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Everything posted by Trad

  1. You see Lamar State I did say that Coach Bryson was a good coach. I just happen to believe that it is not good that any coach should keep their own stats while trying to coach a game. The bigger issue here is that you do not think I should have an opinion different than your own. It really does not bother me that any coach keeps their stats any way they want, but it does bother you that I do not agree with it. Coach Bryson could have coached, filmed the game and kept stats if that is what he wanted to do. There are a lot of things coaches do that I do not agree with. I guess the only thing we can agree on is what you said about the "talent level" being the reason for a much improved season. Lamar State, do I have to agree with you on everthing or it's considered bashing?
  2. One thing Coach Boutte has at Ozen is security. What can Coach Roc guaranty? Nothing. I would guess he (Roc) signs a 3 year deal at a time. But if he performs poorly he could be gone anyway. A new coach would come in and bring with him an all new team. After he gets his time in with BISD I would assume he would then be interested in something new , but not until then. Just a wild guess. As far as this being a Central thread I will say this about Central. They are no power house. They have lost 1st round playoff games the last couple of years. But they are in the playoffs year after year. I really do not think this is going to change this next season.
  3. No Lamar State we were not at war. I do appreciate the information and updates on the basketball program. I just do not like your basketball logic, nothing personnel. Where you and I differ is the fact that you believe it is "normal" for a head coach to keep stats full time at the same time trying to coach. He did not have to, he wanted to. Not even in Junior High does this happen. And I would never have made the statement that the success of a team depended on the shooting of one person on the team. Could not should not have ever happened. If a player is having a good game you leave them in, if he is having an off game, you take him out, you do not let him continue to play and bring the whole team down. And on top of that you failed to mention any games that may have been won when a player who may score a lot of points failed to do so. I do not plan on changing your mind, and do not plan on continuing to argue with you about it. It is of no use and a waste of my time. But, thanks for the information on the status of the coaching situation.
  4. With the advent of cameras and instant slow motion replay I continue to be impressed that the umpires get the call right so often.
  5. Thanks for the clarification. Then why do I see coaches rushing out to talk umpires after a questionable call so often, as the picture depicts on the front of the opening page?
  6. Do they still have them? Can you protest a game because of a bad call? And even if you did find an umpire had made a bad call, will it do any good to appeal? I know in basketball a bad call that may have caused a game winning point is still called a loss, or a win, depending on which side of the gym you are on. Not much you can do about it. Bad calls, no calls and good calls all happen in the same game with basketball. If they still have protest of call can anyone come up with a real example where it had actually changed a game at the high school level? Also we see coaches arguing with umpires all the time, has this ever changed a call? I am not talking about an appeal from one umpire to the other.
  7. Mr. Vitale: It would be a win win for Boutte just to apply at Lamar, or receive an invitation to join the coaching staff. He would not even have to leave Ozen. Look at the Neumann situation at Nederland. Let him apply, make it look sincere, and then with draw his name with 14k dollar raise.
  8. Correction. You do not have to get rid of Ozen for Central to have a shot at 1st place. Just get rid of Boutte.
  9. Look... When you are right your right. I thought about what you said and I think it is very close to being reality. I have not been a coach and I need to cut them more slack. Now I can spend my time argueing with the umpires in baseball, and giving the refs a hard time with basketball.
  10. Okay I was wrong. I have seen the error of my ways. I am going to listen to the old man, Mr. Vitale, because I believe after a little thought , he is exactly right. I have to cut Coach Bryson some slack for being able to accomplish what he has the four years he has been at Lamar. Especially this year, having to coach with very little or no help. Actually I believe he has done an outstanding job with the team this season. It is not his job to hire a replacement and he has done all he was asked to do as far as I know. Lamar State has done a great job of keeping us informed of the progress and I should not have taken my frustration out on him/her. I apologize for that and to Coach Bryson for second guessing his coaching. It will not happen again and I only wish the best for the basketball this next season. Good luck with hiring a new coach, I hope you can handle this without my input. One last observation, none of the games I saw on any team, D-1 11 or 111 had a head coach that kept is own stats. They were yelling instructions the whole game and rarely sitting down. At least the ones that came to the Parker Center. Coach Bryson should have gotten a bonus for having to do both jobs.
