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Everything posted by BearBryant
Maybe, if he keeps it up. I hope this makes all the "we forgot about 9/11" people realize, it's still going on. Also, this was not a terror threat that undercover was a part of. A little different than the 9/11 attacks. But I will say, Good Job to the administration! From the bear, i say the same. I'll give props to the administration when they succeed. I'm not like the liberals who refused to say one good thing about Bush.
Man Dies After Police Taser Him
BearBryant replied to bullets13's topic in SETXsports Archived Threads
I read some pretty heartless comments about the Lumberton P.D. (who by the way have turned out not to be the cause of Laday's death) Nobody faulted the mother for wanting the facts. Calling in a hate group however didn't bring her any sympathy. Now she's saying that her son was injected with PCP? She doesn't want the facts. BTW- I just watched a tape where an officer was dragged from his car and stabbed to death. -
What is the best thing Bush did during his presidency?
BearBryant replied to westend1's topic in SETXsports Archived Threads
thanks for clarifying... I'm glad you had your dad. I understand the sensitivity issue and am glad that's not the case in the classrooms I'm around. Everyone deserves to know the truth about their history. I totally agree. -
That would take a spine, some cojones, and a conscience.
What is the best thing Bush did during his presidency?
BearBryant replied to westend1's topic in SETXsports Archived Threads
You know that u use the constitution when its convenient for you. According to you its worthless because it was written by a bunch of thieves and liars. Who on here is not telling the truth about slavery? 100% of us believe that it was totally and morally wrong for all countries that were involved. But nobody here was a slave, it ended over 150 years ago. People weren't beaten or bombed just 150 years ago. Jim Crowism is/was just as bad as slavery. Step out of slavery into Jim Crow era. Jim Crow is still around just hidden better these days. Explain how Jim Crow is still around. Anybody can go through life saying "poor me". Try counting your blessings for once in a while. We live in a great country and a great state. Sure there are faults but is there any other country that you'd prefer? How many great democracies are over on the continent of Africa? Lots of cruel dictatorships, slavery still alive in Sudan and others, lawlessness in Somalia. -
What is the best thing Bush did during his presidency?
BearBryant replied to westend1's topic in SETXsports Archived Threads
History books have a way of coldly delivering facts and figures on all things historical. Did your history teachers teach it without any passion, feelings, etc.? Is that the deal? I enjoyed teaching it. There were many excellent movies that went along with it. One of the best was "Nightjohn" that dealt with the aspect of slaves teaching each other to read. -
What is the best thing Bush did during his presidency?
BearBryant replied to westend1's topic in SETXsports Archived Threads
You know that u use the constitution when its convenient for you. According to you its worthless because it was written by a bunch of thieves and liars. Who on here is not telling the truth about slavery? 100% of us believe that it was totally and morally wrong for all countries that were involved. But nobody here was a slave, it ended over 150 years ago. -
What is the best thing Bush did during his presidency?
BearBryant replied to westend1's topic in SETXsports Archived Threads
OK, completely honest here. Educate me if I off on this point. I have never been poor. I was never raised poor. BTW, poor meaning homeless, on government assistance. I'm not rich by any means. However my father was poor. He was raised on a 18' houseboat in Lousiana till he was about 14. His father semi abused him. He had my Father drive a boat 8 miles up a river, drop him off and he had to drive it back by himself. He waited 8 hours for his father to return. Oh yea, he was 8 years old at this time. His Dad was a trapper. Even though my father was poor I was not. I have NO CLUE what it is to possibly not eat one day. He tells me stories of his younger years that I can't imagine that happening to me. All his stories did was to convince me not to ever be in that situation. Now, slavery..........it was bad, but no one on this forum lived it. So, why keep bringing it up? Maybe because my gr-grandfather Avery Bias was born a slave and millions more like him. My ancestor, Milos Cetunic was an Athenian farmer taken slave by Darius III of Persia. -
From the posts I've seen on the other threads nobobdy has said that slavery was okay. Your reading into them stuff that isn't there.
Man Dies After Police Taser Him
BearBryant replied to bullets13's topic in SETXsports Archived Threads
Nothing good at all comes from these situations. Sad for family and for all involved. -
What is the best thing Bush did during his presidency?
