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Everything posted by BIGMO44

  1. [quote name="H-D BOBCAT 55" post="708574" timestamp="1258261997"] Check out this awesome link. H-D tradition baby !!! This is were it started. [Hidden Content] [/quote]Thats what sets teams apart...TRADITION.  Sure, from time to time every team will have an off season.  But tradition will have em back in the thick of it sooner than later!!!
  2. [quote name="tram" post="709276" timestamp="1258335398"] With a defense only giving up 5.3 points a game.... You gotta think they will win this one.  Surely all ten teams on their schedule are not offensively challenged?  Defense wins championships. [/quote]Everyone stop posting....this guys from mart... ;D ;D ;D    just messing with ya tram.  Good to hear from you again.
  3. Good stuff!!! This kinda stuff sticks for years, it's called tradition.
  4. [quote name="gdickert" post="709313" timestamp="1258337290"] Didn't intend for this to be a contentious thread ... I was curious what folks around here thought about these issues. I saw an original post on the volleyball thread and thought it would get a bigger audience on the football thread. I read an interesting article about the origination of the term "redskin" ... Apparently bounty hunters back in the 1800s were paid good money for all the Indian scalps they could collect and turn in to traders. They would sell skins, furs and pelts of various animals, including the "redskins" of killed American Indian men, women and children. Is it true? Who knows. In regards to the Rebels mascot, Sour Lake High School used to have a Rebels mascot. When integration took place and it became Hardin-Jefferson High School, the mascot was changed to the Hawks. [/quote]Not sure what you were wanting...I read the above but.... :-\ :-\   Its like making a small incision but thinking it won't bleed... And what about the hijackings at sea lately.  Cost companies a lot of money and innocent people have lost their lives, are the people from Vidor, Deweyville, East Chambers and Spurger bad people because these goofballs at sea are considered Pirates?
  5. [quote name="texvb" post="709291" timestamp="1258335819"] [quote author=ShlyKBMT link=topic=62427.msg708942#msg708942 date=1258316699] To answer the question about Evadale yes they have flown the Rebel flag in front of the school and it's on the school's sign plus painted on the wall in the gym as part of the school seal. TJ's girls bball team had an issue with it years ago. [/quote] You being a reporter, I understand how you get things wrong, just as most media do. Whats wrong are your ratings low? To set the record straight there is no confederate flag flying in front of the school. There is a school crest on the wall of the gym inside and out and it has been the crest of the school for many years. The only school that ever made any remark about the crest was not TJ it was a school from north of Evadale and it was discussed and everyone was satisfied. So if your sports show has low ratings dont try to raise them by making Evadale a bad place. Many people have visited the Evadale area to view the best little Homecoming parade in the state and attend the Catfish Festival every year and yes we have all ethnic groups involved. They seem to appreciate the hospitality of all of Evadale. So study your subjects a little better before you sling your Beaumont arrows our way, try looking in the mirror and correcting your own problems of the big city. Just for your own education there are African American children in the Evadale school system. Now go find something worth reporting that your audience of 10 might watch. :-* [/quote]Not bad...i tend to agree concerning the people from Evadale.  Just good folks doing what they do and being friendly about it.  But stuff like this will continue to come up and make people feel good for being AGAINST something, and for NOTHING.    
  6. Congrats Dawgs on a great season!!!  Good luck and make 23 1A proud!!!
  7. Well its no secret I'm from Evadale and not supposed to pull for HD... ::) ::) ::)  BUT, congrats on making the playoffs, I wonder how many times HD has been in the post season?  A ton no doubt.  Anyway, we're pulling for you Cats!!!  Good luck and take it to em!!!
  8. [quote name="ECBucFan" post="708309" timestamp="1258251430"] [quote author=grad88 link=topic=62374.msg708196#msg708196 date=1258247361] [quote author=checkmate link=topic=62374.msg707417#msg707417 date=1258212411] [b]This is where we see if the district is really weak as many have said, or if we were all wrong. [/quote] [/b] Checkmate you really have a hang up about this weak district thing don't you.  It's getting old.  Go play somewhere else.  You need help. [/quote] Amen. A certain few go to great lenghts to throw that insult at not just a team, but entire districts. it is old. They need to just get a life.  [/quote]Mart will be a load...no doubt.  But you strap em on and play the game.  I've seen alot of football and played a little, the ball takes some strange bounces and if a team is prepared, they will capitalize.  Be ready Rebs and "hit em the mouth"!!!  Thanks for all the support from the district and from the area football community...well most of the district... :-\
  9. Congrats to both teams on their success this year.  With all due respect, I believe Newton is on a different level.  Newton by 3 scores.
