About Buna using refs that are from Buna, I don't know about V-ball but I do know we have 3 refs during B-Ball, there are 2 of them we do not like to see on the floor! The other one is very fair in his calling. The other 2 we just wish they would stop, they go way out of their way to prove they are not from Buna and it is not fair to us. So if they are the ones you are talking about, we are with you, we don't want them on the floor either! I have not known of any refs from Buna calling football games. As far as as our football team this year, we have been waiting for this team for a few years now. We knew several years ago these boys would be good. The coaches are doing a good job with them. As far as running up the score, we have put in all the boys to play. I believe the H-D coach even made a comment about it. Last night we were within a yard of scoring again and just took time delays and kneels. The Buna fans have stood and clapped for some of the other teams when they had a good play or scored. We have been there and we know how it feels. As long as our boys keep their heads and stay focus on the game at hand we will have a good year!