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Posts posted by pngfan1

  1. Still waiting on activation also.

    WOS if you go to pngindians.com under traditions there is a picture of the crowd for the '99 Stephenville State Championship game. If you want to link to it or post the picture on that 5a site.

    Thanks!  I posted several of the 1999 pics... they're all imprinted with the website from which they came so I'm assuming I won't get into copyright trouble from it?

    Nah ,I don't think so. In fact your request for help has been posted on the PNG site. I would think there are several waiting on activation. I know i'm still waiting.

  2. I just took a look over there at that site. The Farmer guy looks to be getting the best of WOS87. By those pics that were put up, I would have to agree that the Carroll-Trinity game had just as much if not more than the Plano-PNG game of '77.

    BTW, I attended that PNG game in '77. I was 13 years old and remember two things about that game. One, I was amazed at the amount of people that both schools had at this game and two, how bad Texas Stadium was compared to the Dome. It really wasn't that great of a stadium.

    Texas Stadium is a wind tunnel, remember how cold the 77 state game was?

  3. Still waiting on activation also.

    WOS if you go to pngindians.com under traditions there is a picture of the crowd for the '99 Stephenville State Championship game.

    I remember that game!That was the first PNG game that I had attended and PNG had the Dome filled up to rainbow seats :o when the Indians took the field and the indian chant started it was deafening! Then There was Stephenville with their propane tanks and ball bearings!! they didn't have near the crowd but the noise they created was equally loud!

    I remember the propane tanks also. I can't imagine sitting by them without hearing protection. It definitely was loud.

  4. PNG had a running back running some plays on varsity in spring practice who is going to be I believe a sophmore next year. He runs like hemmings and looked thick. Don't know his name, but he reminded me of Hemmings, but with alittle more quickness ! Anyone from PNG know who it is ? I heard he was the back for the Freshman team last year.

    I believe your referring to Chase Bertrand. He will be a good one in the future.

  5. I certainly wouldn't bet against WOS but Nederland will be ready to play, Nederland will have to find a way to deal with WOS's speed. I'd sure like to see WOS keep the series going with Ned the next few years and add PNG back to the schedule, there's no reason these two shouldn't be playing.

    Hopefully we will get back on their schedule. Even though we always struggled with that one(just like a lot of folks), there was some good games.

  6. That's another thing, I've heard the guy didn't call the plays in Odessa... can anybody confirm that?  A guy from PNG told me this, so just lookin to corroborate?

    Nah. Wishful thinking.I know a good source from Odessa that hated to see him go, and is very hopeful he will return one day as Head Coach.This person said basically the same thing that one of the assistant coaches at PNG (ONE OF THEM THAT GOT INVITED TO STAY) said. That is that Coach Faircloth is one of the the most intelligent people football minded and just in general that he ever met.This coach said that some staying wasn't sure what to expect because of Coach Faircloth's young age but after the first conversation realized he was way above anyone he had ever met IQ and intellect wise.

                                                                                                                                                              It shouldn't matter who was calling the plays, if your defensive coaches went to any clinic. ;) Kinda funny isn't it? You go from "anyone whose been to a clinic will understand" to "he wasn't calling the plays". Hmmmm it's getting pretty obvious.

  7. Here is a post that one of the permian fans(mojofan) posted on the PNG site:

    Thanks guys.  Faircloth is very meticulous and spends inordinate amounts of time game planning.  You will be the most and best prepared team in your district each week.  He is a master at in game adjustments.  Sometimes you will wonder what he's doing and then BAM, you'll find he's just set up the other guys and left you drop jawed along with the guys on the other side.  You'll see dozens and dozens of formations when the kids learn them all.  Every play in the playbook can be run from any of the formations making scouting by your future opponents difficult at best.  The formations he uses one week may not be used at all the following week.  He is a master at taking what a defense give him and exploiting their weaknesses.  He'll run it down their throats if they give him that or he may pass 50 times in a game if they give him that.  We were always VERY balanced.  The offense made the last three QB's at Permian school record setters along with providing us the 1st 2000+ yard back in a long time.  It's a no huddle most of the time, with the signals given to the QB from the sideline.  That alone gives you several more plays per game.  More kids get to play because there are personnel packages for each formation and several are used during the game.  You guys are gonna like this a bunch, but your opponents won't like it at all.

