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Everything posted by BIGMO44

  1. Sounds like better game than the score...good job to both teams.
  2. I'm not sure what you're getting at ???; I was being funny about the "memorial" part. The crying statement was about things other posters said about refs not the transfers, read the post. You guys need to relax... Again, good effort to both teams. I'm out...
  3. Ok, you memorial sharks have been mouthing all week about blowing the rebels out of thier own gym, and now you guys are crying about the refs keeping it close. From the information I'm getting, the sharks #34 , although a good player, rode the rebels backs all night long under the backboard and should have fouled out late in the 1st half but never did foul out. I bet if you check the books, there were more fouls called against the home team in this one and you say "the refs". I could care less, it's just that you sharks should play ball and take your wins and losses. Good job to both teams especially to the rebs after a bad game tuesday. ;)
  4. Sandy by 30. Not mad at any one, just my opinion. Good luck to both teams.
  5. They'll be the Sabine Pass "Shartans" in a few years!!! They are about 60% transfer now. NOT THAT I CARE, I'm just saying.
  6. You guys, team, fans, coaches, staff and everyone I came in contact with for 4 games this year, including the final two games, showed nothing but class. In victory and defeat the spirt and pride were the same. I enjoyed my ride on the L-Train and and wish you guys luck in the future. Thanks for the ride...and what a ride it was!!! ;)
  7. Well, I'll say it, there's a lot of negative karma flying aroung here...lol. Seriously, Lumberton DID have a good team this year and they showed loads of class in the loss. Gathered around their coach for on last speech. Stood in line and listened to their school song before leaving the field. No helmet throwing, no kicking and screaming. You represented your town well. I don't know what you'll have next year and really don't care! You just had one heck of a year, enjoy it! You just went to the 3rd round of the playoffs, you ain't no push over.
  8. This will be BIGMO's 4th go-round, and I don't believe it will be the last. Keep it rolling L-Train!!!
  9. 1st year coach Jason Wilkons, he was on the Evadale State Champion team a few years ago and fresh out of college, may have a handle on the the Rebel basketball program. Let's hope so, these guys are used to at least being competitive. Good win for the Rebels as they are still a very young team this year.
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