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  1. Tryin to outwit me...lmao
  2. You never what could happen...I hope ktz pulls it off....but its gonna be hard with the hurricane and all.
  3. its usually a good matchup.
  4. When is vidors homecoming?
  5. Who do you think will win?
  6. Break em off...your talkin about ktz struggling agaisnt west hardin. Even though buna beat ktz last year, buna still struggled against ktz.
  7. I dont think thats true.
  8. during the live quarters, ktz usually wins.
  9. True That.
  10. I guess griffin must have got to him.
  11. For a pretty good while kountze and woodville have always scrimmaged against each other and finally have an actual game. They were always good too. Its about two and half weeks from now, any predictions?
  12. Aren't you the kid that got roughed up by West Hardin last season? I'd say cheap shotted. ya that was me.
  13. lol. Whats E.c without tramain?
  14. lol thats funny you say that cause it seems that ktz beat ec last year.
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