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Everything posted by BIGMO44

  1. I do believe he is the Ace for BS.  Thats a lot of pitches!  ???
  2. To me...it's all about the money, or lack of it for public schools, plus the fact that private schools can do a certain amount of (tongue in cheek), recruiting.  Just too many variables that are not close to showing any consistency. JMO
  3. Sabine Pass is my pick!!! For explanation, see the West Sabine/Big Sandy thread...
  4. After the two District Champs got together today for a warm-up game, I'm gonna have to say 24 1A will sweep 23 1A.  I may miss this by a mile but that's my opinion. SO, Big Sandy over West Sabine...
  5. The Rebs gave 5 pitchers some work tonight.  The Rebel bats were hot all game.  Good work fellas! I know this is not the thread for this but its gonna be tough for West Sabine and Colmesneil as they battle the 2nd and 3rd place teams from 24 1A, which both played Evadale to respectable games. Good luck all...
  6. [quote name="purpleeagle" post="1004114" timestamp="1304174770"] Newton Eagles Aug.13 Hemphill (scrimmage) home Aug.19 Coldsprings (scrimmage) there Aug.25 Crockett (scrimmage) home   week 0 Sept.2  Kirbyville - home Sept.9  Corrigan Camden - there Sept.16 Silsbee - there Sept.23 Buna - home (dist. starts) Sept.30 E. Chambers - there Oct.7 Woodville - home Oct.14 Warren - home  (homecoming) Oct. 21 Hardin - there Oct. 28 Anahuac - home Nov.4 Kountze - there [/quote]That's a stout pre-district schedule!!!
  7. [quote name="u_dnt_kno_me" post="1003116" timestamp="1304001666"] Great job Evadale as much as it pains me to say naturally (me playing for Burkeville) because Burkeville use to blow Evadale away but as you see the tabel has turned through hard work and dedication, something we've gotten away from and you have truly earned it..hats off to you and good luck in the playoffs [/quote]Very classy post dnt_kno.  A tip of the hat back at cha...
  8. [quote name="Howard" post="1003144" timestamp="1304006214"] The impeccable Mark Williams and a rash of unprecedented and iniquitious talent at the small school named Evadale, nestled in the Pine woods of Texas is indeed a rarified occurence. It is ,however, going to be interesting to view this program after a mass exodus of seniors after this very year. [/quote]The same thing was said in 2009 when the Rebels graduated 15...[b]yes 15 seniors [/b] and they did not rebuild in 2010 but simply reloaded!  I predict much of the same results next year.  Like I said in an earlier post on this thread, Williams gets em out and that's big!
  9. Yes, Mark Williams has been the AD during these rich years in Evadale.  He gets the guys out and thats most of the battle.  On the girls side of things, they have long time coach, Robert Holyfield and his wife Debbie heading up most sports.  With Williams and the Holyfields running things, most every kid wants to participate and wants to excell on and off the fields/courts.  These leaders have kept and expected high standards from the Rebel Athletes and we're certainly lucky to have them.  I graduated with Williams and have known him most of my life...I've personally had a son go through the program under Williams and he was the QB the year Evadale started their winning ways in football.  I couldnt have asked for a better coach than Mark.  I now have a daughter playing under both Holyfields and again, I feel we're in good hands. Community and school support are high and it shows at this little school in SETX.
  10. Congrats on a fine (short) season Rebs!  Go get em in the playoffs!!!
  11. [quote name="AJ25" post="991320" timestamp="1301634494"] [quote author=pngpurple4ever link=topic=82333.msg991292#msg991292 date=1301626813] [quote author=AJ25 link=topic=82333.msg990285#msg990285 date=1301456885] [quote author=pirate supporter link=topic=82333.msg990244#msg990244 date=1301454725] just heard on the news that lumberton is going to possibly be letting 40 teachers go. Class sizes going on and this can't be good for teachers / coaches/ or students [/quote] Lumberton will be laying off over 70 teachers total.. [/quote] Wonder if the Lumberton head baseball coach will be one of them. It would be ashame since I hear he is so loved and highly respected in the Lumberton area. [/quote] Not to mention he is a Science teacher. How many coaches do you know that are science teachers? Aren't too many. Hard to get rid of a guy when he fills a hole as a Science teacher and is also a solid ball coach. [/quote]Lumberton will lay off somewhere close to 40 teachers and close to 30 Para-Professionals.
