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Everything posted by Broncofan78

  1. I bet. I wasn't able to ger there at all tonight. I'm excited for next scrimmage. I was wanting to check out some of the jv so I could get to see the new kid from mississippi. I've watched the others play. I'm super excited about the future
  2. How did the jv receivers look???
  3. How did we look tonight

  4. The kids in the program are hardworking kids. They want to be great. After watching practices and the scrimmage you have kids coming up that are going to help the program tremendously. Kids like pike, nail, santee bros, the 2 offensive lineman, some kids on the d-line, and lovely. Verdict is still out on the tall receiver and linebacker from Mississippi, but whisper is he is going to be a great addition to the bronco family. Coach Nation will do great things. Its up to us as a community to help these kids away from the football field. There is life after high school football and we need to prepare these kids for adulthood.
  5. Right on. Future for Dayton looks bright
  6. Has he played football before. Was just told baseball is his best sport. Hard throwing lefty
  7. 6'6 sophomore ? That sophomore class for Dayton is going to be pretty tough. Does he play any other sports?
  8. Is he a sophomore or junior.
  9. Who is the tall kid on jv for Dayton. I got a chance to see some of the scrimmage. Was impressed by his ability to get to the ball
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