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  1. I stopped at gas station before going home to watch on Texanlive, I'm so freaking nervous I bought Tums and beer. I hit the package store next door too for something stronger just in case...Go Coogs!
  2. I’m already nervous about this game, truthfully I was nervous about it three weeks ago, I kept watching the LH scoreboard. Crosby’s offense better get it going and we need time of possession on our side too. Can you imagine what our coaches are going through this week? Tums anyone…
  3. Oops…I agree. I was on a school board once and my experience was the board (my board) forgot that they represent the community. Although, the community never attended meetings and had no clue what was going on. Thank you for the correction.
  4. Time to NOT re-elect school board members
  5. I was more worried about AMC. They were huge on both sides of the line, athletic, definitely well coached and I think faster than us too. I think TH will be ready but Crosby has been tested. I don’t know much about TH but that defense there test is coming real soon. IMO AMC second best team in R3.
  6. I wonder (just speculating) if what you said about PNG were true, another reason that makes better sense to me is that PNG needs more room for there fan base.
  7. It seemed that Crosby had more penalties than normal during the Marshall game too.
  8. After watching that video BH wins, not that impressive to me.
  9. Any word on where/when game will be?
  10. If my memory is correct and lately it’s been letting me down…I think it’s the only Texas high school football stadium that had a presiding US President (Ford?) watch/attend a game. I’m probably wrong, I just can’t remember…huh huh mmm huh huh huh…what we talking about again?
  11. The problem with Stallworth Stadium is this damn ramps and steps are too steep…for me anyway.
  12. Oh I wish I would of took that bet
  13. Congratulations BH and all of our district too
  14. How many penalties did Ned have? How many did Crosby?
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