  12. With the low number of 6 man teams in East Texas, they would likely be in Chester's District...if they had to go 6 man.  Man-o-man, never thought we'd be having this conversation...
  13. [quote name="Scooter!" post="993951" timestamp="1302116712"] [quote author=BIGMO44 link=topic=82666.msg993448#msg993448 date=1302052505] I really hate that the numbers are so low in Bville.  They have a rich history in football and I was really looking for things to turn around with the return of Harper last year.  If their numbers are that low and they are graduating 12 senior starters...it will be hard for the Stangs to turn it around any time soon. [/quote]that's because all the athletes are going to Newton. IMO [/quote]Good point...
  14. I really hate that the numbers are so low in Bville.  They have a rich history in football and I was really looking for things to turn around with the return of Harper last year.  If their numbers are that low and they are graduating 12 senior starters...it will be hard for the Stangs to turn it around any time soon.
  15. Not sure what you're saying...there's 12 Seniors this year?  If so, trouble next year.  There's 12 Seniors expected for next year?  Not bad!  I'm also wondering where Bville came up with 12 Senior Football players.
  16. With little Franklin coming around as a pitcher, this will surely help the Rebels as they try to make anotherdeep run in the playoffs.  IMO that gives the Rebs 4 pretty good starting pitchers. Keep working hard Rebs!!!
  17. I've read through all the posts and to answer a question or two from several pages back, [b]a district can not pay salaries from a bond[/b].  The bond will spell out what the funds can be spent on and some wordings are more specific than others.  Any item that is bought or built by bond money must a life expectancy of at least one year. IE buses, buildings, computers but not fertilizer, supplies and so forth. As far as nice buildings, they make a difference, you bet your rear they do.  If the kids have nice facilities to study and gather in, their morale is usually higher and that will lead to better education.  You can believe me or not, but nice facilities also attract better teachers.  If the campus and buildings are in good repair and all other variables are in the ballpark, good employees are drawn to them.  Also, good facilities promote good morale for the employees and that certainly affects education. No, I do not pay taxes in NISD but the district I do live in passed overwhelming a bond a few years ago and it has been nothing but positive for our district and our community.  And we do pay into "Robin Hood".
  18. [quote name="WOSgrad" post="988812" timestamp="1301175415"] [quote author=Hookem17 link=topic=82309.msg988805#msg988805 date=1301174071] Wow!  It looks like both teams were saving their pitching for Tuesday night.  Glad to see Evadale put some runs on the board. [/quote] It is in games like this that you get the pitchers who don't normally pitch during the week some work. This is especially true for Evadale as they didn't have the luxury of the tournaments to do that. [/quote]The Rebs brought in their #5 pitcher to start the 5th, the wheels came off and they brought in #6, that was no better so sure enough here came #7.  WOS Grad is correct, Evadale went REAL deep to get some pitchers some work and IMO, a couple of those my not get back to the mound. At any rate, I'm glad the Rebel bats were hot all game and if they get in a tough game and stick with their top 4 pitchers, they'll be fine. Good job to the Pirates for keeping their heads in the game.
  19. WOW!!!!!  Guess I didnt see this happening.  Congrats to the Pirates!  If y'all keep this up you'll fool around and find yourself in the post-season.
  20. Good, very good baseball game!!  Hope we have a few more of these as district play continues.  Good job to the Sharks and congrats to the Rebs on a hard fought victory.
  21. [quote name="eye-witness" post="986275" timestamp="1300723692"] [quote author=The Fire Terminator link=topic=82039.msg986262#msg986262 date=1300722492] There is no way sabine pass will win because they have no talent even if that lefty pitches evadale wont be worried.... evadale is coming together pretty good and lookin to get that winning streak going [/quote]yeah, cuz yalll looked GREAT against big sandy and lossing an all-state short stop and lead-off hitter really doesnt help yalls chances [/quote]If youre talking bout Evadale, the SS and lead-off hitter was at practice today.  Did something happen after practice? If Evadale keeps their heads screwed on right, they should take this one.  Look forward to a good game with the Sharks.
  22. Seems no-one can break away in this district.  It may get interesting down the stretch.  Isn't Haglar a senior this year?  Just wondering. Congrats Raiders...
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