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Everything posted by Scrub_1

  1. Gasoline? and next time we need to spell something.
  2. No intention of trash talking or anything but HF what happened? Did HF go into this game the same way Silsbee went into their game against HF?
  3. Well the Garrett boys werent too for the Silsbee defense.
  4. did anybody get the "clue" joke?
  5. B.B.M.H. Brittany Beast Mode Henry
  6. yeah last years baseball team from silsbee just didnt care anymore, thats their only excuse. and yeah everyone has excuses its what we do. what'd you excpect "Yay We Lost!" nope. but have fun with your debates. ;D
  7. and 76% of all statistics are made up on spot. Dont drink its not that hard. If you got an MIP you probably deserved it. Just remember where your priorities are, if you do drink don't during football season, this isnt varsity blues you wont get any slack. so if you care just stay away. and thats coming from a high school senior.
  8. Thats a little too close to "SCRUBS WHAT IS YOUR OCCUPATION?' 'AUUUUUUUH AUUUUUH AUUUUUH" I say Silsbee, in Tiger Stadium, with a football.
  9. Just from the people i know from kelly it seems like the only thing one more year there will do for you is have one more year of destroying you liver. If you catch my drift.
  10. fontenot = FONT-I-NO!!!!!!!
  11. Great game two good teams and the better team won. Silsbee great job on defense I was proud several consecutive 3 and outs. Unfortunately we had 3 redzone appearences that came to 4th down and instead of kicking we went for it and didnt get anything. But we fought hard and had a good game and scrub support. Go Tigers!
  12. theres a difference between having a bad game and being a bad team. Congrats Horns
  13. I wanted to go to the game to but it was the same day as Silbee vs. the Indianapolis colts
  14. Well Silsbee has beaten the K-Ville dynasty 3 years in a row now. And being from Silsbee I'm supposed to hate Jasper but I have to take their side on this. Give it a year or two and Jasper will be back on top and K-ville will be back on the bottom. no offense.
  15. What about Silsbee's sophmore Chris Barnes?
  16. hmm...some theory you got going there but it just might be crazy enough to work!
  17. This was the first volleyball game I've been to that has been able to hold my attention, no offense, I went to the football game afterwards and believe or not was more entertained by the volleyball game. The scrubs know what you girls are about now. And props to B.C. #2 she was a savage. Go Lady Tigers
  18. well thanks for your imput, it was very thoughtful.
  19. Two reasons Chris Barnes and Chris Castle. Count how many people it takes to get castle down and just watch Barnes' speed. This isn't even counting Qb Jeremy Johnsons running threat.
  20. whoah, Jasper beat WO-S, are you comparing K-Ville to West Orange. I'm no West Orange fan by any means. But dude you're just pulling excuses out of the same hat you pulled your Carthage victory.
  21. Silsbee played our homecoming against WO-S last year this year it is against H-J I think.
  22. I don't know about WO-S's stadium but Tiger stadium holds 9,500 and is pretty nice.
  23. I just can't wait until it get's cold and that fall feeling is everywhere. and sometimes you just randomly scream. "Hey man what's, FOOTBALL, up?
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