  8. Obviously PNG and Nederland have great traditions and fan bases.  My hats off to you.  Lumberton may not have the numbers PNG and Big Ned have because their schools have and always have had a heckuva lot more students.  But I'll bet you practically the whole Lumberton town shows up wherever the Raiders play!  The tradition is definitely starting for L-Town.

    I believe things are changing in the right direction in Lumberton. Lumberton is growing faster than any other school in our district. A couple more hurricanes and Lumberton may be 5A.A lot of people are going there because of the hurricanes.Seriously, it is good to see the support in Lumberton.

  9. I must be confused, I thought Lumberton beat PNG last year???  I didn't realize PNG was the better team, sorry.

    I think he was saying Lumberton struggled to beat a very weak PNG team that finished second to last. Lumberton ended up co district champions. I believe he was using that to say the district was weak. Central and Nederland both made good playoff appearances though. I believe Lumberton is heading in the right direction and growing faster than any other school in the district.But, they haven't built the program yet that Nederland has. We haven't either, but hopefully our changes will end up positive as well. But with that being said IMHO Nederland has by far the best program in the district right now.

  10. Why will everyone in 20 4A have to do their homework to know what is coming from PNG ? The defenses in this district will be prepared for your misdirection plays. Livingston , LCM , and Vidor already run misdirection based offenses. You will not be prepared for any more than those teams I mentioned. If anything you are now @ more a disadvantage than before because their are more teams running misdirection offenses such as wing T and slot T in this district than any other offense. Therefore defenses are practicing  more for this type of offense than any other. So don't come on here and try to act like PNG is cutting edge and highly inventive( ahead of the curve ). PNG is just following other teams in the district and trying to do whatever it takes to win again. You fill these boards up with propaganda.

    PNG's offense after the departure of Mike Long has been a predictable joke.Neumann commentented in the paper that he didn't even need to to scout us. The only time our offense worked somewhat was when we had the type of back(like Hemmings) that would just line up and plow over you even when you knew it was coming.You had a man that found uot that year before last, has he woke up yet? I get a kick out of watching that regularly on you tube. But seriously, we had a very predictable offense.Do a little research on Odessa Permians offense under Faircloth, and you will see he does not run the spread.

  11. We will have some unexpected surprises this year ! I would be willing to bet that PNG and Vidor stay home for the playoffs.

    L-Town has 2 winning season and the rest of the area must bow down.

    Yes, and I guess how soon we forget that they lost to us in their first successful season and had to share the district championship with us.

    But actually , nothing in the past has any thing to do with our future. I will promise we will be better prepared than we have been in at least 15 years, and I promise other teams will have to do their homework to figure out what is coming. Unlike the past. I can't guarantee how good we will be, just can guarantee it will be improved.

  12. What does everyone see from PNG that I don't?

    In all honesty Buc, there are a lot of unknowns as far as PNG. I believe it will come down to our QB and defense. What I do believe is we will have two of the top four or five recievers in the district. So far our qb has looked pretty good but next fall it will come down to his play.Right now all we have to go with is what we have seen in spring workouts and 7 on 7.We have never had any success with 7 on 7 in the past, even two years ago when we won district. So, it is encouraging to see some success from the skilled position play. We will be implementing new systems on both sides of the ball so a lot will hinge on how fast we can learn the system.

    For the record, this PNG fan can't see Vidor not in the playoffs this fall.

  13. Nederland has a nice program right now.  However, the historical information on this site says they have finished 1st once between 1996-2006.    If they were much larger than their competitors(think North Shore) their record would be more impressive.  That's all I'm saying.

