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Everything posted by BIGMO44

  1. [quote name="Rebel Yeller" post="870236" timestamp="1286629139"] [quote author=True Blue link=topic=74138.msg870073#msg870073 date=1286600561] Great game but the last Off. plays I still dont understand??? Evadale had the ball on the 3 on 3 down, got a holding call, then the refs walked off  15 yards instead of 10 ??? putting the ball on the 23, but  still made it 4 down???  That play ment nothing but just wondering what these guys were thinking???? [/quote] Just a correction Blue, ball was placed on the 20, but it was a 15 yard mark off for holding inside the 5. But the down was still 3 the Rebels just elected to go for the FG attempt on 3rd. The staff did know it was 3rd.  But the officiating in this one was comical all night long. That was just the last straw! [/quote]As you both have stated and I agree, it didn't affect the outcome but that was a strange crew.  Too many conferences and just odd almost comical things from these guys all night.  Not sure what happened on the Stangs last TD.  From my vantage point it seemed the ball was fumbled into the end zone and recovered by the Rebs.  After a brief conference the crew gave the TD to Bville. ??? does'nt matter. Good hard fought game by both teams.  God luck to the Stangs in the playoffs.  Enjoy a week off Rebs and get healed up.
  2. They were a strange bunch (Refs). Not sure they were an experienced crew.  Ball spots were 2yds off at times and in the2nd half they "wound" the clock at every spot.  After kickoffs, punts, out-off-bounds, after time outs, it didn't matter, when the ball was spotted and play was to resume the game clock started.  Oh well, didn't affect the out come but I would've liked more time for the 2nd sting O and D on the field. It was good to see the game plan changed by coach Will to give Billy a little rest and kinda take a game off from running.  Good hard played game by both teams...stay focused Rebels.
  3. I still say I see the Stangs getting there in the near future.  They're getting there, give em time. Another good finish Rebs.  Was good to see the passing game open up a little more giving B. N. a little rest tonight.  Stay focused and get em one at a time.  With a week off next week it it will help you get healed and reload!
  4. Central @ [b]LCM[/b] Bay Sterling @ [b]West Brook[/b] GP North Shore @ [b]Memorial[/b] [b]Barbers Hill [/b] @ North Forest [b]Dayton[/b] @ Baytown Lee Friendswood @ [b]La Marque[/b] Ozen @ [b]Vidor[/b] [b]Lumberton[/b] @ PNG Nederland @ [b]Livingston[/b] Jasper @ [b]Center[/b] [b]Kirbyville[/b] @ Huntington [b]Bridge City[/b] @ Hardin Jefferson [b]Silsbee[/b] @ Orangefield [b]WOS[/b] @ Hamshire Fannett Hardin @ [b]East Chambers[/b] [b]Anahuac[/b] @ Buna Newton @ [b]Woodville[/b] Warren @ [b]Kountze[/b] Deweyville @ [b]San Augustine[/b] [b]Evadale[/b] @ Burkeville
  5. HD is to much for the Cards... Bobcats  49 Cards      6
  6. I'm pulling for the Oilers...gonna be a good one!
  7. [quote name="SSX78" post="867433" timestamp="1286408720"] [quote author=BIGMO44 link=topic=73945.msg867001#msg867001 date=1286371869] [quote author=H-D BOBCAT 55 link=topic=73945.msg866906#msg866906 date=1286339641] Burkeville upsets Evadale !! The Burkeville program is gonna improve big this year. Burkeville 21 Evadale 20 [/quote]Now 55, I've always had a competitive kinda respect for your football savvy, but I've gotta wonder if you're being serious!  Hey, everyone is entitled to their opinion and if that's your gut feeling...ok.  That score would no doubt be the strangest turn of events in SETX football this year. Considering that Evadale beat Dville and Dville beat the Stangs 40 something to 00.  Anyway... [/quote] I'm sorry but [b]your sadly mistaken MO[/b], Burkeville hasn't been shut out yet this year. The correct score was Dville-46 and Bville-6. [glow=blue,2,300]SSX78[/glow] [/quote]Well HECK!!! You sure got me there!!!  I stand corrected...In that case, it's anybodies game!!
  8. I believe WS wins this one but I'm pulling for the Dogs.
  9. [quote name="H-D BOBCAT 55" post="866906" timestamp="1286339641"] Burkeville upsets Evadale !! The Burkeville program is gonna improve big this year. Burkeville 21 Evadale 20 [/quote]Now 55, I've always had a competitive kinda respect for your football savvy, but I've gotta wonder if you're being serious!  Hey, everyone is entitled to their opinion and if that's your gut feeling...ok.  That score would no doubt be the strangest turn of events in SETX football this year. Considering that Evadale beat Dville and Dville beat the Stangs 40 something to 00.  Anyway...
