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Everything posted by BearBryant

  1. You can never know what her reasons were. She was doing an excellent job as governor. Not too many have 95% approval ratings like she did. I applaud her for her career and her accomplishments. Its embarrassing how those on the left always want to think that they are the only ones that have any intelligence. She's obviously a very smart lady, but since you don't agree with her you say she's dumb. How sad. B.O. isn't looking to smart now is he?
  2. We've been told a lot of lies lately from candidates that promised CHANGE AND REFORM. One in particular stands out and he ain't Palin.
  3. I have nothing but the utmost respect for Sarah Palin. She made a personal decision and I respect that. She is a beautiful woman and I think that its complete jealousy how some feel they have to bash that. There aren't a lot of pretty women in politics. Don't see any good looking ones on the left side. That said. She was doing a great job as governor. Selling the plane and firing the cook was an excellent example of fiscal prudency. We need more like her in American politics.
  4. Yes it never got above 80 degrees during the 30's 40's and 50's. It was downright chilly in August back in those days! ;D Bleeding heart.
  5. I wonder why they wouldn't put a track with it????????
  6. Congrats. Get ready for the honeydo's
  7. Thats what I was thinking. Stump had Kelly rolling fine.
  8. She hasn't scored yet? Once again she is way off the mark. this is a privately owned site and the owner can set up whatever rules he likes. If we don't like it we can go set up our own site.
  9. A topic we can agree on!
  10. buy a large south Texas hunting ranch, a lake house, a beach cabin, and then build me a home with a 8 car garage.
  11. AND I said that I did not agree with THOSE type of actions....They feel that whites cannot be trusted, and I disagree with that..There are whites, blacks, jews, protestants, catholics, atheists, and so on that can't be trusted! I do however understand their FUNDAMENTAL purpose and its not to hate the white man....Its stop letting racists kick you around because we are not standing for that..Its just that simple. So you are a member? Seriously you are blind to those racists. They are racist to the core, and are consumed with hate.
  12. The New BPP is racist and no matter how much you try to whitewash (no pun intended) what they stand for it doesn't change the fact that they are avowed racist. Its too easy to research their words and their actions.
  13. OK. I doubt that but I'm not in any position research hate groups from this computer. A lot of white supremacists claim to just be pro-white... I don't believe that for a second. I wonder what would happen if I exercised my fundamental right in front of a polling station. Well said. Same is true for the other side. A racist is a racist no matter what the color.
  14. I'm not hippy but: Yes... I'm SURE there are. Do you think there are some (on this site) that agree with or are in some way connected to the anti-white hate groups? The answer to your question and mine is yes... but I still can't make generalizations about you or anyone else based on those answers. Dayton, there are no anti-white hate groups.....The new black panther party is just a pro-BLACK group....Just wanting to see fairness and equality...heck there were WHITE mambers of the black panther party...Ever hear of any black KKK members? (Only on the "Dave Chapelle Show", funniest sketch EVER ) They are completely different....Black panthers and members of the new nation of Islam believe in discipline and order..YES they arm themselves, which is their fundamental right, but will never initiate violence. NO I AM NOT A MEMBER OF EITHER, but I understand who they are and what they do. I do not AGREE with everything they say or stand for, because I DO believe that we can co-exist in peace and harmony, but I do understand some of their stances. That is a lie. The NEW Black panther party is as racist as they get. Your recent posts are outrageous. Just wondering something. Did your parent's teach and pound hatred into you or did they just fail miserably in that regard? You probably aren't near the extreme racist in person as you are on the internet but I still don't understand how you can say the things that you do. You are an educator and should be better than that.
  15. Wrong is still wrong though. At least be honest with yourself.
  16. Dont even respond to him. Just act like he's not there. Cause he's really not.
  17. Looking for a used boat motor 15-25 hp.
  18. It is not 4 to 1 or even close. CNN, CBS, MSNBC are almost exclusively liberal in their viewpoint and more power to them. Radio talk shows are overwhelmingly conservative but it is run by the free enterprise system. How come liberal shows fail? No shock there...... no one is listening. No conservative has been run off of anything. Not agreeing with far right wing kooks didn't turn them into liberals. Far from it. They might go underground or they might stop watching/listening to some of the shows but their political views haven't changed. Conservatives that don't like the higher taxes, do like a strong military, hate many social engineering and welfare programs, don't like socialized medicine are not all of a sudden for those things because they may be made at Rush Limbaugh for a statement that he made or because McCain is a moderate at best. Nope, they haven't run off. They're simply waiting for someone else to latch their wagon to or waiting for Reagan to be reincarnated. Excellent post.
  19. Huntington Meat Market is the place $11.95 for a 24oz Sirloin! They also have other steaks and such. This is a quality place!
  20. On the flip side Coaches will pour their lives into a school district, build homes in that district, put their children into that district and then get tossed aside by that district. Happens every day. Just another take.
  21. And the people of SE Texas continually get judged by a Dick! ;D I agree that this was tragic and her walk has been painful but she has brought a lot of the scrutiny on herself. Hopefully she'll be able to find some peace and closure now. Grief can do strange things to a person.
  22. I can agree with much of what you say. Good post.
  23. Lumberton P.D. is vindicated! Quanell X is once again proven to be a total fool.
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