Brian English is envolved with his kids that happen to be in a little dribblers program, as a parent, not a head coach. Do we see any head baseball, football coach involved in any little leagues anywhere. No. English, Robertson, Rice, Boutte, not to mention Larence Wiliams all have parent problems every year. But if I do have a question or a problem with something he or she, says (any coach) or does, I would go to him in person to discuss the issue. 70% may have played but it would have been impossible to get that many on any Jr. High basketball program. Coach Abel would love to see more kids come out, I do not know why they don't, I guess they think they are not any good and see no future in it for them. By the way Catfever I do agree with you 100%. No head coach should be expected to coach a sport that would take time away from his main responsiblity. Much like Brian English over at Nederland not haveing a basketball class but 3 days a week. This puts English and Abel at a disadvantage.