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Everything posted by BIGMO44

  1. Good work Rebs.  Keep working and taking care of you business!!!
  2. [quote name="pirate supporter" post="985494" timestamp="1300505782"] and why did these 2 teams play?? [/quote]It's not unheard of for a 2a and a 3a to play.  Or a 3a/4a or 1a/2a...  1a Evadale played 3a Hamshire-Fannett this year on ZERO days of practice and the day after they returned from a basketball trip to Austin and got 10 runned. But it showed em where they needed to work and they've been on a roll ever since.  This schedule has probably been set for some time. Just because a team shows up big and gets themselves ranked, you still play it and if the Pirates have a good team themselves they would get some positive stuff out of a game like this.  But... from this score, I'm not sure. Good luck to the Pirates and the Tigers the rest of the way.
  3. [quote name="InStitches" post="982090" timestamp="1299980434"] Just one a good lawyer to put UIL in jail for theft ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D  (see proof at left) notice the red square lit on backboard and the ball in the shooters hands. :o [/quote]Man!!!  He has not even extended his arms...it's not like the ball was on his finger tips.  The ball is near his head.  :(
  4. [quote name="WordMan2" post="981883" timestamp="1299955824"] Regardless of whether or not the refs got it right or wrong in the final two seconds, the Rebels blew an 8 point lead and thats where the accountability lies.  I really dont like it when people just blame the refs without putting it all into context. [/quote]I disagree...the accountability is to make calls or no-calls that will not directly effect the outcome of the game.  The refs keep law and order not prematurely end the game.  An 8 point lead was blown for sure, but as someone said earlier the Rebs overcame a 9pt deficit early in the game but the game was not called, they played the game all the way through...Problem is, this game still had Over Time minutes to be played. Both teams put themselves in a position to win it very late, fact is, neither team nailed it down in regulation.  It would seem that any one of the Refs could have called a huddle and overturned the basket.  But when the dust settled, Eula left with a State Championship and Evadale left wondering "what if"...we'll never know. 
  5. [quote name="pirateguy" post="982017" timestamp="1299970782"] [quote author=trophyman link=topic=81644.msg981996#msg981996 date=1299967993] wheres the nut that said EVADALE  was from a week district now you just lost your accountability. ha ha [/quote] Accountability or accredibility? ;D haha [/quote]either way...LOL
  6. Great run Rebels!!!  Can't put into words how proud I am to be Blue and Gold!!!  As some have said, we'll never know if you could have pulled it out in OT or not but you sure earned the right to win it or loose it in OT.   
  7. [quote name="whsalum" post="979259" timestamp="1299545078"] [quote author=whambulance link=topic=81351.msg979122#msg979122 date=1299528363] We did ourselves good by getting Williams on board.  Some thought we would never see the light of day after the last coach left, well looks like he at least has not done a bad job.  Congrats to the Rebels and to Coach Williams, great job and a class act! [/quote]Good Luck Rebels.Coach Williams was a perfect fit for this group.You almost always need an experienced guy on the bench with a senior club and he has done a super job !! [/quote]I couldn't agree more with you both... You can see your goal from here Rebs!!!  There's now just two teams standing between you bringing the nets home.  Dig deep and take it to em!!!
  8. [quote name="AggiesAreWe" post="978075" timestamp="1299300690"] [quote author=BIGMO44 link=topic=81217.msg978070#msg978070 date=1299300000] Great game Rebs...very slow start for both teams.  Evadale had somewhere around 13 turnovers in the 1st half and you just had the feeling that Evadale was the better team.  Way to finish strong guys.  One game from the BIG dance!!!  Thanks to SETX and Aggies for the coverage.  Hey Aggie, you were the best lookin broadcaster over there tonight...LOL [/quote] And the most informed. They were all asking me for info on all 4 of the teams. BIGMO, I am looking forward to 3 more games. ;) (oh, and Papadeaux's was great, ate my weight in oysters on the half shell) ;D [/quote] ;D ;D ;D
  9. I followed that team every step of the way that year Colt.  As I have for years in Evadale.  That year Matt Bruce was the point guard and Jason Wilkins was the Big Man down low.  This year the point guard is Matt's cousin, Brandon and the Big Man, Blane is Wilkin's cousin. The Rebs are in good shape and have peaked at the perfect time.  To answer the question for this thread....YEP!!!
  10. Great game Rebs...very slow start for both teams.  Evadale had somewhere around 13 turnovers in the 1st half and you just had the feeling that Evadale was the better team.  Way to finish strong guys.  One game from the BIG dance!!!  Thanks to SETX and Aggies for the coverage.  Hey Aggie, you were the best lookin broadcaster over there tonight...LOL
  11. Evadale is the perfect example of peaking at the right time...these guys are playing some dang good ball right now!!!
  12. Coach told me before we left the gym that no matter which team we played Tuesday it would be played in Willis.
  13. Great half time adjustment by the Rebels.  Yorktown was very quick in the 1st half and got every loose ball.  They were crazy from the 3 point line in the 1st half as well.  The Rebs came out in the 3rd quarter in a fierce man-for-man defense and I was really surprised at how much it bothered the Yorktown offense.  The Rebs outscored York 40 to 23 in the 2nd half!!!  The inside game for Evadale was a little rough in the 1st half but man, did they turn it on in the 2nd half.  Evadale pounded it inside and they were just too physical for the Cats. Congrats Rebels and keep working!!!
  14. The Rebs season ends in the 3rd round.  Lost to a tough Thrall team 45-42 in Overtime. Congrats to the young Lady Rebs and to Coach Hollyfield!!  Y'all will be there again next year!!!
  15. Lady Rebs battle back from 10 pt deficit at half time...End of regulation tied at 38.  OT
  16. Start of the 4th...Thrall 33  Evadale 30 Rebs were down 10 at the half...
  17. Burkeville Chronicle has been quiet.  I heard there was a RIF in Burkeville...Sure hope he didnt get caught in that.  :(
  18. This team is loaded with Jrs, Sophs and even a Freshman plays a lot!  Congrat girls and good job Coach Hollyfield (s)...
  19. I agree...the Rebs may get a dose of the ole "hack-a-shack" in the playoffs!  Heck, if I were an opposing coach I'd pack it in and have a designated "fouler" to keep it close until the bigs got winded.  It baffels me that a 1A team with this size doesn't POUND the ball inside more...THE WHOLE GAME!!!  I don't know, may be testing that #1 baseball ranking soon.   >:( >:(
  20. This is how I saw the district race playing out early in the seson...But man, sure took a long time for the dust to settle!! ;D Congrats to Spurger, Leggett and Burkeville
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