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Everything posted by Trad

  1. Brian English is envolved with his kids that happen to be in a little dribblers program, as a parent, not a head coach. Do we see any head baseball, football coach involved in any little leagues anywhere. No. English, Robertson, Rice, Boutte, not to mention Larence Wiliams all have parent problems every year. But if I do have a question or a problem with something he or she, says (any coach) or does, I would go to him in person to discuss the issue. 70% may have played but it would have been impossible to get that many on any Jr. High basketball program. Coach Abel would love to see more kids come out, I do not know why they don't, I guess they think they are not any good and see no future in it for them. By the way Catfever I do agree with you 100%. No head coach should be expected to coach a sport that would take time away from his main responsiblity. Much like Brian English over at Nederland not haveing a basketball class but 3 days a week. This puts English and Abel at a disadvantage.
  2. Ozen in a land slide. Boutte could take the day off and Ozen would still win.
  3. You might be wrong about that. Since he has become the head coach at Vidor I really do not think he is even an assistant coach on the 9th grade team as he may have been as a JV basketball coach. Next time I see him I will ask.
  4. Yes I do love Coach Able, he is a great coach and cares about the game a lot more than you realize. There is not another coach around in any of our larger districts that have been asked to do what he is doing, and he does it without complaining. Speaking of pathedic, who in their right mind thinks that you can take a kid off the freshman football team that more than likely has never played before and think he is going to compete with kids that have been playing basketball for years? Nobody that knows anything about basketball. You can "recruit" all you want but if you have to have your varsity coah teach basic basketball 101, it is not going to happen. As a matter of fact if your kid shows up at Jr. High School and has no basketball skills, he will be a lot better off staying with football. Varsity coaches cannot run little dribblers, parents are already doing a fine job with the program. And don't you think you are a little hard on your neighbors across the street?
  5. And this is for yor Kirbycat. PNG did not beat Vidor 3 times during the two years they went to the playoffs, but they did beat them twice, by a total of three points. They were great games I remember them well, both at the reservation, once in 04 and once in 05. In 05 they (PNG) beat Vidor by one and in 04 the beat them by two. By the way, when are we going to start talking about Nederland?
  6. And by the way. Robertson would not take on a head coaching basketball program while at the same time try to manage a head coaching job for the 9th grade football team, unless, the money was there and two no one expected him win a lot of games.
  7. Having to coach 9th grade football puts Able at a major disadvantage from the beginning. He lost a lot of games last year that could have been won if given the same time in the gym with his team the other coaches get. Many games were lost by 10 points or less, several by as many as 5. I agree that he is a very good coach and will use what talent he has as best possible.
  8. If Lance Robertson does not like being the head 9th grade football coach at the same time trying to put together a varsity basketball team, he would not be a good fit. I am not saying Coach Able likes coaching the 9th grade team but he does it anyway. I have not talked to him about it recently.
  9. KFDM Coop, I do not know how much you know about basketball, but I will agree with you about Ozen.
  10. Speaking of Burdest Jenkins I believe he will be dunking the ball for the Port Authur Seahawks this season. I believe they have picked up several quality players from this area and could have a team that will be able to compete with any of the schools in their conference.
  11. I have watched all three many times. All quality players but, just because one may beat the other in a one on one game does not always mean the winner is the best team player. But the question at hand is one on one. Give the edge to Brown for no other reason than rebounding and 2nd shot chances. They all handle the ball extremely well and can all drive the lane in traffic. Each have a great outside shot and all are very quick, not prone to turn the ball over much or make mental mistakes. I thought it was an interesting question. And since it's not going to happen, there are no wrong choices only differences of opinion.
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