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Everything posted by Bronco1983

  1. I need to find one like that when they were 9
  2. Where is the game being played tonight. what stadium are we playing at
  3. Coug88 im not threatening anything champ. You guys from Crosby sure get sensitive real easy. Sorry if I ruffled your feathers. Try not to get to upset gal
  4. ok just checking was ready to cut and paste
  5. Hold on champ my son plays on the JV leave those kids out of it. They are a good group of kids. Who would start on Varsity at other schools. If you don't believe me I will be happy to post the text messages on here from your hometown
  6. yes sir there is another 6-6 kid he plays receiver and LB on the JV. He is a little underweight. We moved back from Mississippi this summer and the program was horrible. Dayton put 15 pounds on him in 2 months so he is 182 now.
  7. unless he was in my office we didn't speak. Especially with someone from Cougar Nation
  8. I mentioned you because you said we spoke. Don't know who you are
  9. This sounds like and excuse. In your words a loss is a loss. So a serious question for Cougar14.2: Do you go after ex-Navasota coach Lee Fedora if Crosby misses the playoffs this year, I'm sure Crosby could pay what it takes........
  10. You talked to me? I don't think so chief
  11. Mr. Cougar14.2 If Nations leaves so will my boys. Nations is a good Coach. I played for Jerry Stewart, Joel Hancock, and Jeff Nations. Nations is one hell of a coach and He is going to turn the program around. When we moved back to Texas my kids could of went to liberty, Dayton, or WOS. I work in Beaumont I chose to drive the 1 hour and 6 minutes to work everyday so my son would not only be in a great Athletic program but be taught life lessons on the field. My son is the 6'6 sophomore and I have a 12 yr old that plays qb for the 7th grade. So to answer your question. No I hope we don't find another coach and if Dayton fans feel that way about Nations or the program he hasn't kidnapped their kids take them off the team the door is open. We want unity and community pride. We don't have time for the B.S. I dislike fair weather fans with a passion. When we beat Humble those same people will jump back on the wagon. I love Dayton and I love the program..... GO BRONCOS!!!!!!!!!
  12. Everyone in Bronco Nation please relax. Everything will work itself out. I played and we got into some trouble during the season and ended up going 3 deep. if I didn't believe in the program my sons wouldn't play. I don't always agree with the play calling but Im not a coach. Let these guys do their job. I have a 15 yr old sophomore and a 12 yr old 7th grader and they both play. If I didn't believe in Coach Nation or his vision we wouldn't play here. I can go anywhere I want due to renting a home instead of buying because we just moved back. I chose Dayton because I believe in the people, I believe in the tradition, I believe in the dream.... Lets go Broncos
  13. I totally agree. We will be just fine
  14. Here is the deal my son plays on the JV. We moved back from Mississippi in June and the community was excited about the program. I played for coach Jerry Stewart and for coach Nations. Coach Nations has never wronged me or my kid. He is the first one in the locker room and the last one to leave. I don't care about the politics. I know that my son loves playing for him. I believe he will turn it around. I know the man behind the whistle and I know he loves every kid. I know that he is preparing these kids for life not just football. So good luck to the broncos.
  15. great Job tonight broncos
  16. My son has played with these kids since he was a lil kid. I actually coached some of those splendora games. Ive got a chance to see those kids go from little boys to young men and they did it together. These boys work hard. They are looking forward to this game also. Nail, Pike, Lovely, Orebo, Vauter these kids will be ready
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