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Posts posted by pngfan1

  1. Because we made it 4 rounds deep.  Returning starters?  It does not matter since we changed our starting lineup all the time.  You know, injuries and changing players depending on who we plan.    

    I think some of you PN-G fans feel like you can't be touched by anyone since only since you have a coach from Permian.  

    What does 4 rounds deep last year mean? In 1999 PNG played in the State Finals and did not make the playoffs the next year. For the record though I do believe that Central will be in the hunt.

  2. Sounds like 194A will be tougher this year than in the past. It will make for some good Bi District games. Although we get to play Crosby and Barbers Hill the first two weeks of the season. We were fortunate enough to squeak out of both of those with wins which were few and far in between last season. Hopefully you will see a much improved PNG this season.

  3. so why is LCM last?

    You think Ozen is the only team they can beat?

    A simple suggestion...Drop the BOJO crap and people will take you more serious. That was a horrible rip off idea from a horrible coach and is seen as down right laughable by the folks on this board and around the GT. You guys have a new coach with a new attitude and should be moving forward in the future.

    A new coach who tore down all the bojo crap...what i don't understand is why everyone is taking PNG seriously what do they have that would hint anything better than last year, unlike LCM.  

    You just have to realize that this site is ran by PNG grads. PNG fans get on this site and try to build their teams confidence with optimism. There is nothing wrong with that , but don't believe the hype.       


                                                   Good luck to both BOJO & PNGOJO !

    Who in charge is a PNG grad? I believe the administrator of this site is a proud WOS grad.

    Wrong he is a Jasper Grad

    Isn't coop a Mustang?

  4. so why is LCM last?

    You think Ozen is the only team they can beat?

    A simple suggestion...Drop the BOJO crap and people will take you more serious. That was a horrible rip off idea from a horrible coach and is seen as down right laughable by the folks on this board and around the GT. You guys have a new coach with a new attitude and should be moving forward in the future.

    A new coach who tore down all the bojo crap...what i don't understand is why everyone is taking PNG seriously what do they have that would hint anything better than last year, unlike LCM.  

    You just have to realize that this site is ran by PNG grads. PNG fans get on this site and try to build their teams confidence with optimism. There is nothing wrong with that , but don't believe the hype.       


                                                   Good luck to both BOJO & PNGOJO !

    Who in charge is a PNG grad? I believe the administrator of this site is a proud WOS grad.

  5. I know it is only 7 on 7 but it is encouraging considering a lot of folks on the board(FROM OTHER SCHOOLS) think PNG's problem wasn't coaching, it was that we were slow and had no talent. It looks like we did a pretty good job of throwing and catching the ball, then beating the other guy to the end zone.

    Fall is not that far away, can't wait.

  6. With what i saw Yesturday..Centrals Defense will Not be giveing up much Points this year..

    I waz Very Worried at the start of The Spring..Buh all those Doubts Have Left with The Performance I seen..If they Can just Learn To Control Their anger n emotions..Theres no excueses why they shudent Be one of the Baddest Defenses in the State

    I agree, but controlling emotions will be the key.

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