  11. I agree. But you really need to have a long talk with your nephew about Coach Bryson, then get back with me. You and nephews dad do not talk much. You know that is a very good idea. Take the stats from the game tape. Why didn't someone tell Coach Bryson that so he could be looking at the game the whole time rather than at his stat sheet? Your right, it's not his fault at all Lamar State, it's yours. You watched all the films, you should have offered to help him with the stats.
  12. I hope you are not suggesting that I have ever mentioned either of these.
  13. The one you were just on. DP#1FAN a moderator accussed me of bashing the organization. Not bashing just a different veiw.
  14. I thought Coach Bryson could have done a better job with the team had he not had to keep stats. Is this bashing a coach?
  15. I am not going to agree with everyone on this board. There are going to be differences of opinion. I believe this is what drives the board. Because someone may disagree with my opinion and calls me a basher does not mean I am actually bashing. Just disagreeing with a topic.
  16. Mr. Vitale, did you see many of the games?
  17. Bashing? Me? Am I the one who suggested that the teams success depended on Noah's game? I have only been talking about the Seahawks basketball team. Last time I checked, this is were it is suppose to be posted. Just because my opinion does not match your opinion does not mean it is "bashing". I have watched a lot of college basketball lately and have not noticed any coaches keeping their own stats. Nice try though. I did go to the NCJAA web site and the information you quoted is not there that I could find. As a matter of fact none of the teams individual stats were where I could find them. Team stats were there but not for steals and assist. Maybe I am not looking in the right place. Lamar State, you seem to be taking this discussion very personnel. I would like to add a thought here. Lamar Port Authur would be able to save a lot of money if they could keep the employee's that are not involved in the health and fitness department off the local sports chat boards, and actually doing their job that they know something about. And I might add: The playground remark, although humours, was a personnel insult and uncalled for.
  18. Lamar State are you suggesting that because Coach Bryson "had" to keep the stats that it took away from the teams ability to compete? If the Seahawks could afford to pay Coach Simmons to be an assistant, don't you think there was enough money left in the budget to hire a full time stat keeper after he left and let Coach Bryson earn his salary as a coach? If we had had a full time coach he may have had a little more control of his players as they were doing the things you discribed that caused us to lose the games you are talking about. Since you brought up the offense. Did you know that we ran the same offense every game . The other team knew it as well as we did. Thanks for the info on the stats.
  19. Lamar State you seem to be privy to stats that the rest of us do not have. I only questioned you about Noah because you made it sound like he was more responsible for the losses than anyone else. I did not think he alone was responsible for the losses. The only stat keeper we had on the team was Coach Bryson. This is not a slam on Coach Bryson but just an observation. Had he coached more and keep stats less, we may would have won the 5-6 games you are talking about. I think Coach Bryson could have been a very good coach. And I do not answer personnel questions. If I say something that may not be correct then I need to be corrected. I do not have all the information you have access to. By the way, your opinion may be different than mine and should not be considered by anyone as a correction.
  20. Let me take a wild guess. Are they both grossly over paid?
  21. I would like to have seen Gamble beat Franchize and they had their chance. They were in this game to the very end. If I remember correctly, the Gamble team squandered their last three possesions on a charge, missed free throws (2) and a turnover in the lane.
  22. "Way harder than it had to be"? Who did Gamble have that was 6-10? This game was going to be difficult to win period. All things considered, the Gamble team played a lot better than I thought they would. Most believed Franchize would win. I was more impressed with how the Gamble team played and less impressed with Franchize. Franchize should have won this game with no problem, but they struggled to pull very far a head. And may the truth be known, the bad call at the end on the game may have cost Gamble the game. Hats off to the Gamble team, all of them.
  23. Lamar State: If what you said is close to correct about most of the freshmen returning then we would have 7-8 returning. So what kind of an off season program has Coach Bryson have in place for the Seahawks? And the statement about Noah being on and the Seahawks winning and he being off and they lose, does not sound so good. They lost more games than they won. Did Noah really have that many off games?
  24. What about the situation Franchize was in? I know 1.5 minutes is a long time in basketball but up 5 is sometimes hard to come back from if played properly.
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