  10. I've got the Rebs by a bit!  Look forward to a good game with no injuries.
  11. The Pirates looked against the Raiders, [b]at times[/b].  They'll need to cut down on the penalties but I believe they'll turn it around this week for the Homecoming crowd. Vidor  28 Ozen  14
  12. Gotta go with the Tigers...should be a good game. Silsbee by two scores.
  13. [quote name="Rebel Yeller" post="865007" timestamp="1286130063"] I don't know about you guys, but I am looking forward to 10 PM on Friday night when this thread can be put to bed. Just to clarify a few things... 1. The UIL makes district and division assignments, not the Evadale coaching staff. 2. Evadale plays non-district games against area teams that in years past they have played in district against and of course to make the SETX polls easier to figure. 3. Evadale respects the tradititions of other teams in the area, that is the reason that the coaches begin breaking down film from their next opponent shortly after they get finished with a Friday night game. Thinik thats not right just ask the coaches wives if they have enjoyed having their husbands home early during this off week. 4. We will not apologize for having more kids come out and participate in athletic than other schools our size. We know how important it is to have our younger players competing and excelling against players their own age. It has yielded dividends the past few years and will continue to do so. 5. We are as excited about our school and our teams as anyone else. We are glad you are glad you support your team too. This forum would be really boring if everyone liked us. 6. Nothing that is said on this board will effect the final score of Friday nights game. To the Mustangs, good luck and have a great game. To the Rebels lets just keep rolling. I for one would like to see all our district teams do well. It would sure cut down all the weak district stuff. but you know they said the same thing in baseball and see how well that worked out last year!  [/quote]Very well said Yeller.  Good luck to all teams in district play.  But I'm pulling for the Rebs!!!
  14. [b]Kirbyville[/b] @ WOS East Chambers @ [b]Newton[/b] [b]Baytown Lee[/b] @ Barbers Hill CE King @ [b]Goose Creek[/b] North Forest @ [b]Crosby[/b] [b]Dayton[/b] @ Galena park Central @ [b]Livingston[/b] [b]LCM[/b] @ Ozen [b]PNG [/b] @ Nederland Vidor @ [b]Lumberton[/b] Cleveland @ [b]Splendora[/b] [b]Coldspring[/b] @ Shepherd Buna @ [b]Hardin[/b] Kountze @ [b]Anahuac[/b] Orangefield @ [b]Jasper[/b] High Island @ [b]West Hardin[/b] Sabine Pass @ [b]Colmesneil[/b] Rusk @ [b]Diboll[/b] Corrigan Camden @ [b]Crockett[/b] [b]West Sabine[/b] @ Mt Enterprise
  15. [quote name="Burkeville Chronicle" post="861984" timestamp="1285895107"] You may be right BigMo...but please remember that these are young adults who are giving their all. This Mustangs team has a lot of heart and have put a lot into this season. Maybe we can't beat Evadale...but at least we will show up and give it our best...and win or lose maybe some of these young men will learn something... gracious in victory or understanding in defeat. That is what I was always taught as a young adult. The JV comment is in very very poor taste IMO....not really what I expected from you. Good luck to The Rebels in district and I wish them well in the playoffs.                                   [b].................just saying[/b] [/quote]I surely understand that these are young adults and I understand that both teams will give it their all.  That post was (is) directed at a few that have turned this forum into a "my daddy can whip your daddy argument", not the players.  You should know, Evadale players are restricted from this site by Coach Williams. (I'm sure they still stop by)... I've got lots of respect for Bville and their tradition.  You are certainly entitled to your opinion and if you feel the JV comment was out of line, well, I think you're being a little sensitive.  And that's just my opinion.  If you look back through the last year or so on my Bville comments, I've always said that the Stangs will be back.  Harper is one of the best coaches in this area, again, in my opinion.  I was stating what I thought and that is the way I see it.  This may not be the right place for you to unwind if that comment bothered you.  Man, that was Sunday School stuff and G rated. Anyway, I always held you in high regard and still do, and I won't end this post with a sophomoric dig like you did at me. Good luck to y'all as I believe you'll get back to the playoffs this year.
