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Everything posted by McLovin

  1. Excuse me but when you speak of the "great team" shouldn't that be the one that advanced? I sense the inference here is that the "great team" lost to a "mediocre (and lucky) team who then, by virtue of the inferred luck, "gave" the chance to advance to a lesser than "great team". If that is true, then did the same thing happen in the regional final last year to the team, who a few games before, beat the "lucky" team by a substantial margin(at the Montagne Center) only to lose to the "lucky" team in the final? HMMMMMMMMMM can't remember anyone postulating that theory at that time. You're just too anxious to pin me down. I said, "A great team." I, by no means, believe Jasper and HJ aren't deserving because, well, they flat ot earned it. However, I do believe the best team is at home now due to their inconsistent play. Ok- I understand your point but wouldn't the best team have, within its characteristics, the most consistency? Would your conclusion then also mean that last year the best team also stayed home? The best in this context are the ones with the most potential, but that's nothing if you don't play. I just don't like the fact that Jasper put Silsbee out. I would've been satisfied if it were HJ, and had it been HJ you could make that connection, but you can't now. Despite how you feel about last year, the best team did win state.
  2. Excuse me but when you speak of the "great team" shouldn't that be the one that advanced? I sense the inference here is that the "great team" lost to a "mediocre (and lucky) team who then, by virtue of the inferred luck, "gave" the chance to advance to a lesser than "great team". If that is true, then did the same thing happen in the regional final last year to the team, who a few games before, beat the "lucky" team by a substantial margin(at the Montagne Center) only to lose to the "lucky" team in the final? HMMMMMMMMMM can't remember anyone postulating that theory at that time. You're just too anxious to pin me down. I said, "A great team." I, by no means, believe Jasper and HJ aren't deserving because, well, they flat ot earned it. However, I do believe the best team is at home now due to their inconsistent play.
  3. Just no real interest anymore. The season was cut short, so I let it be that. It's a shame to see such a great team go down like that. Congrats to HJ, but I sure would've liked ya'll to go through Silsbee to get there.
  4. ahhhhhhh! i knew it! take that memory loss!
  5. why not just a yes or no?
  6. please tell me. 'm almost certain, but i'm looking for a little confirmation...yes...no?
  7. well not really. just remembered something that i don't think i'm remembering too well, so i thought i would run it by you. Did I play arcade games on this site when it began, or did I have one two many knocks to the head???
  8. Everyone deserves a chance...too bad Silsbee won't allow Jasper even that. ;D
  9. not very happy about the 1st quarter :-[ better shape it up before state
  10. I don't see why your fixed on being disappointed???
  11. Not big enough ;D
  12. Definitely not the district it has been! I guess UIL realized they had to spread things out.
  13. I think they'll make playoffs in a much weaker district this year.
  14. Can't wait to see it play out!
  15. I meant the state of Texas, so I wasn't overlooking anyone. I hope they are satisfied with last year's Big 12 trophy.
  16. There's absolutely NOTHING wrong with using outside help! Most coaches only take so much time on certain things (batting, pitching), and to go on your own time and have someone help only betters you and your team.
  17. Whereabouts are Spruger?
  18. Overkill
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