BearBryant replied to westend1's topic in SETXsports Archived Threads
Ok, you said there were no white slaves, there were........now you bring up you dont need a history lesson. PNGkid is throwing facts as I do to support my statements. The history is history, it cannot be changed, BUT we can learn from it. In order to learn from it, you have to know it and understand it! About 40 messages ago I gave my spill on the things I thought Bush did well. I have to agree, Homeland security is one of the best things he's done. Although I did pose the question about if white people had been slaves...earlier than that, I posted that there were white people that were indentured. I believe there is a slight difference in the two. My eternal thanks to you and kid for "learning" me about slavery with all of your facts. Sadly, many facts have never been published in books, but as long as America was able to prosper and the select few were able to become profiteers at the expense and maltreatment/murder of others...hey, it's all good. I don't know what his legacy will be. Maybe that he rid the world of hussein, but at what expense? 9/11 was a test that no one could have truly been ready for. I think that we had no other choice than to go after binladen and it was the right thing to do, but I think that invading Iraq was not. I mean, in the history books, what will be said about why we invaded Iraq besides that hussein was responsible for some horrific atrocities. I just wish that he would have had the ability to either realize that he made a mistake (and not just with Iraq) and apologize for that particular decision. How about we knew he had WMDs, he had UN resolutions to answer to, he had to let our weapons inspectors see if he was indeed hiding anything (we know he was, what do you think he did, kissed those 250,000 Kurds to death?). Our inspectors were getting close and he ordered them at gun point to leave, which they did. Do you think he got rid of those weapons during that time? Hmmmmm. Sadaam Insane had scud (dud) missiles to deliver his explosives. I, to this day, don't know how we kept the Jews from all out attacking him. We kept them at bay by protecting them with our patriot anti-missile defense system. Some scuds still got through and did some damage and killed some people. Do you realize the magnitude of the situation, had he been able to hit the Jews with a WMD?????? Anyone here that doesn't think Sadaam Insane had WMDs is a fool. BTW, where were you when all of this was taking place....under a rock? One more thing. Americans did not execute Sadaam Insane. We turned him over to the Iraqis and they let him drop. I still love what the soldiers said to Insane when they found him....''Greeting from President Bush!" GREAT POST!!!!! I can't understand how some of you people let Bush and Cheney pull you off track to think Sadaam was the enemy? I can't understand how some of you people let Moore and Penn pull you off track to think Sadam was our friend? -
What is the best thing Bush did during his presidency?
BearBryant replied to westend1's topic in SETXsports Archived Threads
Makes you uncomfortbale doesn't it? Put this on your bucket list...... 1. Never attempt to be a psychologist, tarot reader, etc... Why would I be uncomfortable? LOL i was just noting how the thread had went awry. -
What is the best thing Bush did during his presidency?
BearBryant replied to westend1's topic in SETXsports Archived Threads
Boy this thread sure has gotten off topic. -
What is the best thing Bush did during his presidency?
BearBryant replied to westend1's topic in SETXsports Archived Threads
yes he is my president and I can praise or criticize him as I see fit! Bringing up the ole Fox News Boogey man Again? Boy you ladies sure have some zingers out there don't ya. Yeah Bush screwed up driving the deficit to 300Billion, And Obama has fixed it by sending it to 1.8 Trillion. Real Fixin there. But then what do I know, I'm not a private school basketball coach. -
What is the best thing Bush did during his presidency?
BearBryant replied to westend1's topic in SETXsports Archived Threads
That was a well thought out remark......... typical That generally means, "I have no other comeback against the facts so I'll have to make some silly quip". Exactly. Notice how not one of them have refuted what you posted. Why argue with the brainwashed Bush followers?....Waste of time...Thats the SE Texas way.. Once again if you folks think that the economic situation that we are in is not a DIRECT result of your boy George W., then you are dumber than I thought you were. HOW can you go back to the Clinton years and attepmt to blame THEM? Our economy was BOOMING during those years! Bush was a BULLY....Just like your forefathers were BULLIES back in their day...Thieves, liars, and backstabbers! ALL OF THEM....Sad. Wanna refute that fact? Didn't think you would. Just thought they could just TAKE what they wanted...JUST LIKE GEORGE W. Post a fact to refute instead of sad, egotistical, hate-filled rants. All I can say is...............wow. -
What is the best thing Bush did during his presidency?
BearBryant replied to westend1's topic in SETXsports Archived Threads
Exactly. Notice how not one of them have refuted what you posted. -
What is the best thing Bush did during his presidency?
BearBryant replied to westend1's topic in SETXsports Archived Threads
Ah the never ending quest to stomp out ignorance. There may be hope for the Dove but the Dick has no hope. : -
What is the best thing Bush did during his presidency?
BearBryant replied to westend1's topic in SETXsports Archived Threads
That didn't last long -
What is the best thing Bush did during his presidency?
BearBryant replied to westend1's topic in SETXsports Archived Threads
Its a shame that a positive thread can't even be on here. Is there some way to block people out in our profile's. The smell of turd permeates. -
What is the best thing Bush did during his presidency?
BearBryant replied to westend1's topic in SETXsports Archived Threads
Boy it sure stinks in here now. -
What is the best thing Bush did during his presidency?
BearBryant replied to westend1's topic in SETXsports Archived Threads
A turd is a turd. -
What is the best thing Bush did during his presidency?
BearBryant replied to westend1's topic in SETXsports Archived Threads
There went the positive idea. The walking sewer came to the thread. -
What is the best thing Bush did during his presidency?
BearBryant replied to westend1's topic in SETXsports Archived Threads
Maybe we can keep this thread positive. -
What is the best thing Bush did during his presidency?
BearBryant replied to westend1's topic in SETXsports Archived Threads
1. He really handled 9/11 and the aftermath well. 2. Tax cuts 3. Medicare Reform 4. Health savings accounts 5. Banned partial birth abortion 6. Teacher protection act 7. USA Freedom Corps 8. Funding to fight AIDS in Africa Not a big thing but I've also enjoyed not being bothered by telemarketers because of his action blocking them from calling. I think that the guy has moxy and the fact that the liberals could never get under his collar just drove them crazy. He wasn't the greatest speaker in the world and wasn't a policy wonk but he was "dumb like a fox". I think that he was a very good Governor. Under his tenure presiding over Texas, Democrats and Republicans actually got along. He and Bob Bullock were very close. Bush gave school teachers a very much needed $3000 raise, reduced property taxes and signed concealed carry legislation into law.