    You will have up and down years unless you are bigger than most of your opponents.  WOS is obviously a great program. I am sure there are other exceptions across the state, as well.   But even mighty WOS had four 4th place finishes in the 5 years before they dropped to 3A.

    While size offers an advantage, it isn't everything. The program, the kids, and the coaching are what make up a good football team. Because of the structure of BISD, it's hard to put together a program and it's even harder to predict which kids each high school will get.

    And PN-G's problem was its program for all those years.

    I think if Stump could conrtol his feeder school coaches and players, they would be vying for state titles instead of district runners up each year! Stump does a great job with what he has, but I think WB will continue to struggle beyond Bi-district because of some of the restrictions of the BISD. Just an opinion.

    The Beaumont coaches have a struggle no matter what. I honestly believe that Central's run at the playoffs last year was a lucky streak, and what I mean by that is that they had the right combination of players and coaching, but such a combination is rare in a district like BISD. The fact that they had that combination last year was a stroke of good luck, a rare one at that. Every now and then, Ozen, Central, and Westbrook will have one or two consecutive playoff runs, but, because of the structure of the district, won't be able to sustain long term results.

    You need a tiny big of  luck along the way for any kind of state or long playoff run.  This goes for all teams in all classifications that  have deep runs.  I'm not buying most of what you're saying.  Especially about your 'lucky streak' comment. 

    I suppose I should be more clear. It's not that Central got to the playoffs and made that run on luck alone. It had the two of the big three components: kids and coaching. It was lacking in the program sector, which is understandable because of BISD's structure. When you've only got two of the three needed components, you'll have some success, but it'll be hard to sustain that success from year to year. Central won't be able to sustain its success over the years without a program, and you can't really build a program in a district like BISD. It'll have some spurts here and there, but no solid, sustained success. The same goes for Ozen and Westbrook.

    BISD's structure.  Success here and there.  Spurts.  I think you have listen to some older guys (who knows nothing) to come up with this.  If Central or any BISD school is a hit an miss deal, then what the heck is PN-G?  They appear to be the same way.  They had a brilliant '99 season with Long at the helm and made it to state.  Since then, what have they done playoff wise?  I remember.  They lost to the eventual state champions (Lamar Consolidated) a few years ago.  So I guess it's safe to question PN-G's 'structure' and say that they are less than a hit and miss and only do good in 'spurts'. 

    PN-G's problem was its program. Much like Central, Ozen, and Westbrook, PN-G had a good coaching staff and good kids, but a bad program. Much like Central, Ozen, and Westbrook, the combination of the first two components provided for some spurts (which depended more on the kids our team had from year to year than anything else, just like Ozen, Westbrook, and Central), but the lack of the third component made sustained success (meaning success for more than two consecutive seasons) virtually impossible.

    The difference here is that PN-G has more potential for a program because, unlike Central, Ozen, and Westbrook, the coaches at PN-G know exactly who is coming up the ranks and their strengths and weaknesses as far out as 2-5 years before those players are on the varsity team, not counting any work that is done in football prior to the athlete's 7th grade year. That one difference is what makes us better-suited to create a program, which is what Coach Faircloth and his team are doing.

    Central, Ozen, and Westbrook coaches have virtually no idea who they will be putting on varsity until the freshman year of the potential varsity player. This fact is what makes building a football program (or a program for any sport, for that matter) in BISD much more difficult than building a program in a district where each child's high school is picked the day said child enters kindergarten, such as PN-G or Nederland.

    It's not that creating a program is impossible, but rather that it is easier to do and has a better chance of success in a single-high school district than in a district where there are multiple high schools and each child doesn't know what high school said child will be attending until the end of said child's eighth grade year.

    Your argument would be a lot better if you used a team that consistently wins (unlike PNG). What has PNG done any better than the three Beaumont schools?

    The only team that has been consistent in 20-4A is Nederland.They haven't won the district consistently but have have by far been the most consistent as far as playoff appearances.The only year I remember them not making the playoffs in the past ten years was the year before last when we shared the district title with Lumberton.Neumann has got them in the playoffs even when they were not as talented.

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