we don't defend him somewhat: Bear; Obama sucks Hippy: Yeah, he does Bandkid: I agree TVC: He really sucks Bear: Glad we all agree Thread over. ;D Defend him somewhat???? You guys break your necks tripping over each other to defend him. And if we didnt' keep you guys honest here is what it would look like Westend: I get a tingle up my leg when Obama speaks Bluedove: Yeah he is the greatest person ever born Dick: Black power! Obama's the man! SFA: Republicans suck Westend: Yes they do and Democrats are the greatest but I'm an independent Stang: Ditto everything
  4. Obama thought we had 57 states! Obama said Cuotro de Cinco on May 4th! Its Cuotro de Mayo Enough said!! 8) Who cares! He's still the President Evidently you guys do because you get all wadded up anytime someone mentions him! The B.O. defense crew rushes into action I guess I rush to his defense more out of spite because one reason is that I know a lot of you people couldn't stand it when he won. No, I didn't vote for him that is true. Did I lay awake and gnash my teeth about it though? Not hardly. Life goes on. I'm finding now that its fun watching you guys run around trying to take up for him.
  5. Obama thought we had 57 states! Obama said Cuotro de Cinco on May 4th! Its Cuotro de Mayo Enough said!! 8) Who cares! He's still the President Evidently you guys do because you get all wadded up anytime someone mentions him! The B.O. defense crew rushes into action
  6. Obama thought we had 57 states! Obama said Cuotro de Cinco on May 4th! Its Cuotro de Mayo Enough said!! 8)
  7. You don't have something against interracial mixing do you?
  8. OH yea its called fishing, get caught without fishing lisc and stamp while crabbing, you will be given a ticket for 'FISHING without a lisc' ;D Stamp? Saltwater Stamp I believe. Well crap I thought I was all legal. Glad I didn't get caught. How much extra are these money grabbing items?
  9. OH yea its called fishing, get caught without fishing lisc and stamp while crabbing, you will be given a ticket for 'FISHING without a lisc' ;D Stamp?
  10. Maybe he is or maybe he isn't. He is almost certainly more educated if that matters. Here are some questions. Does intelligence make a person right in political decisions? If a test is given and it is discovered that I have a higher IQ than others on this board, does that invalidate their political arguments? Should the presidency be determined by IQ if it really matters? If so, let's just give a test and pick the smartest man/woman. Does education really matter? My brother has 4 college degrees, 2 bachelors and 2 masters. He is working on his 3rd masters. I would venture to guess that he is way more educated and probably has a lot higher IQ than Palin, Obama, McCain or Biden. I wonder if my brother should be the next President of the United States. Do you actually realize how easier it is to get a Masters than a B.A.? Do you really know how hard it is to finish just first year of law school? I don't think you have a clue. Evidently you don't have a masters degree Evidently, you don't have a law degree!! U sure about that?
  11. "The first main stream African-American who is articulate and bright....." Gee, and I always thought Fredrick Douglas (one of many) filled that description. I did too but I guess our Veep didn't think so.
  12. I don't know if you'd call it "fishing" or not but if you take your kids crabbing they will have absolute blast. I went to Pleasure Island and mopped up on em. My kids were constantly catching and we had the time of our life.
  13. Well we were putting a few, a very few of Bidens to counter Palins. Ok Lord knows I've misspoke and I've also sat dumbfounded with a brainfart at times.
  14. And what is your affliction? My affliction is deemed G-14 classified, but I will tell you anyway....its called....STICKIT2DAMAN-ITIS....Very contagious!! 8) Daman must be a bad guy. 8)
  15. Again, I ask you to show where I called the name? I can pinpoint many where those on your side have called names. Your side? Your hero Bandkid even says I'm a moderate. Who else is on "my side" other than Maybe Bullets? I need to start a new thread. Who are the moderates? My hero? And you know that how? LOL its impossible sometimes.....
  16. And what is your affliction?
  17. Again, I ask you to show where I called the name? I can pinpoint many where those on your side have called names.
  18. You must be seeing things or back in your make believe world. Another name? When did I call the first one? :D
  19. Show where I called a name. Go get em? LOL Are you like the little sister who tells bubby to beat up the big bullies? You people just can't admit that its easy to flub things up. Its "mis-speaking" when someone you like does it but when its on the other side you call them dumb. I said that was arrogant and it is.
  20. LOL you guys just can't take it. Biden/Obama "misspeaks" but Palin is dumb. How arrogant. Say what you want but I wouldn't have answered the newspaper question any differently. I might scan through whatever is available myself.
  21. I could have sworn you said this: They got caught and just can't stand it. I love it.
  22. No, you didn't even know that Biden said it.... Don't try to clean it up now...... Houstonians :
  23. Evidently you didn't know that our Vice President is the owner of those fine words of wisdom. 8) You and Dick just showed how much you keep in touch with reality. So ready to hit the racism button and didn't know that it was your own VP that described B.O. : : : LOL :o :o :o
  24. Those were the words of our Vice President. Houstonians : :
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