  16. Tough one to call.  My team is off this week so I'll be sitting on the Lumberton side.  For that reason only, Ltrain by 7... ;)
  17. [quote name="incognito" post="861647" timestamp="1285870190"] Let me try to set the record straight here. First of all tread it was a joke about a fictitious player, a fictitious ice pack, and a fictitious frostbite. I'm sorry that you took it so seriously. I would never make a joke about a real kid with a real injury. I have a son playing varsity football, and he sustained an injury in a game a few years back that took him out for the entire season, so I understand first hand the pain and frustration that brings. In light of all the tragedy our area has struggled with lately I should have been more cautious with my attempt at humor. To any and every Lumberton fan that I may have offended I apologize. As for the players that have been injured my heart goes out to each and every one of them, I pray for a full and speedy recovery. And to all the members of SETXsports I know that sometimes we can get caught up in all the smack talk and rivalries and forget that we are dealing with real people with real feelings, I for one am sure going to try to remember that.[quote author=incognito link=topic=73617.msg860547#msg860547 date=1285762737] I heard from a good source that after the LC-M game one Lumberton player fell asleep on an ice pack and got frostbite...... which will force him to miss at least two games. ;D ;D ;D [/quote]good recovery nito...Always hate to hear about injuries, especially when a team is hit this hard. [/quote]
  18. I thought this was a "14-1A Who comes out on top" thread, not a "who has the most state championships and most overall wins" thread.  I've got to ask....are you like 3 years old? If it'd make you feel better, start a state championship thread.  No doubt that Bville has some great history and tradition but I haven't seen Hull-D on this thread boasting of tradition or WOS, or PNG or Newton or whoever....its a 1A This Year Type of Thread.  ??? ??? ??? OK, I'm done, on to better things.
  19. uhhh, some of y'all won't like this, but the Rebs will pitch a shut-out in this one.  I think the only way the stangs will score will be against the Rebels JV. Rebs  49 Stangs  00 Just saying...
  20. Why are we still discussing this?  Anyone with any football savvy knows that Evadale will come out on top this year, as they have the last 2 years.  I'm not hating the Stangs or saying the Cards were a 1-man-band and they're finished without their good RB.  I'm simply saying the Rebs have too many weapons and to good of coaching to finish 2nd.  I've said before and I'll say again, Bville is headed in the right direction but they a few years away from being a threat for the title.  Sure, they'll make the playoffs this year.  But I believe it'll be in 3rd place behind Evadale and HI.
  21. [quote name="incognito123" post="858961" timestamp="1285597435"] I had the opportunity to meet Coach Barbay once.  My parents are good friends with his son, Darrell, and his wife, and I played for Darrell at Hull Daisetta.  My parents and I went to the Anahuac vs. Hardin game last season and before the game, we went by the Barbay's house in Anahuac to visit with Melissa, and Coach Barbay and his wife were there.  I suppose Newton was off that week.  They had come down to visit and see Anahuac play.  We sat for about two hours in that living room and listened to Coach talk about football, and I bet he mentioned 15-20 of his former players as he told story after story about his seasons in Newton.  I was awestruck and told my dad when we left that we had just had a two hour conversation with a legend.  It was like talking to Bill Gates about Microsoft, you just knew that everything he said was right and there was no bigger expert on the sport.  He sat one row behind us at the game, and as Anahuac beat Hardin soundly, he critiqued every play, and every call.  He couldn't turn the coach off, even when he was a spectator.  It was wonderful.  Some guys I work with know that I knew him and his son, and they often asked me if I thought that Coach C. Barbay would take it easy on Coach D. Barbay this season as they met up for the first head to head matchup.  My answer was easy, HECK NO!  I said, "He will try to beat the tar out of his son and tell him afterwards, "that's how you do it!!", then go kiss his granddaughters.".  That's just the kind of man he was, and I don't think Darrell would tell you the same thing.  I am saddened that we will never get to see that matchup, but in a way, it is fitting.  Instead of playing Barbay vs. Barbay, you will now get to see two communities (Anahuac and Newton) come together and play FOR Barbay, and I think, no matter the score, everyone will win that night! Prayers from the Elder familiy go out to all of the Barbay families. [/quote]Probably the best post I've ever read on this site!  Well said and thanks for sharing.
  22. Again, nice pics Joharr!  Man, I had every intention of inviting you to stop by the booth but it completely slipped my mind.  Sorry bout that...Good luck to y'all the rest of the way.
  23. [quote name="HD94" post="856625" timestamp="1285423407"] BigMO I hope the coaches can work something out in the near future where we could continue to play each other.  It was starting to build into a good rivalry game.  Good luck to your Rebels. [/quote]I'm with you 94.  It was a good rivalry that was always physical.  Let's hope we can get it on again in a few years!  Good luck to the Cats in district play.
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