  10. OK Rebs...time to go to work.  Have a good week of practice and make it happen!!!
  11. Thanks for the info 55.  Good stuff... Good luck in the playoffs...
  12. Nothing but respect here for Colmesneil...Dang good football team and they play with class...Good luck to the Dogs in the playoffs.
  13. [quote name="Rebel Yeller" post="700899" timestamp="1257625785"] [quote author=Dawg Fan link=topic=60875.msg676710#msg676710 date=1255703117] Does Anybody else think that evadale is overated??? [/quote] Well Dawgfan what is your answer today? I will give the Bulldogs plenty of props as they never gave up and made last nights game a classic. Evadale can thank you for ignighting a spark that I believe will serve them well when they begin the playoffs. Colmesneil is the first team to have a lead on the Rebels all season long but unfortunately it lasted only about three minutes. Think about that not only did the Rebels go undefeated 10-0, but they only trailed one team for 3 minutes in the entire season. The Rebel defense gave up 53 points this season that is an average of 5 per game. Only four teams scored out of the 9 actual games that were played. four shut outs not counting the Chester forfeit. 18 points is the most given up in any game this season. 25 points given up in 6 district games for an average of 4.1 points per game. 200 yards was the most yards given up by the Rebels in any game this season. in the last 18 games the Rebels are 17-1 they have back to back undefeated district championships they are going to the playoffs for the forth straight year. Want to think about something else. The Rebels have every offensive and defensive lineman returning in 2010. TheQB, fullback and both tight ends are also coming back.  Three of the four linebackers will be back and one of the three DB's will be back.. Plus their JV went 6-1 this season and will have plenty of players to step into positions being vacated by seniors. Overrated, the best is still to come! [/quote]I know it's early, very early in fact...but I'm calling a 3-peat for next year...got way to much talent coming back.  I know I'm probably getting the cart before the horse...but hey...it looks real good for some time to come in Rebeland... Thanks to the guys from last year and this year for laying the foundation for some good football in Evadale!!!
  14. Evadale has crossed some huge hurdles over the last two years....Beating an ALWAYS good Hull-Daisetta team on the varsity level for the first time in school history, last year, going undefeated in District, now the last two years.  And season undefeated this year.  This is the way Real Programs start.  Good job to coach Williams and his staff....Looks even better next year. OK, lets cross another hurdle, get the first playoff win in a long time...We're behind you fellas...Go get em!!! Lets make Wilkins wait another week (I'm sure he won't mind) Good luck to Hull-D and Colmesneil in the playoffs.
  15.   [quote name="MUSTANGPRIDE" post="683149" timestamp="1256236731"] [quote author=whambulance link=topic=60875.msg683064#msg683064 date=1256230934] [quote author=MUSTANGPRIDE link=topic=60875.msg682925#msg682925 date=1256221858] [quote author=83_Alumni link=topic=60875.msg682361#msg682361 date=1256154121] [quote author=MUSTANGPRIDE link=topic=60875.msg682221#msg682221 date=1256144524] [quote author=Dawg Fan link=topic=60875.msg676710#msg676710 date=1255703117] Does Anybody else think that evadale is overrated??? [/quote] Yes, I think is Evadale is very overrated.. Yes they did win against Burkeville, but only because Burkeville had to make serious line adjustments that put them at a disadvantage. I not making excuses for Burkeville , just stating facts. For example, the starting senior quarterback had to play another position, while the freshman quarterback had to fill his spot. Those are big adjustments,offensively, that can cost you, especially in the type of weather they had to play in. I have another question, If Evadale is so great and not overrated, Why is it they lose in the first round of the playoffs? At least Burkeville, when winning has at least made it to round two or three every time.. That's because Burkeville was a very solid ball club, and NEVER OVERRATED!!! We had few shaky years, but be assured the Stangs, are back and on the rise.. Go Mustangs!!! [/quote] if Evadale is overated what does that make Burkeville??  A has been!! Sure y'all are on the rise, but right now it is Evadale time in the sun. [/quote] Evadale sun now but the rain is coming lets say the week of November 13,2009. First playoff game they will be out...  First round as always, so much for being so solid... They will be playing basketball... [/quote]So, the Stangs will playing [b]what sport [/b] the week before that?  You guys kill me!  It's ignorant to trash a team that you've already lost to, absolutely ignorant.  Nobody from Evadale is making BOLD playoff predictions, they're just playing who ever lines up against them each week. [/quote] Nobody was trashing Evadale's team.. A question was ask, and an answer was given.. This is a forum for discussion of topics. People do have differences of opinions. You may think this team is not overrated, I happen to think that they are.. That's my opinion... whether Evadale's fans or other people like it or not... Alot people may think alot of things about Burkeville or any other school, and you are entitled to your own opinion. Your opinion doesn't influence anyone one way or the other..it just that "your opinion". And to answer the question what sport will Burkeville be playing the week before that- the answer is FOOTBALL.. check your schedules!!! GO MUSTANGS!!!!! [/quote]Think you better check YOUR schedule...Rebs have a bye next week, so, Wham was correct...and NO...No overrating here!!!
