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Posts posted by pngfan1

  1. For every 100k worth of house you have if you live in Nederland, the bond will cost you $490 in taxes. I think it will be a hard sell.

    The cost of a Big Gulp per day... just need to have your priorities in order, I'm sold.  Especially based on what we're getting.

    Nothing wrong with a bond to better you school district. Just do your homework and do it right the first time. Sometimes it best to sit back and learn from someones else's mistakes so you can get it right on the first go round. I am happy with our improvements done and being done. Its just that you know the saying, hind sight is 20/20. On any project you can always look back and see where you could have done it better. Best of luck if it is what ya'll vote to do.

    Now back to the original topic, how is the spring training?

  2. ...and 66, you are right in that respect, they have to prove themselves, thus the reason for Neumann wanting to get an early look...I believe that in 2009, Nederland will be relying on young talent more than the have in quite some time...we do not know how early success translates into Friday nights, but the past history of these kids indicates the have the ability to be successful...CO Wilson Middle School has not lost a game in 3 years and that includes against your "talented" Indian groups...will this translate into victories on Friday nights?  maybe and maybe not, but tiem will tell.

    my point is, Nederland is NOT having spring practice because PNG is...he is having spring practice because he has a higher voume of young talent than he has had in some time and he wants to evaluate it for himself before they get to August.

    PNG's Freshman beat Nederland last year.So the group from undefeated C.O. from two years ago lost as Freshman.PNG's Freshman from two years ago won also, so what. It doesn't mean anything for Friday night, except some "talent" is coming up on both sides. For me to sit here and say because we got a new coach we will automatically start dominating would be crazy.What I will say is that in the past when the two were fairly evenly matched(talent wise), Nederland won on coaching. Neumann is a great coach and built a good program. But, he will have to actually do his homework against from now on. Win or lose it won't come for free, for Spell.

    I look forward to some good matchups in the future. Nederland will continue to be a great program.I  just think we will become more consistent. By that I mean year in and year out, not just when we have the right kids to overpower and outmatch as we did in the FEW successful years of the past 7 or 8.

  3. Depends on the offense.Teams that run the spread or throw the ball I like 7 on 7.For running or ball control power teams 7 on 7 doesn't mean as much.When we had Dustin Long, the Coburn twins,Joey Price 7 on 7 was priceless. But after the turn of the century when we had a power running attack with Josh Cook, Jake Hemmings, 7 on 7 didn't accomplish much for us. However you can do both as bellison1 has said, which is not a bad idea for anyone.

  4. I have to say that us PNG fans should be very carfeful in our predictions for next season. Way too many unknowns at this point. The only thing we know now is that the preparation for the oppossing defense will be much more difficult than in the past and this we like, but to assume right off the bat that it will result in big wins over quality teams like Nederland, Central or Lumberton (never thought I would use "Quality Team" and Lumberton together  ;D) would be a mistake right now. We have many reasons to be optimistic with the changes made thus far, but lets not get too far ahead.

    If I missed it, when will Nederland play the Spring game?

    Very true, good post.

    Another thing is anyone who does a little research on Coach Faircloth's offense will find out it is one of the toughest to scout and prepare for. It is a very versatile offense. The question is how long it will take to learn. But as of right now we have to be considered the underdog in MCM. Nederland has one of the top area qb's coming back.We are the ones that have to prove ourselves.Can't wait, it should return to being a good one for years to come. Both sides have some good talent coming.

  5. Me and my money... I want to see if the polish and shine that has ascended on PNG is enough to overcome the friggin utter domination Neumann has had over PNG.  What's gone on over the past decade has more to do with the mentality of the kids than anything else... Nederland EXPECTS to beat you.  We can talk about what will happen at length, but I know where my money is.  Neumann has ALWAYS been able to take whatever the situation is and turn it into his advantage for motivation.  Don't think for a second that PNG is outworking Nederland this offseason because they have a young energetic coach... ain't happenin with this guy at the helm in Nederland.  At some point, the hype will meet reality and helmets will collide... that's what I'm lookin forward to.  Will definitely be more electric at MCM this year... if that's possible.  Gonna be lots of fun.

    Most of the time not always Penny. Year before last not. Just about 65 to 75 percent, which is not even close to acceptable that is why Burnett and his free not having to scout week are over.The only time Burnett outcoached Neumann(and it did happen two years in a row) was when we had Dustin Long. Neumann was so determined to stop Long that Bo Wortham ate them up bad. But other than those two years Neumann has owned Burnett no doubt. He may win( and I don't think he will) but he will have to do his homework like he never has had to before.Like I said the days of using last years scouting report are way over.

  6. PN-G and WO-S both teams have had some super games over the years

    I agree.  This would be a really good game.  Would have to play at The Reservation because of all the fans that would be there  ;D!

    i dont really think it would be a good game maybe when yall get back to the way png football used to be it would be a good game

    I second that

    We were 3-6 last year. It would have been ugly to have played WOS. But what is meant by "used to be",year before last we won district. We will be much improved this year.

    But back to the original topic I like the WOS - WB match up.

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