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  1. Crosby usually gets at least 4 unsportsmenlike calls on them. Things like that can end up hurting them. It was a good game. Neither team would give up.
  2. You're funny
  3. IT'S GAME DAY !!!!!!! Taking a moment to say a prayer for all of those traveling to the game, especially the bus drivers (they are transporting my babies) and for a clean, injury free game. Best of luck to both teams but GO EAGLES
  4. I have to agree. I was at the game watching it as an outsider. I saw some penalties that weren't being called. I can understand the frustration of the kids but they have to keep control of their emotions if they want to go farther than the 2nd round. Both teams wanted it but only 1 could come out on top.
  5. Yes!!! I was very surprised about this. Great job girls
  6. The only time I watched Vidor play was against us and I wasn't very impressed. I see they had a good season tho. I never cheer for Crosby but there will be many BH fans there supporting them Thursday night. Good luck to both teams with injury free game. I hope Crosby pulls the win out.
  7. Tonight going to watch BH girls win over PN-G in Volleyball Thursday night- Crosby vs Vidor Friday night- BH vs PN-G. GOOOOOOOO EAGLES
  8. OMG yes!!!!! It can drive you insane. Good luck to both teams . GO EAGLES
  9. BH JV 20 Porter 13 Freshman Blue 68-6 W Freshman White 20-26 L
  10. Calm down there, no one said it was about "playing the game" On the field has been great this season
  11. Idk what Ol Westerburg will do about this game. He's already made a few changes this year that some are not to happy about. I would love to see our seniors boys have 1 last good game in the Eagle stadium. I know our boys are going to come out and play strong on their home field
  12. At least a hour in that Friday night traffic. Hope another place is decided on
  13. I can see New Caney beating Crosby. I think the score will be close
  14. BH boys weren't playing like they have been against NC, no excuses but I noticed it right away. Hopefully that was a wake up call for our boys. I'm going to take Porter in a close game. 24-21
  15. I will give them props. They are having an awesome season. It may not be much to some people but it's a hell of a good time for these kids. I hope they at least go away with 1 loss (they play us Nov. 4). They should be very proud of themselves
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