  16. Guess I'll be accused of trash-talkin for saying this...Way to go Rebs!!!!  Undefeated district champs!!!  We've heard it all the last few weeks but when the dust settled, 10-0 CHAMPIONS!!!  REPEAT CHAMPIONS!!! All you did was beat everyone that squared off against you...Great job!!    Good job Dogs and good luck in the playoffs.
  17. [b]PNG[/b] @ Central Newton @ [b]Kirbyville[/b] [b]Galena Park NS[/b] @ West Brook [b]PA Memorial[/b] @ Baytown Lee Livingston @ [b]Vidor[/b] Nederland @[b] Lumberton[/b] LCM @ [b]Ozen[/b] Sat Center @ [b]Jasper[/b] [b]Rusk[/b] @ Diboll [b]Bridge City[/b] @ Hamshire Fannett [b]Silsbeee[/b] @ Hardin Jefferson [b]WOS[/b] @ Orangfield [b]Woodville[/b] @ San Augustine Buna @ [b]Anahuac[/b] Deweyville @ [b]Hardin[/b] Warren @ [b]East Chambers[/b] Colmesneil @ [b]Evadale[/b] Sabine Pass @ [b]High Island[/b] [b]Hull Daisetta[/b] @ Burkeville [b]Dayton[/b] @ Austin LBJ Sat
  18. [quote name="Burkeville Chronicle" post="695085" timestamp="1257208508"] I think the majority of people north of Kirbyville think Colmesneil will win..while the majority south think Evadale will win....this is what I am understanding by talking to many people both north and south of Kville. Should be a great game. [/quote]Hey...Kville is the new Mason/Dixon Line!!! :D :D    Just having fun Chronicle... Will be a good one, I hope.  Two good teams wanting the same piece of real-estate...[b]the top piece[/b]!!!
  19. Couldn't be set up any better...Final game of the year for 1st and 2nd place in district!!!  This should be a good one.  Hope it lives up to its hype.  Lets have a good, clean hard nosed football game to decide who gets the crown. I believe the Rebs are better by 10 points, JMO, but the ball has a funny shape and sometimes takes some really strange bounces.  I'll say Evadale-17...Comesneil-7. Be safe on your trip to the Battlefield Colmesneil fans...
  20. [quote name="Dogpack Fan" post="693132" timestamp="1257045891"] [quote author=TheCardinalFan link=topic=61332.msg693115#msg693115 date=1257045425] Congrats to the Bulldogs, good luck next week against the Rebels.  You know they were watching tonight! [/quote] It seems all of the coaches were there, and several players. They seemed to enjoy hollaring for HI and to the referees when they thought a call wasn't made correctly. [/quote] :-\
  21. [quote name="TheCardinalFan" post="692969" timestamp="1257041210"] [quote author=BIGMO44 link=topic=61332.msg692932#msg692932 date=1257039372] [quote author=TheCardinalFan link=topic=61332.msg692854#msg692854 date=1257036961] AggieAreWE I bet you don't get to watch many 1A games do you?  Sometimes they are ugly, but they are always fun to watch. [/quote] ??? ??? ???...I got your back most the time, but I grew up watching 4A and have watched some pretty ugly games in all classes.  Not sure 1A is an ingredient for ugly football...football is football.  Halftime is where the difference is. Anyway, sounds like a good one and will be tight if HI hangs on to the ball.   Good luck in 2nd half. [/quote] Your are right, 1a is not an ingredient.  halftime is very different and game atmosphere is different when you don't hear the drums during the game. [/quote]agree
  22. [quote name="TheCardinalFan" post="692854" timestamp="1257036961"] AggieAreWE I bet you don't get to watch many 1A games do you?  Sometimes they are ugly, but they are always fun to watch. [/quote] ??? ??? ???...I got your back most the time, but I grew up watching 4A and have watched some pretty ugly games in all classes.  Not sure 1A is an ingredient for ugly football...football is football.  Halftime is where the difference is. Anyway, sounds like a good one and will be tight if HI hangs on to the ball.  Good luck in 2nd half.
  23. HD stands look kinda empty...thought they had 1500 screaming fans!?  Good pics Joharr...
  24. Thanks for updates Aggie....and speaking of Aggie, we put a whoopin on Iowa St today!!!    ;D
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